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Minutes of the meeting held on Wednesday Sept 13th 2023 at 7.00pm in the Willoughby Gallery, Corby Glen.
Present: Cllrs Lamming (Chair), Walsingham, Harwood & Harty (part time).
In attendance: Cllr Robins, 1 resident, Mrs. S. Woodman (Parish Clerk).
Open Forum:
The chairman notified the council that Cllr Clink has resigned because of pressure of work. Clerk to notify SKDC.
The resident reported an issue with a tree on Tanners Lane and a nearby dyke. His attempts to resolve the latter with LCC had not met with success. He reported that the light in the phone box is not working and expressed concern about the cost to the Parish Council of the village web site.
Cllr Walsingham expressed concern regarding dogs being let off leads on (agricultural) footpaths leading to pets being chased and hurt / gardens entered by dogs, and dog poo on the paths and verges in the village themselves. Residents to be reminded via The Link and the village web site.
Cllr Robins reported changes to the ownership and management of the March Hare café.
Cllr Robins suggested that the council needed a process for applying for the S106 funds when they become available. It was suggested that all applications be made via the Parish Council to ensure consistency. To be added to the agenda for the next meeting.
- Apologies for absence: Cllrs Clink, Cook, Ellam, Evans & Shepperson. Reasons given and accepted.
- District and County Councillors’ Reports: SKDC are running a Community Funding Workshop on Thursday Sept 21st 2023 6.00pm – 8.00pm at Stamford Corn Exchange. He hoped Cllrs would be free to attend. Clerk to notify all Cllrs.
District councils receive government money from DWP to distribute to vulnerable people as Household Support Fund. However, they have difficulty identifying appropriate recipients. Cllr Robins to provide Mrs Woodman with information for The Link & the Village Web Site.
The Bythams’s Spinney Playpark is in need of refurbishment at an estimated cost of £100,000. They are fundraising for this and publicity is needed.
Cllr Robins apologised for his poor response to Cllr Ellam’s queries concerning developers failing to fulfil their obligations. The new administration at SKDC appears to be having difficulties in organisation and action, and communications are now problematic. Cllr Robins has reminded the officers frequently and a meeting to discuss the issues has now been arranged.
The ‘For Sale’ sign on The Green is broken again. Although the council has never given permission for the erection of this sign and has repeatedly asked for its removal, it needs to ensure it does not incur any liability for a resulting accident. Clerk to contact estate agent.
It was reported that a resident of the Barleycroft is repeatedly parking on the footpath and undertaking car maintenance, leaving oil / grease on the footpath.
- The minutes of the meeting of the Council held on Wednesday July 14th 2023 were approved by a majority (2 for, 1 abstention). and the minutes of the EGM held on Wed 19th July 2023 were approved unanimously.
- Councillors’ Declarations of Interest:
- Review of Action Log:
LCC Highways had explained that the surface dressing of eg St John’s Drive was preventative maintenance. Clerk to request a walkabout with Rowan Smith of LCC Highways
The clerk had received payment from the Sheep Fair Committee for their half share of the web hosting.
A litter bin has been purchased for Coronation Road and installed by residents, who have also agreed to empty it. Cllrs wondered if the bin is too high for children to reach?
- Clerk’s & Chairman’s reports on matters outstanding:
75/20 Superfast Broadband: Although some residents have experienced difficulties, Cllr Cook had reported that more had had a good experience. However, he had declined to encourage residents to redeem their vouchers until Openreach can confirm that they have made the network available to all providers.
12/22 Consider state of benches, bins, phone box, noticeboards & options to fix:
Benches: The Clerk had purchased 2 benches as agreed at the last meeting and Cllr Ellam has installed. Cllr Walsingham is concerned that the old metal brackets for the bench near the war memorial could pose a hazard. Clerk to ask Cllr Ellam to examine.
It was considered that records should be kept of benches & trees erected / planted as a memorial. This information could be added to the Asset List in the case of benches. Some have been placed independently of the Parish Council. The adoption of these could be considered if it were requested. To be discussed further at the next meeting.
The state of the bench at the bottom of Coronation Road was mentioned– under a tree so subject to bird poo.
57/22 Community Congress: A Freedom of Information request had been received during the summer break. Most of the information requested was already in the public domain, and the requester had been pointed to where the information was located.
One of the points at issue was the funding of the Community Congress sponsored activities. This had been discussed at council meetings on several occasions but not minuted. Cllr Lamming therefore asked the council, for the avoidance of doubt, whether they agreed that she could authorise the spending of funds for eg 3 months room rental, without the need to wait for a council meeting and so avoid interrupting the momentum of an initiative. This was agreed unanimously.
The clerk was asked to write to Allison Homes explaining how their generous donation had been spent and the benefit which the village had obtained.
52/23 CSW – Purchase of equipment: Colsterworth had loaned their Speed Watch equipment but had recently asked for its return. The equipment consists primarily of signage and a speed ‘gun’. The council had originally expected to purchase its own equipment before the loan from Colsterworth was offered. Cllr Lamming had investigated costs and believed a budget of £400 would be adequate. This was approved unanimously.
Cllr Lamming reported that a new site on Swinstead Road had been approved, and a further site near the Fire Station on Bourne Road was awaiting approval. The new site to be publicised in The Link and village web site.
09/16 Neighbourhood Planning: Progressing. Cllr Robins believes that the plan is close to approval, with the possibility of a referendum in January / February 2024.
- Matters to be resolved:
03/23 Village web site & councillors’ email addresses; flyer: Some Cllrs are still experiencing issues with their .corbyglen email addresses. They were asked to discuss with Mr Sanderson.
28/23 War Memorial, replacement of missing letters: The clerk had obtained 2 quotes:
Replace Missing Letters: Hurst £570 + VAT; Drapers: £225 including VAT.
Drapers had also quoted for replacing the missing letters and re-enamelling all the other letters: £645.00 including VAT; and replacing the missing letters, re-enamelling the existing letters and cleaning the whole memorial: £795.00 including VAT.
Councillors queried whether a grant might be available from SKDC? Cllr Robins to determine. If so, they were inclined to accept the second quote; if not, then simply replace the missing letters. It was unclear whether the work could be done before Remembrance Day, or whether the missing letters could be pained in black as a temporary measure. Is this an on-going problem?
23/23 Repair of New Row retaining wall: To be added to the S106 list.
51/23 Trees – new / maintenance: The council has been offered 2 saplings from the historic ‘Kett’s Oak’ in Norfolk. Members discussed possible locations. Cllrs felt that they would like to accept the offer. All Cllrs to consider locations and discuss further at next meeting.
Planted trees need watering in dry weather. Volunteers to be sought to look after trees.
- Reports from:
Planning: to consider planning applications received prior to & after publication of the agenda:
S23/1073 25 The Green, Muller Property – Demolition of 25 The Green; erection of 10 detached houses:Permission has been refused. Cllr Robins considers it unlikely that the applicant will appeal. However, they may re-apply in a few years, as has happened in the past.
Greens Working Group:
07/21 Playground Equipment Maintenance / 45/23 Playground Inspection – August
Cllr Ellam had already fixed the picnic bench and undertaken a significant amount of maintenance prior to the visit of the inspector, who commended him for this. The Council expressed its thanks to Cllr Ellam for all his hard work.
Cllrs Ellam & Harwood had accompanied the inspector. Cllr Ellam had provided a summary. The broken seat on the rocking horse (Cllr Harwood has a spare – to provide to Cllr Ellam) and the Toddler Tower were of greatest concern.
Cllr Harty reported an issue with a child’s leg slipping between the slats of the ‘bridge’ on the toddler tower, which have slipped, thus extending the gap between them. It is hoped that Mr Walsingham Snr can undertake the work – Cllr Harwood to contact. If the situation cannot be resolved with 1 week, the equipment needs to be taken out of action.
A lot of painting is needed as a matter of urgency.
Cllr Robins suggested that some of the S106 money should be set aside for ongoing maintenance.
- Payments and Accounts
(i) Bank balances – monthly update approved unanimously as set out below.
(ii) Invoices for payment – Councillors resolved unanimously to approve payments as set out in schedule below.
(iii) Correction to April’s Account Summary: The clerk reported that the VAT refund of £512.31 and a refund from the Defibrillator order of £30 received in March 2023 had been omitted from the April accounts summary in error.
Opening Bank balance from 1st July 2023 |
£22,409.21 |
Income received on bank statement: |
Invoices cleared on bank statement: |
Closing Bank Balance 31st August 2023 |
£18,373.59 |
Payments to be authorised/cleared: |
Estimated remaining NatWest bank balance |
£17,123.80 |
Community Support Fund (Allison Homes) |
Phone Box Area Fund (NISA) |
- Matters to be further discussed at this meeting:
19/22 Use of S106 funds from DWH development – including village gates / speed devices: Cllrs Ellam & Evans progressing?
56/22 Emergency Planning: Not discussed.
14/23 Town & Parish Community Fund: SKDC – see District Cllr’s report. Clerk to notify all Cllrs of workshop on Sept 21st.
17/23 Refurbishment of Market Place: Electricity: It was noted that consultation with affected residents would be needed – could this be combined with the Neighbourhood Plan referendum? Cost of installing electricity to be included in the SKDC funding request.
29/23 Leaflet with useful contacts (Anglian Water, Electric board etc.) & map of village with street names: Cllr Shepperson obtaining quotes?
31/23 Consider the purchase of a PA system for the Parish Council: Cllr Lamming has a PA system, but it may / may not be suitable. Clerk to establish if the Church can use of the PA system it used for the fete for the Remembrance Day service on The Green. Clerk to add Remembrance Day arrangements to the agenda for October.
37/23 Funding for current work streams: See 14/23
38/23 Issues associated with the new housing estates and how to minimise any disruption: See District Cllr’s report.
48/23 Clerk’s appraisal: Scheduled for Wednesday October 4th at 6.00pm. Cllrs Lamming & Walsingham to undertake.
49/23 Contact with Irnham Community Entertainment and potential signage: Clerk had informed Mr Lucking that the land he was proposing to erect the signage on belonged to LCC & not the council. Signage has been put up and removed. No further action.
50/23 Request for support re Rutland TT: Discussed. No action
53/23 Christmas Tree – Risk Assessment & procurement: Clerk to contact Cllr Cook to determine issues / actions and request him to contact Mr T Kiely. Cllr Robins will arrange for the Christmas Tree Lights to be tested.
54/23 Identification of ‘at risk’ residents – cf recent water issues: As a result of the recent water problems, it had become clear that the water company was unable to identify the vulnerable residents who needed to be supplied with water. Cllr Lamming believes that the Parish Council should be pro-active in ensuring that vulnerable residents are recognised during emergency situations.
Clerk to contact Anglian Water & Western Power and asking for their criteria to determine ‘vulnerability’. The council will then identify such residents and ensure the utilities are notified.
- Next meeting:
The next regular meeting will take place on Wed 114h October 2023 at 7.00pm in the Willoughby Gallery, Corby Glen.
Meeting closed at 8.42pm. Mrs. Sue Woodman – Parish Clerk
Action Log 13th September 2023
Ref |
Action |
Responsibility |
Date by |
O/F |
Flag schedule: Send flag schedule to Cllrs Harwood & Ellam |
Cllr Cook |
12/9/23 |
O/F |
Dog walkers: Remind residents re dogs on leads & dog poo (free bags) via Link & web site |
Mrs Woodman |
11/10/23 |
O/F |
Process for application for S106 Funds: Add to October agenda |
Clerk |
11/10/23 |
O/F |
For Sale sign on The Green: Contact Estate agent re liability |
Clerk |
asap |
O/F |
Parking / car maintenance on the footpath: To be added to the October agenda. |
Clerk |
11/10/23 |
O/F |
Highways: Arrange walkabout with Rowan Smith |
Clerk |
11/10/23 |
DC Rep |
Household Support Fund: Provide Mrs Woodman with information for The Link & the Village Web Site |
Cllr Robins |
asap |
07/21 |
Playground Equipment Maintenance Contact Mr Walsingham Snr & arrange immediate repair of slats on toddler tower or put out of commission. Locate spare paint and take to Cllr Harwood’s house for storage. Thank Cllr Ellam for his work |
Cllrs Ellam & Harwood Cllr Harwood Cllrs Lamming / Walsingham Clerk |
23/09/23 11/10/23 11/10/23 |
12/22 |
Phone box Area: |
19/22 |
Use of S106 funds: |
Cllr Shepperson |
57/22 |
Community Congress: Investigate additional funding Write to Allison Homes explaining how their donation has been spent. |
Cllr Lamming Clerk |
12/9/23 11/10/23 |
43/22 |
Lights not working between Barleycroft Road and Pridmore: |
14/23 |
Community Funding Workshop Sept 21: Notify all Cllrs |
Clerk |
asap |
23/23 |
New Row retaining wall: Add to the S106 list |
Clerk |
11/10/23 |
28/23 |
War Memorial, letters missing: Check if grant available. |
Cllr Robins |
11/10/23 |
29/23 |
Leaflet with map of village with street names: |
31/23 |
Consider the purchase of a PA system for the Parish Council: Add Remembrance Day arrangements to the agenda for October. |
Clerk |
11/10/23 |
38/23 |
Issues associated with the new housing estates and how to minimise any disruption: Obtain response from SKDC |
Cllr Robins |
11/10/23 |
51/23 |
Trees – new / maintenance: All Cllrs to consider locations for 2 oak saplings. |
all |
11/10/23 |
52/23 |
CSW – Purchase of equipment: Purchase CSW equipment – budget £400. |
Cllr Lamming |
11/10/23 |
53/23 |
Christmas Tree – Risk Assessment & procurement: Contact Cllr Cook to determine issues / actions and request him to contact Mr T Kiely. Arrange for the Christmas Tree Lights to be tested. |
Clerk Cllr Robins |
11/10/23 11/10/23 |
54/23 |
Identification of ‘at risk’ residents: Contact Anglian Water & Western Power to establish ‘Vulnerability’ criteria |
Clerk |
11/10/23 |