The referendum on the Corby Glen Neighbourhood Plan took place on Thursday, January 18th 2024 and 92.5% of those who voted were in favour of the Plan.

The Corby Glen Neighbourhood Plan was considered at SKDC’s Full Council meeting on 29th February 2024 and it was concluded that all the necessary conditions for making the Plan part of the Statutory Development Plan for South Kesteven had been met.

The final “Made” version of the Neighbourhood Plan can be viewed from the following link:

Corby Glen Neighbourhood Plan

The supporting background documents are available from the following links:

Evidence base document

Key Views document

Non-designated assets, Open and Green Spaces document

Decision notice

Further information is available on SKDC’s website:

We would like to acknowledge the support of all the residents who, in various ways, contributed to the successful completion of our Neighbourhood Plan and thereby helped shape the future development of our village.

Corby Glen Neighbourhood Plan Steering Committee and Parish Council, March 2024


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