We manage Lincolnshire’s public rights of way network and as such, have an Improvement Plan.
There have been many changes since our last plan and different people who use the network have different needs. Both of which mean we need to update our understanding. We’ll refresh the current plan in 2025 so we’d like to know what you believe the network and its users need.
Our aim isn’t to gather feedback from everyone at this stage or details about the state of specific routes. What representative bodies like you tell us, however, will help set strategic and aspirational priorities in a draft plan for the next 10 years. We’ll ask the public and other stakeholders about the draft plan once it’s developed.
This survey is on Let’s talk Lincolnshire and takes around five minutes to complete. Before taking the survey, please review the previous plan (in the important links section).
If you have any questions, please contact Andrew Fletcher countryside_access@lincolnshire.gov.uk
Kind regards
Samantha Hardy
Senior Engagement Officer
Lincolnshire County Council,
Room 42
County Offices,
Lincoln LN1 1YL
Email: samantha.hardy@lincolnshire.gov.uk
Mobile: 07717 652113