Parish Council Minutes|


Draft Minutes of the meeting held on Wednesday Sept 8th 2021 at 7.30pm in the Willoughby Gallery, Corby Glen.

Present: Cllrs Lamming (Chair), Clink, Collins, Cook, Evans, Fox, Hargreaves, Muir, & Walsingham

In attendance: Mrs. S. Woodman (Parish Clerk) 2 residents, 2 members of the public, Cllr Robins.

Open Forum:

A member of the public stated that they are planning to tidy the land in the centre of Musson’s Close and install fencing, water, and a dropped kerb to facilitate grazing horses. It was noted that the drop the kerb currently has no planning permission although is being applied for to.

SKDC had rejected the name Honeywood Close for the smaller road on the Larkfleet development; instead Bish Close has been proposed. Orchard Way (instead of ‘Road’) is proposed for the long road. Both are acceptable. Clerk to communicate this to SKDC.

A resident expressed his pleasure that the beacon will form part of the Jubilee Celebrations next year. There is a proposed committee for the event after sheep fair.

A resident had queried some items in the minutes and the requested details of 2 agenda items. The chairman deemed the agenda items were sufficiently clear, and more detail would be forthcoming when the items were discussed at the meeting.

The owner of the March Hare explained how vital the sign close to the A151 is her business. An anonymous objection to it had been received by LCC. She asked for the Council’s support in retaining the sign in a similar location to advertise her business

A councillor had been asked by a resident to make the Council aware of the presence of a potentially dangerous dog in the village.

A councillor had been asked to report continuing low level anti-social behaviour in the village – the absence of facilities suitable for the age group is considered to be a contributory factor. The Clerk was requested to invite the PCSO to the next meeting.

The Ron Dawson Hall Committee is proposing an A6 leaflet drop in the village. A member of the Hall committee offered the use the back of the leaflet for other communication.

  1. Apologies for absence: None.
  2. District and County Councillors’ Reports: None.
  3. The minutes of the meeting of the Council held on Wednesday July 14th 2021 were approved unanimously and signed by the chairman as an accurate record.
  • Councillors’ Declarations of Interest: None.
  • Review of Action Log:

Greens Working Group: There is now space round the silver birch trees on St John’s to prevent damage from mowing / strimming.

Basal Growth round lime tree: Removed by Cllrs Walsingham & Lamming. Clerk to contact John Wilcockson re possible preventative measures.

  • Clerk’s & Chairman’s reports on matters outstanding:

75/20 Superfast Broadband: The full quota of signatures had been received. The application has been confirmed and submitted however approval is taking 6-8 weeks. It is pleasing that because so many signatures had been obtained, the application will receive a certain amount of priority. Cllr Cook and Marcus Sanderson were thanked for their efforts.

84/20 Laxton’s Lane – Traffic Restriction Order: Still in progress.

24/21 Sale of Musson’s Close Land (Asset of Community Value): Still under review by residents.

25/21 Fighting Cocks – Asset of Community Value: No further communications. Cllr Clink will chase CAMRA.

55/20 Speeding in the village: The application for a Community Speed Watch license has been accepted; and 6 notices received. It was suggested that the volunteers might assist with fixing the notices. An official survey of notice & monitoring locations is now to be arranged, and volunteers put forward for training.

Castle Bytham have requested to partner Corby Glen also. Cllr Collins will liaise with them and Colsterworth.

42/21 Missing fence on Pridmore / Barleycroft path: Apparently removed by LCC’s public Rights of Way Officer, who also replaced styles / and altered gates. They do not require consultation to do this. The Council considered listing items within the village which may have no monitory value but are nevertheless valued by the community to reduce the possibility of their future inadvertent removal.

Cllrs Walsingham & Clink will consider whether such items should be incorporated into the Neighbourhood Plan.

09/16 Neighbourhood Planning: The grant has been received and is held in the Council’s bank account. The fund will continue to be monitored and reported separately. The group met on August 19th – the meeting was well attended. The consultant reports good progress is being made towards a referendum in Spring 2022. A graduate student is assisting. The timetable is to be emailed to the Clerk.

A public consultation has been arranged for Friday / Saturday September 18 / 19 in the Church Street Rooms. The consultant will attend on the Saturday. The format will be scheduled talks and open forum. Information about other village facilities could be made available at the same time eg the Local History Society; details of the Council’s roles and responsibilities.

  • Matters to be resolved: None
  • Reports from: 

Planning: to consider planning applications received prior to & after publication of the agenda:

S21/1633 Larkfleet Homes – Discharge of various conditions: No comments made

David Wilson Homes Development: Nothing further.

Greens Working Group:

Cllr Collins suggested planting more spring bulbs on the Green – date for planting to be agreed at the next meeting.

07/21 Playground Equipment Maintenance (notably the state of the seesaw):
The recent report from RoSPA Play safe had been supplied to councillors before the meeting. There are no high risk items; the clerk provided a summary of the medium risk items.

The spring-based small seesaw is now broken. Cost to replace is approx. £1,600. The clerk was asked to check if any problems had been reported in the 2020 inspection report. The item was purchased around 5 years ago from Miracle Play and is believed to carry a 10-year guarantee. The clerk was requested to contact the supplier and ask them to inspect both the broken item and both swings which are also of concern.

Some screws on the small climbing frame need tightening – Cllr Cook will check and fix.

It is understood that the recent inspection by Playsafe took no more than 10 minutes. Clerk to raise with Playsafe. It was also suggested the Wicksteed web site be consulted re inspections – especially their Parish Council section.

47/21 Notifying CGPC of issues with play equipment:
The council need to agree procedures for the public reporting issues, and actions taken / responsibilities following such a report. Clerk to check with LALC if model procedures are available to use as a basis.

  • Payments and Accounts

(i) Bank balances – monthly update approved as set out below

(ii) Invoices for payment – Councillors resolved unanimously to approve payments as set out in schedule below.

Opening Bank balance from 1st July 2021£18,638.07
Income received on bank statement Groundwork UK – Neighbourhood Plan grant  £7,279.00
Invoices cleared on bank statement
S. Woodman – clerk’s wages
S. Woodman – clerk’s expenses
HMRC – clerk’s PAYE
CDPC – Community cleaner
MCS – Grass Cutting
Cllr Cook – Union Flag
Mrs Woodman – Leaflet printing
B Walsingham – Village Pumps

S. Woodman – clerk’s wages
S. Woodman – clerk’s expenses
HMRC – clerk’s PAYE
CDPC – Community cleaner
MCS – Grass Cutting
LALC – Training
Community Speedwatch License


Closing Bank Balance 31st August 2021£23,997.19
Cheques to be authorised/cleared:
S. Woodman – clerk’s wages
S. Woodman – clerk’s expenses
HMRC – clerk’s PAYE
CDPC – Community cleaner
MCS – Grass Cutting
Clive Keble Consulting – re Neighbourhood Plan
Jon Wakerley – Printing – re Neighbourhood Plan

Estimated remaining NatWest bank balance (excluding Neighbourhood Plan Funds)£21,440.13
Neighbourhood Plan Costs
Costs to date
Grant remaining:

  1. Matters to be further discussed at this meeting:

32/21 Consider the need for a Parish Council representative on GP practices’ patient boards:
No further action.

33/21 & 37/21 Consider leaving grass in some green areas un-mowed to encourage wildlife: Maps provided do not show clearly who has responsibility for which areas of grass. Clearer maps to be found. Clerk to email Cllr Cook maps relating to the Council’s grass cutting contract.

It is important that the community is comfortable with the areas left wild and understands the reasons. In due course a pilot scheme should be considered.

Cllr Robins informed the meeting of the cost to SKDC of cutting the areas which it now covers. It is hoped that if the Council were to take over responsibility for these areas, these funds could be transferred to the Council. Cllr Robins to confirm the areas covered and the possibility of funds transferring.

38/21 Condition of Laxton’s Lane: Cllr Lamming will discuss further with Rowan Smith.

40/21 Impact of children playing football at the park: No further action needed.

34/21 Councillor visibility on local social media: See 44/21.

41/21 Ongoing maintenance of the social housing at Coronation Road: Cllr Collins reported that she understands that SKDC are proposing to install a different type of heating system in each of the 3 houses. It appears that none of the houses has cavity wall insulation. Cllr Robins has been aware of this and SKDC are looking into remedying the situation. He also noted that residents should be re-imbursed for any unused solid fuel left over when the new heating systems are installed. Situation to be monitored.

44/21 Consider re-design of village web site: It is recognised that the village web site is old fashioned and hard to maintain. Further that it would be advantageous for the Parish Council section to be distinct from the Village section. However, Council funds do not allow significant expenditure on re-design / re-writing by external consultants to improve the look and ease of maintenance.

Cllr Cook will discuss options with a knowledgeable friend; Cllr Fox to give the matter further consideration.

To be discussed further at the next meeting.

45/21 Planting / Replacing Trees (notably dead tree on The Green): Tree no. 5061 near the A151 is dead. Clerk to confirm with Planning whether permission is required before removal; and ask David Warden to quote for its removal when the permission issue is resolved.

As part of its bid to increase the number of trees within Lincolnshire, LCC is offering free native trees to local councils. It was agreed unanimously that the Clerk & Cllr Walsingham would discuss and agree which trees were preferred and where they could be sited, complete the request form and return to Treescape.

46/21 Queen’s Platinum Jubilee Beacons (2 June 2022): See Open Forum. It is understood that a committee will be formed after Sheep Fair to oversee all the celebrations.

48/21 March Hare Notice Board adjacent A151: Various options were discussed. The Council is keen to support local businesses but would not wish to be seen to promote one business over another. It was agreed unanimously, namely that as custodians of the land, the Council has no objection to the sign, but is unable to grant (or refuse) permission.

49/21 Barbed wire fence by the Glen: The foliage alongside the Glen has been cut back, exposing a potentially damaging barbed wire fence near the bridge. It is unclear who owns the land, but as it abuts the Green, the Parish Council believes it should remove the wire. Cllr Evans offered to remove it.

  1. Next meeting:

The next meeting will take place at 7.30pm on Wednesday 13th October 2021, venue to be determined.

Meeting closed at 9.46pm.                                                                                          Mrs. Sue Woodman – Parish Clerk

Action Log 8th September 2021

RefActionResponsibilityDate by
07/20Activate new email addresses – assistance to be provided by Cllr Fox (to be deferred until meeting in person is possible)All / Cllr Fox 
07/20Communicate councillors’ new email addresses to SKDC;
update CG web site
Cllr Fox
09/16Neighbourhood Plan: Email timetable to the Clerk.Cllrs Clink / Walsingham13/10/21
55/20;Speeding in the village:
Communicate with Colsterworth re possibility of teaming up with Castle Bytham as well as themselves
Provide Cllr Collins with Colsterworth communication details
Arrange survey of signage / monitoring locations
Put forward volunteers for training

Cllr Collins

Cllr Collins
Cllr Collins


Remind Mark Lamming to fix a rubber covering to the bottom edges of the rocking horse
Purchase spare key for litter bin
Check if problems had been reported in the 2020 inspection report
Consult Parish Council section of Wicksteed web site re inspections
Contact the Miracle and ask them to inspect both the broken item and both swings which are also of concern
Check & tighten screws on the small climbing frame

Cllr Lamming
Cllr Cook
Cllr Collins

Cllr Cook


25/21Assets of Community Value:
Chase CAMRA re Fighting Cocks
Consider whether any other ‘amenities’ in the village ought to be similarly registered.

Cllr Clink

Consider leaving grass in some green areas un-mowed to encourage wildlife / Quality of the grass cutting:
Provide better maps
Email Cllr Cook Council’s grass cutting maps
Give further consideration before the next meeting.

Cllr Clink / Walsingham


41/21Ongoing maintenance of the social housing at Coronation Road: Monitor.Cllrs Collins & Robins13/10/21
42/21Missing fence on Pridmore / Barleycroft path:
Consider whether items within the village which may have no monitory value but are nevertheless valued by the community should be incorporated into the Neighbourhood Plan.

Cllrs Clink / Walsingham

43/21Naming streets on Larkfleet development:
Inform SKDC that CGPC agree the roads named Orchard Way and Bish Close (small road).


44/21Consider re-design of village web site: Discuss options with a knowledgeable friend
Give the matter further consideration.
  Cllr Cook
Cllr Fox
45/21Planting / Replacing Trees (notably dead tree on The Green): Confirm with Planning if permission required before removal;
Ask David Warden for a quote to remove tree
Discuss and agree which of the free trees LCC is offering are preferred and where they could be sited, complete the request form and return to Treescape.

Clerk / Cllr Walsingham



47/21Notifying CGPC of issues with play equipment:
Ask LALC if they have model procedures for the public reporting issues with play equipment, and actions taken / responsibilities


49/21Barbed wire fence by the Glen: Remove barbed wire near bridgeCllr Evans13/10/21
Open ForumBasal growth on lime tree:
Contact John Wilcockson re possible preventative measures


OFInvite the PCSO to the next meetingClerk13/10/21
OFCommunicate to SKDC that Orchard Way & Bish Close are acceptable road names for the Larkfleet developmentClerkasap
n/aGreens Working Group:
Add date for bulb planting to the agenda


n/aAdd Skip to October agendaClerk01/10/21
n/aAdd digitising of the History Society’s archive to the next agendaClerk01/10/21

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