Parish Council Minutes|


Draft Minutes of the meeting held on Wednesday July 14th 2021 at 7.30pm in St John’s Church, Corby Glen.

Present: Cllrs Lamming (Chair), Clink, Collins, Evans, Muir, & Walsingham

In attendance: Mrs. S. Woodman (Parish Clerk) 1 resident, Cllr Robins.

Open Forum:

There is excessive basal growth on the lime tree at the junction of the Green and Station Road. Cllrs Lamming & Walsingham to remove on July 18th 2021.

Garden waste is again being dumped alongside the footpath by St John’s Drive.

There have been sewerage leaks on the Green opposite the beacon & from the manhole cover near the play area. It is believed that this is a result of heavy rain. The former leak has been discussed with the resident; the latter reported to Anglian Water.

1.     Apologies for absence: Cllrs Cook & Hargreaves. Reasons given and accepted.

2.     District and County Councillors’ Reports:
Cllr Robins reported on SKDC matters in general and those relevant to the village. He commented on recent Covid Statistics. There have been complaints regarding the March Hare sign on the A151. LCC are investigating. This could be moved from the private land to The Green which is owned by CGPC.

3.     The minutes of the meeting of the Council held on Wednesday June 9th 2021 and the EGM held on Monday June 28th 2021 were approved unanimously and signed by the chairman as an accurate record.

4.     Councillors’ Declarations of Interest: Cllr Lamming declared an interest in planning item S21/1213. She will leave the meeting whilst this is discussed.

5.     Review of Action Log:

07/21 Playground: The chairman thanked Cllr Cook & Mr Lamming for fitting the new ropes to the toddler clamber net, which now looks much improved. No further action to be taken regarding the seesaw until the report from the annual playground inspection in August.

Potholes: Cllr Robins had reminded Cllr Hill of the situation regarding the potholes at the end of Station Road. Yellow markings have now been painted, but it is not known what is planned. Clerk to contact Cllr Hill & Rowan Smith to establish situation.

32/21 Emergency vehicles speeding through the village: The chairman clarified that the concern was with the vehicles of emergency staff speeding, rather than with the speed of the appliance itself. This has been discussed with the Fire Chief.

6.     Clerk’s & Chairman’s reports on matters outstanding:

75/20 Superfast Broadband: As the current situation now requires more residents to ‘sign up’, Cllr Cook had included a request for more pledges on the back of the Speed Watch leaflet. Although it is known that the response is good, it was not known how many more signatures are needed.

84/20 Laxton’s Lane – Traffic Restriction Order: In progress.

24/21 Sale of Musson’s Close Land (Asset of Community Value: Cllr Clink reported that the deadline for the owner of the land to appeal the refusal decision for his latest planning application has now passed. The community has until October to decide what action is appropriate.

25/21 Fighting Cocks – Asset of Community Value: Cllr Clink reported that CAMRA are pursuing the reinstatement of ACV status for the Fighting Cocks.

55/20 Speeding in the village: Application for Community Speed Watch license in progress; siting of the notices and monitoring locations (as needed for the application) discussed. Possibly 2 extra notices to be purchased. To be finalised on the ground.

Colsterworth are happy to co-operate with the Speed Watch team in principle; thanks to the leaflet distribution, the team now numbers 11 volunteers + 6 councillors – a very positive response. The Chairman thanked everybody for their help. Cllr Collins is co-ordinating and will keep in touch regularly with the volunteers.

Other speed restricting measures, as suggested by a resident, were discussed. Clerk to thank the resident for his input. Package of speed calming measures, possibly including child silhouettes, to be further discussed at the next meeting.

09/16 Neighbourhood Planning: Progressing. Zoom meeting had been held. Consultant appointed. Application for grant successful. Acceptance is being progressed by Jon Wakerley & the clerk as funds will be deposited in the CGPC bank account.

7.     Matters to be resolved:

8.     Reports from: 

Planning: to consider planning applications received prior to & after publication of the agenda:

S21/1210 Swinstead Road Development, 25 dwellings: Concern was expressed regarding the track down the side of the development which gives onto farmland.
Of greater concern was that all roads, including the apparently ‘private’ road in front of the bungalows, should be adopted by LCC / SKDC before any building work commences. It was agreed by a majority to instruct the Clerk to convey this to SKDC (4 in favour; 2 abstentions).
S21/1213 Mrs Lamming, 18 Moreley’s Lane, tree removal: Given that the application includes the agreement to plant another tree in an alternative position, it was agreed by a majority to raise no objection (3 in favour; 2 abstentions).
S21/1315 Mr & Mrs Mangham, 11 Bourne Rd, 2nd storey roof extension: A concern was expressed regarding the effect of the extension on the privacy of neighbours, but it was expected that if they were concerned, then the neighbour/s would raise this directly with SKDC. At the vote regarding CGPC raising an objection, all abstained.
S21/1318 Mr Wass, 1 Station Road, demolish garage & build new dwelling: This is a re-application. The council discussed its response to the previous application. It was considered that 2 of the original objections regarding the suitability of the proposed property, had been addressed by the new application, but the 2 other objections regarding access / increased vehicular movements on Laxton’s Lane, still stood, and it was agreed to re-iterate these objections (5 in favour; 1 abstention).

David Wilson Homes Development: Nothing further.

Greens Working Group: The condition of hedges around the village was reported as a concern. It was requested that residents be made aware of the need to keep their hedges tidy via The Link and Next Door, subject to not disturbing nesting birds.

There is continuing concern about poor visibility because of the state of the verges on St John’s Drive / A151. Cllr Evens agreed to address this with the relevant people.

9.     Payments and Accounts

(i) Bank balances – monthly update approved as set out below

(ii) Invoices for payment – Councillors resolved unanimously to approve payments as set out in schedule below.

Opening Bank balance from 1st June 2021£19,704.23
Income received on bank statement
Invoices cleared on bank statement
S. Woodman – clerk’s wages
S. Woodman – clerk’s expenses
S. woodman – re Mrs Chambers
HMRC – clerk’s PAYE
CDPC – Community cleaner
Cllr Cook – Playground renovation materials
Additions Accounting – Annual Audit
MCS – Grass Cutting
Lincs Fieldpaths – subscription
St John’s Church – use of premises / Zoom license
Cllr Walsingham – Flags
Tayplay – Ropes for Clamber Net

Closing Bank Balance 30th June 2021£18,638.07
Cheques to be authorised/cleared:
S. Woodman – clerk’s wages
S. Woodman – clerk’s expenses
HMRC – clerk’s PAYE
CDPC – Community cleaner
MCS – Grass Cutting
Cllr Cook – Union Flag
S. Woodman – Leaflet printing

Estimated remaining NatWest bank balance(excluding Defibrillator & Play Equipment funds)£17,791.00
Defibrillator FundTotal banked to date (inc. VAT refunds):        Purchases to date (inc. VAT):Fund remaining: £2,383.80
Play Equipment FundTotal banked to date (inc. VAT refunds):        Purchases to date (inc. VAT):Fund remaining: £41,425.44
Neighbourhood Plan Costs (to be repaid on receipt of grant funding)Costs to date £504.79

10.  Matters to be further discussed at this meeting:

30/21 SKDC Best Kept Village Competition: No discussion.

31/21 Emergency Response: Cllr Collins reported that the resident/s affected have raised an official complaint.

32/21 Consider the need for a Parish Council representative on GP practices’ patient boards: It is understood that Mr Honeywood was originally a member of the patient board, but in his private capacity rather than as Chairman of CGPC. No further action.

33/21 Consider leaving grass in some green areas un-mowed to encourage wildlife: The subject of Grass Cutting around the village / responsibilities / re-wilding options etc to be discussed in depth at the next (September) meeting. It is recognised that this forms part of the Neighbourhood plan. Cllr Walsingham agreed to supply councillors with maps, and asked for councillors to give consideration before the next meeting.

37/21 Review areas of grass to be cut & by whom / standard of grass cutting – ref Pridmore Rd:
As Mr Kiely is no longer able to mow the grass round the war memorial, his friend will take over the contract for the time being, until the general review at the next meeting. Cllr Lamming to notify both parties.

See also 33/21 above

38/21 Condition of Laxton’s Lane: Cllrs Lamming & Walsingham will review on site.

40/21 Impact of children playing football at the park: A resident had expressed concern regarding the safety of children playing football on the Green near the playground in case they were to chase the football out onto the A151 and be injured by a vehicle. The council is already trying to address the speed of traffic through the village and it is hoped that this will reduce the risk of an accident.

34/21 Councillor visibility on local social media: Deferred until September meeting.

35/21 Consider the impact of suggested changes to constituency boundaries. Corby Glen will move from the Grantham constituency to Rutland & Stamford. Councillors had no comments.

36/21 Consider the need for a universal credit link on the village web site: Deferred until September meeting.

39/21 Consider adding the Neighbourhood Plan to the village web site: To be discussed at September meeting in conjunction with 34/21.

41/21 Ongoing maintenance of the social housing at Coronation Road: Cllr Collins reported that residents had been promised that work on their new windows and heating systems would start in July. When this did not happen, they were initially unable to contact SKDC to obtain information. Subsequently, they received an apology from SKDC, and a promise that the work will start in August. Councillors were concerned that the work might be deferred yet again.

It was agreed unanimously that the Clerk should email the Director of Housing (cc Cllr Robins) and seek assurance for the Parish Council that there will be no further postponement, and that the residents will not face another winter without new heating / windows being completed.

42/21 Missing fence on Pridmore / Barleycroft path: This fence appears to have been removed without consultation. Clerk requested to contact LCC and enquire the reason for the removal.

43/21 Naming streets on Larkfleet development: After some discussion and consideration of the history of the site and input received from other parties, 2 votes were taken:

·       Long road: Orchard Road; small road: Honeywood Close (5 in favour; 1 against)

·       Long road: Orchard Road; small road: Bish Close. Proposed but not seconded.

Clerk to inform SKDC that CGPC would like the roads named Orchard Road (long road) and Honeywood Close (small road).

11.  Next meeting:

The next meeting will take place at 7.30pm on Wednesday 8th September 2021, venue to be determined.

Meeting closed at 9.32pm.                                                                    Mrs. Sue Woodman – Parish Clerk

Action Log 14th July 2021

RefActionResponsibilityDate by
07/20Activate new email addresses – assistance to be provided by Cllr Fox (to be deferred until meeting in person is possible)All / Cllr Fox 
07/20Communicate councillors’ new email addresses to SKDC;
update CG web site
Cllr Fox
55/20;Speeding in the village:Complete Speed Watch License Application.Maintain communications with Speed Watch teamFinalise siting of the notices and monitoring sites (as needed for the application) on the ground.Thank resident for his input re other speed restricting measures.Keep speed calming measures on the agenda for the next meeting ClerkCllr CollinsCllrs Lamming / MuirClerkClerk 21/07/21ongoing20/07/21

planningDavid Wilson Homes: Keep on future agendasClerkongoing
Remind Mark Lamming to fix a rubber covering to the bottom edges of the rocking horsePurchase spare key for litter binAdd review of the state of the playground equipment to the agenda following the receipt of the annual inspection report

Cllr LammingCllr CookCllr Collins


n/aPotholes: Contact Cllr Hill & Rowan Smith to establish situation re yellow markings / planned date for completion.Clerk08/09/21
n/aGreens Working Group: Put protective rubber round the trees on
St John’sMake residents aware of the need to keep their hedges tidy via The Link (August issue) and Next Door.Address concern about the state of the verges on St John’s Drive / A151 with the relevant people.
Cllr Cook

Mrs Woodman

Cllr Evans


22/21Consider posting notice of council meetings on other social media: Add review to September agenda.

25/21Assets of Community Value:
Consider whether any other ‘amenities’ in the village ought to be similarly registered.


Open ForumBasal growth on lime tree: Remove basal growth on the lime tree at the junction of the Green and Station Road.Cllrs Lamming & Walsingham18/07/21
Consider leaving grass in some green areas un-mowed to encourage wildlife / Quality of the grass cutting:Add Grass Cutting around the village / responsibilities / re-wilding options etc to the agenda for the September meeting.Maintain link to the Neighbourhood plan.Supply councillors with mapsGive consideration before the next meeting.


Cllr ClinkCllr WalsinghamAll


n/aSeparate reporting of funds: Add reporting of funds to agendaClerk01/09/21
n/aMarch Hare Sign – if not resolved, add to September agendaClerk08/09/21
PlanningS21/1210 Swinstead Road Development, 25 dwellings:Communicate to SKDC the council’s requirement that all roads, including the apparently ‘private’ road in front of the bungalows, be adopted by LCC / SKDC before any building work commences.Clerk19/07/21
PlanningS21/1318 Mr Wass, 1 Station Road, demolish garage & build new dwelling: Re-iterate objections regarding access / increased vehicular movements on Laxton’s Lane to SKDC PlanningClerk21/07/21
41/21Ongoing maintenance of the social housing at Coronation Road: Email Andrew Cotton as Director of Housing (cc Cllr Robins) and seek assurance for the Parish Council that the work on the heating / windows will be carried out without further postponement.Clerk20/07/21
42/21Missing fence on Pridmore / Barleycroft path: Contact LCC and enquire the reason for the removal.Clerk08/09/21
43/21Naming streets on Larkfleet development:
Inform SKDC that CGPC would like the roads named Orchard Road (long road) and Honeywood Close (small road).

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