Draft Minutes of the meeting held on Wednesday June 9th 2021 at 8.00pm in St John’s Church, Corby Glen.
Present: Cllrs Lamming (Chair), Collins, Evans, Fox, Hargreaves, & Walsingham
In attendance: Mrs. S. Woodman (Parish Clerk) 1 resident, Cllr Robins.
Open Forum:
Neighbourhood Plan: A Ropsley resident who helped to develop their plan had attended a meeting of the group and provided welcome advice. An experienced consultant has now been appointed to assist. A copy of his report was provided. A grant to cover his and associated costs is being applied for.
Mr Brian Walsingham has painted the village pumps to good effect. Clerk to thank Mr Walsingham.
The quality of the grass cutting around the village was raised. Clerk to add to the next agenda; Cllr Evans to raise specific concern on Fix my Street.
Clerk to thank Revd Buckman for the use of the Church for the meeting.
1. Apologies for absence: Cllrs Clink, Cook, Muir & Hill. Reasons given and accepted.
2. District and County Councillors’ Reports:
Cllr Robins reported on the successful Arts Festival. Regarding the Davis Wilson Homes planning application, he explained that it is still in the early stages, and noted residents’ concerns. There will be ample opportunity for further discussion when plans are firmer. He will remind Cllr Hill of the situation regarding the potholes at the end of Station Road. Cllr Robins commented on recent Covid Statistics.
3. The minutes of the Annual meeting of the Council held on Wednesday May 5th 2021 and the regular meeting of the Council held on the same day were approved unanimously and signed by the chairman as an accurate record.
4. Councillors’ Declarations of Interest: None.
5. Review of Action Log:
07/21 Playground: Delivery of the new ropes is expected next week.
Greens Working Group: The area round the new trees has been cleared and the trees are being watered by councillors and nearby residents. Cllr Robins has requested the grass maintenance team to take more care.
6. Clerk’s & Chairman’s reports on matters outstanding:
75/20 Superfast Broadband: No update.
01/21 Pop up Arts events: Held successfully. The Installation in the Church was viewed. Clerk to thank the team who organized it. A report is to be included in the next issue of The Link.
07/21 Playground Equipment Maintenance: Inspected by the Greens Working Group this week. Cllr Walsingham requested to establish whether the wood on the seesaw needs staining. All other equipment reported sound.
84/20 Laxton’s Lane – Traffic Restriction Order: No comments had been received and as the consultation period is now closed, Highways will start the works package in due course.
09/16 Neighbourhood Planning: See Open Forum.
7. Matters to be resolved:
31/21 Renew Fieldpaths Association subscription – £5: Agreed unanimously.
8. Reports from:
Planning: to consider planning applications received prior to & after publication of the agenda:
S21/0637 Mrs Campbell, The Mount, Irnham Road, Barn conversion: It is assumed that the owner is aware of the tendency of this area to flood during heavy rain. No objections / comments.
S21/1010 Willoughby Gallery, Tree work: No objections / comments.
S21/1068 Mr Adams, 3 St John’s Drive, Outline permission for erection of a dwelling & garage
(previous permission granted 2005): No objections / comments.
David Wilson Homes: Concerns raised by 2 residents were noted. Councillors considered that new homes are needed to keep the village alive, but no further action is possible at this early stage of development.
Greens Working Group: See 07/21 above.
Cllr Collins to hand over to Cllr Hargreaves. It was suggested that more bulbs be planted on the Green at the appropriate season in memory of Cllr Richard Fox.
9. Payments and Accounts
(i) Bank balances – monthly update approved as set out below
(ii) Invoices for payment – Councillors resolved unanimously to approve payments as set out in schedule below.
Opening Bank balance from 1st May 2021 | £21,180.25 | ||
Income received on bank statement Community Cleaner Grant | £463.32 | ||
Invoices cleared on bank statement S. Woodman – clerk’s wages S. Woodman – clerk’s expenses HMRC – clerk’s PAYE CDPC – Community cleaner Bourne Skip Hire Cllr Cook – Playground renovation materials S Woodman -– Playground renovation materials Annual Insurance MCS – Grass Cutting Data Protection Renewal – Direct Debit | 243.75 £26.00 £60.80 £152.26 £228.00 £34.80 £6.95 £922.78 £229.00 £35.00 | ||
Closing Bank Balance 31ST May 2021 | £19,704.23 | ||
Cheques to be authorised/cleared: S. Woodman – clerk’s wages S. Woodman – clerk’s expenses S. woodman – re Mrs Chambers HMRC – clerk’s PAYE CDPC – Community cleaner Cllr Cook – Playground renovation materials Additions Accounting – Annual Audit MCS – Grass Cutting | £243.55 £26.00 £29.49 £61.00 £152.26 £16.96 £80.00 £229.00 | ||
Estimated remaining NatWest bank balance(excluding Defibrillator & Play Equipment funds) | £18,865.97 (£18,165.11) | ||
Defibrillator FundTotal banked to date (inc. VAT refunds): Purchases to date (inc. VAT):Fund remaining: | £2,383.80 £2,412.88£249.86 | ||
Play Equipment FundTotal banked to date (inc. VAT refunds): Purchases to date (inc. VAT):Purchases this month inc. VAT): Fund remaining: | £41,425.44 £40,957.48 £16.96 £451.00 | ||
Neighbourhood Plan Costs (to be repaid on receipt of grant funding)Costs to date | £504.79 | ||
10. Matters to be further discussed at this meeting:
24/21 Sale of Musson’s Close Land (Asset of Community Value): As agreed at the last meeting, the clerk has registered an interest in the land at Mussons Close in accordance with its status as an Asset of Community Value and the Community Right to Bid. Cllr Robins updated the Council regarding the current situation.
25/21 Re-registration of Fighting Cocks as an Asset of Community Value: Cllr Clink had contacted CAMRA, who had originally registered the Fighting Cocks as an ACV, and is awaiting a response. The registration has thus lapsed.
55/20 Speeding in the village: Options were discussed. It was resolved unanimously that the clerk should contact the Road Safety Partnership with a view to initiating a Community Speed Watch initiative and purchasing the necessary equipment to a value of £500. Once the process is understood, the action to be shared with the wider community.
The Clerk was requested to contact Grantham Police Station and ask for their support going forward with the village speeding intervention.
30/21 SKDC Best Kept Village Competition: To be discussed at the next meeting
31/21 Emergency Response: Cllr Collins described a recent incident whereby an injured resident waited over 6 hours for an ambulance, and 5 hours for a response from LIVES, following a serious fall. The local doctors’ surgery refused a home visit. Fortunately, Corby Community Care had attended in in the meantime to provide support. The resident will be making a complaint to EMAS.
The council consider that a voice is needed on the local NHS, perhaps via Patient Participation?
32/21 Emergency vehicles speeding through the village: Cllr Lamming reported 2 incidences of fire fighters responding to a call on the way to the fire station driving at excessive and disproportionate speed through the village, and expressed concern that this could cause another accident. Clerk to raise the Council’s concern with the local Fire Chief.
33/21 Grass cutting round the war memorial: Mr Kiely is no longer able to undertake this work. He has proposed a friend take over the contract. To be discussed further at the next meeting
11. Next meeting:
The next meeting will take place at 7.30pm on Wednesday 9th June 2021, venue to be determined.
Clerk to thank Revd Buckman for the use of the Church and the Church’s Zoom license for meetings and offer a donation to cover expenses. Agreed unanimously.
Meeting closed at 9.25pm. Mrs. Sue Woodman – Parish Clerk
Action Log 9th June 2021
Ref | Action | Responsibility | Date by |
07/20 | Activate new email addresses – assistance to be provided by Cllr Fox (to be deferred until meeting in person is possible) | All / Cllr Fox | |
07/20 | Communicate councillors’ new email addresses to SKDC; update CG web site | Clerk Cllr Fox | |
55/20; | Speeding in the village:Contact the Road Safety Partnership with a view to initiating a Community Speed Watch initiative and purchasing the necessary equipment to a value of £500.Share initiative with the wider community.Contact Grantham Police Station and ask for their input | ClerkClerk / Cllr Fox / allClerk | 14/07/21 14/07/2114/07/21 |
planning | David Wilson Homes: Keep on future agendas | Clerk | ongoing |
07/21 | Playground: Purchase new ropes for clamber net Fit new ropes Remind Mark Lamming to fix a rubber covering to the bottom edges of the rocking horse Establish whether the wood on the seesaw needs staining Purchase spare key for litter bin Add review of the state of the playground equipment to the agenda following the receipt of the annual inspection report | Clerk Cllr Cook Cllr Lamming Cllr Walsingham ?? Clerk | 14/07/21 14/07/21 14/07/21 ?? 09/21 |
n/a | Potholes: Remind Cllr Hill of the situation regarding the potholes at the end of Station Road. | Cllr Robins | 14/07/21 |
n/a | Greens Working Group: Put protective rubber round the trees on St John’s | Cllr Cook | 14/07/21 |
22/21 | Consider posting notice of council meetings on other social media: Add review to September agenda. | Clerk | 09/21 |
25/21 | Re-register Fighting Cocks as an Asset of Community Value: Establish status of registration from CAMRA Consider whether any other ‘amenities’ in the village ought to be similarly registered. | Cllr Clink All | 14/07/21 14/07/21 |
Open forum | Quality of the grass cutting: Add quality of the grass cutting around the village to the next agenda.Raise specific concerns re grass cutting on Fix my Street | Clerk Cllr Evans | 01/07/21 14/07/21 |
Open forum | Village pumps: Thank Mr Brian Walsingham for painted the village pumps. | Clerk | 14/07/21 |
Open forum | Church: Thank Revd Buckman for the use of the Church and the Church’s Zoom license for meetings and offer a £25 donation to cover expenses.Ask Revd Buckman whether he would be agreeable to the Council meeting in the Church on July 14th 2021 | Clerk Clerk | 14/07/21 01/07/21 |
01/21 | Pop up Arts events: Thank the team who organized the Arts Event.Include report in the next issue of The Link | ClerkMrs Woodmsn | 14/07/2115/06/21 |
31/21 | Fieldpaths Association: Renew subscription | Clerk | 14/07/21 |
n/a | Separate reporting of funds: Add reporting of funds to agenda | Clerk | 01/07/21 |
32/21 | Emergency vehicles speeding through the village: Raise the Council’s concern with the local Fire Chief. | Clerk | 14/07/21 |