Draft Minutes of the meeting held on Wednesday May 5th 2021 at 8.00pm using video conferencing.
Present: Cllrs Lamming (Chair), Clink, Collins, Cook, Evans, Fox, , Muir & Walsingham
In attendance: Mrs. S. Woodman (Parish Clerk) 3 residents, Cllr Robins.
Open Forum:
Neighbourhood Plan: Mark Hamblin & Jon Wakerley explained the current position regarding he Neighbourhood Plan. The group has been in operation for some 5 years, but with many changes in membership, it stalled, noteably during the pandemic, and currently lacks momentum, manpower and relevant expertise. Following Cllr Walsingham’s notice on Next Door, two more people have expressed an interest in joining the group, one of whom may have relevant expertise.
The group operates under the auspices of the Parish Council. Three Parish Councillors and the District Councillor are members, but it needs to continue to be driven by and be owned by the whole community, especially as the community will need to approve the final plan once the Parish Council has ratified it.
Some policies have been drafted, but need further research and testing; context and history need to be drafted. The group is in contact with other villages to explore how they have approached their plan. A grant is available for future work, but no claim can be made for work already undertaken. Claims relate to the year April – March, so it is advantageous to apply as soon as possible after the start of April. Initially an Expression of Interest is required. Once accepted, an Application Form is made available.
It was agreed that the group would hold a face to face meeting week commencing May 24th 2021 to agree how to move forward. The chairman thanked Mark and Jon for their efforts, and for joining the meeting to clarify the situation.
1. Apologies for absence: Cllrs Hargreaves & Hill.
2. District and County Councillors’ Reports:
Cllr Robins reported that elections and campaigning are still absorbing much attention. He is continuing a dialogue with Adcock’s Close residents. He will remind Cllr Hill of the situation regarding the potholes at the end of Station Road.
3. The minutes of the meeting of the Council held on Wednesday April 14th 2021 were approved unanimously and signed by the chairman as an accurate record. No changes were requested.
4. Councillors’ Declarations of Interest: None.
5. Review of Action Log:
18/20 Lights between Barleycroft / Pridmore: Completed.
88/20 Flagpole Lock: No reasonable options identified
18/21 Overanging shrubs on Laxton’s Lane: Fixed by councillors. Fix-my-Street request updated accordingly.
Clerk’s & Chairman’s reports on matters outstanding:
75/20 Superfast Broadband: Cllr Cook reported that the situation is unchanged, but no response is beong received to emails.
01/21 Pop up Arts events: Ongoing. More information to be provided by email when available.
18/21 Need for pruning shrubs on Laxton’s Lane: Reported on Fix-my-Street, but fixed by councillors. Fix-my-Street request updated accordingly.
07/21 Playground Equipment Maintenance:The chairman thanked all who helped and their partners, and reported how much the Toddler Tower is improved. Consideration should be given to regular weatherproofing of the wooden elements.
It was agreed unanimously that the clerk should purchase new ropes for the worn horizontal ropes of the scramble net at a cost of £35/rope, including fittings + £15 delivery. Cllr Cook will install.
The bottom edge of the rocking horse is rusty and edges sharp. Mark Lamming will be asked to fix on a rubber covering.
The council thanked Mrs Chambers for kindly agreeing to the use of her water and electricity for the work. It was agreed unanimously that the clerk should purchase a card and flowers to the value of £30 to show the council’s appreciation.
The state of the playground equipment will be considered again following the report from the Annual Inspection, usually in August.
09/16 Neighbourhood Planning: See Open Forum.
Matters to be resolved:
26/21 To consider approving the Annual return for year ended March 31st 2021:
The accounts have been passed by the internal auditor, who has signed the appropriate form. The AGAR documents for signature had been circulated to councillors in advance of the meeting.
26/21/01 To approve the Annual governance statement 2020/21: Approved unanimously.
26/21/02 To approve the Accounting Statements 2020/21: Approved unanimously.
26/21/03 To approve the Exemption Certificate 2020/2021: Approved unanimously.
29/21 To consider approving the insurance renewal as per renewal notification: This is the 3rd year of a 3 year agreement. The clerk reminded councillors of the insurance costs for the previous and current years – an increase of 3%. The renewal was approved unanimously.
6. Reports from:
Planning: to consider planning applications received prior to & after publication of the agenda:
David Wilson Homes: The clerk read out David Wilson Homes’s response to the questions raised by councillors at the previous meeting, namely the lack of single storey dwellings, the absence of a Master Plan, the need for a Retail Outlet and multiple accesses onto the A151 and Swinstead Road. The essential provision of a safe crossing on the A151 was also raised by councillors.
It was recognised that extra footpaths will be provided on the main roads and the 30mph speed limit is expected to be extended to encompass the developments.
Cllr Robins commented that the responses were the view of the developer and in the majority of cases these issues would receive consideration from the appropriate department when formal planning permission was sought.
The clerk was requested to leave this on the agenda for future meeting so that the council can keep it under review.
Greens Working Group: See 07/21 above.
Cllr Collins had reported accidental strimming of the new trees on St John’s grassed area. Various strategies were discussed. Cllr Cook will put protective rubber roiund the trees; additionally, Cllr Robins will email the new assistant director responsible for the grass maintenance service to ask the team to take greater care.
7. Payments and Accounts
(i) Bank balances – monthly update approved as set out below
(ii) Invoices for payment – Councillors resolved unanimously to approve payments as set out in schedule below.
Opening Bank balance from 1st April 2021 | £9,811.03 |
Income received on bank statement Precept | £12,000.00 |
Invoices cleared on bank statement S. Woodman – clerk’s wages S. Woodman – clerk’s expenses S. Woodman – poo bags HMRC – clerk’s PAYE CDPC – Community cleaner Gallery Lighting | 243.75 £26.00 £41.00 £60.80 £149.73 £109.50 |
Closing Bank Balance 30th April 2021 | £21,180.25 |
Cheques to be authorised/cleared: S. Woodman – clerk’s wages S. Woodman – clerk’s expenses HMRC – clerk’s PAYE CDPC – Community cleaner Bourne Skip Hire Cllr Cook – Playground renovation materials S Woodman -– Playground renovation materials Annual Insurance MCS – Grass Cutting | £243.75 £26.00 £60.80 £152.26 £228.00 £34.80 £6.95 £922.78 £229.00 |
Estimated remaining NatWest bank balance(excluding Defibrillator & Play Equipment funds) | £19,275.91(£18,558.09) |
Defibrillator FundTotal banked to date (inc. VAT refunds): Purchases to date (inc. VAT):Fund remaining: | £2,383.80 £2,412.88£249.86 |
Play Equipment FundTotal banked to date (inc. VAT refunds): Purchases this monthPurchases to date (inc. VAT):Fund remaining: | £41,425.44£41.65£40,957.48£467.96 |
Neighbourhood Plan Costs (to be repaid on receipt of grant funding)Costs to date | £504.79 |
8. Matters to be further discussed at this meeting:
20/21 Consider a Youth Council: The council has no objections to this proposal. Cllr Walsingham to feed this back to the resident who raised the matter.
22/21 Consider posting notice of council meetings on other social media: Whereas ther is no legal obligation to do this, it may help the Council’s engagement with the community. It was reported that Swayfield has a very successful Whatsapp group. It was agreed (7 in favour, 1 abstention) that the notice of future council meetings will be posted on Next Door by the clerk and on Facebook by Cllr Fox. And that the situation will be reviewed in 3 months.
23/21 Consider supporting NHS etc Workers’ Day July 5th: It was agreed that a NHS Flag would be purchased and flown. Residents would be encouraged to support by an article in the Link (Mrs Woodman) and on Facebook (Cllr Fox). Cllr Cook reported that although the Council had agreed the flag flying schedule whereby the Gay Pride flag would be flown, the Council do not own such a flag. Cllr Cook will purchase a reasonably priced flag.
24/21 Sale of Musson’s Close Land (Asset of Community Value): The Parish Council agreed unanimously to register an interest in the land at Mussons Close in accordance with its status as an Asset of Community Value and the Community Right to Bid. A letter will be sent to SKDC by 25th May 2021. It was noted that this expression of interest invokes a 6 month period for options to be explored, but places no obligation on the Parish Council.
25/21 Re-registration of Fighting Cocks as an Asset of Community Value: It was agreed unanimously that the clerk should contact SKDC and request that the Fighting Cocks remain on the ACV register, and further, that the Woodhouse be registered. The clerk was requested to communicate to Simon & Sharon the Council’s appreciation for all they have done for the village during the pandemic, and express best wishes for the future.
Councillors were asked to consider whether any other ‘amenities’ in the village ought to be similarly registered.
09/16 Neighbourhood Planning: See Open Forum above.
27/21 Clerk’s appraisal: As her work commitments do not allow her to undertake this, the chairman asked for 2 volunteers to undertake it on her behalf. Cllr Walsingham volunteered. He will co-opt another councillor.
28/21 W.I. request to display 3 x 4′ flowers on the green for a week: The WI are proposing a picnic at the Ron Dawson Hall field on June 26th to ‘celebrate’ their first meeting after lockdown/s. They are also proposing to erect a wooden ‘flower’ covered in ‘knitted’ flowers on the Green for the week 21st – 26th June to commemorate this. It was confirmed that no permission is required.
9. Next meeting:
The next meeting will take place at 7.30pm on Wednesday 9th June 2021, venue to be determined.
As the government road map will still requires social distancing and covid safety measures to be in place at this time, the clerk was requested to ask Revd Buckman whether he would be agreeable to the Council meeting in the Church.
Meeting closed at 9.33pm. Mrs. Sue Woodman – Parish Clerk
Action Log 5th May 2021
Ref | Action | Responsibility | Date by |
07/20 | Activate new email addresses – assistance to be provided by Cllr Fox (to be deferred until meeting in person is possible) | All / Cllr Fox | |
07/20 | Communicate councillors’ new email addresses to SKDC; update CG web site | Clerk Cllr Fox | |
55/20; 77/20 | Speeding in the village: Add to meeting agenda following May election | Clerk | 06/21 |
planning | David Wilson Homes: Keep on future agendas | Clerk | ongoing |
07/21 | Playground: Purchase new ropes for clamber net Fit new ropes Remind Mark Lamming to fix a rubber covering to the bottom edges of the rocking horse Express the council’s appreciation to Mrs Chambers for the use of her water and electricity Purchase spare key for litter bin Add review of the state of the payground equipment to the agenda following the receipt of the annual inspection report | Clerk Cllr Cook Cllr Lamming Clerk ?? Clerk | 08/06/21 08/06/21 08/06/21 08/06/21 ?? 09/21 |
20/21 | Youth Council: Inform resident council has no objection | Cllr Walsingham | 08/06 |
24/21 | Land in the centre of Mussons Close: Communicate council’s expression of interest to SKDC | Clerk | 25/04/21 |
n/a | Potholes: Remind Cllr Hill of the situation regarding the potholes at the end of Station Road. | Cllr Robins | 08/06/21 |
n/a | Greens Working Group: Put protective rubber round the trees on St John’s; Email the new assistant director responsible for the grass maintenance service to ask the strimming team to take greater care. | Cllr Cook Cllr Robins | 08/06/21 08/06/21 |
22/21 | Consider posting notice of council meetings on other social media: Post notice of future council meetings on Next Door Post notice of future council meetings on Facebook Add review to September agenda. | Clerk Cllr Fox Clerk | ongoing ongoing 09/21 |
23/21 | Consider supporting NHS etc Workers’ Day July 5th: Purchase NHS & Gay Pride Flags Add an article into the June Link Put on Facebook | Cllr Cook Mrs Woodman Cllr Fox | 08/06/21 15/05/21 08/06/21 |
25/21 | Re-registration of Fighting Cocks as an Asset of Community Value: Contact SKDC and request that the Fighting Cocks remain on the ACV register, and that the Woodhouse be registered. Express the Council’s appreciation for all they have done for the village to Simon & Sharon of The Fighting Cocks Consider whether any other ‘amenities’ in the village ought to be similarly registered. | Clerk / Cllr Clink Clerk All | 10/05/21 09/05/21 08/06/21 |
27/21 | Clerk’s appraisal: Co-opt another councillor & undertake clerk’s appraisal. | Cllr Walsingham + 1 | 08/06/21 |
Ask Revd Buckman whether he would be agreeable to the Council meeting in the Church on June 8th 2021 | Clerk | 10/05/21 |