Minutes of the meeting held on Wednesday Oct 13th 2021 at 7.30pm in the Willoughby Gallery, Corby Glen.
Present: Cllrs Lamming (Chair), Clink, Collins, Evans, Fox, Hargreaves & Walsingham
In attendance: Mrs. S. Woodman (Parish Clerk) 4 residents, Cllr Robins.
Open Forum:
The Chairman formally thanked the Neighbourhood Planning Group for organising the recent sessions. They had been both informative and well attended, albeit by an older demographic. The Group is considering ways to engage with the younger age group.
The Chairman of the Governors of Corby Glen Primary School acquainted the Council with their intention to expand their before- and after-school care to accommodate the Pre-School, currently located in the Ron Dawson Hall. This would ease the children’s transition from Pre-school to Primary School. An application for lottery funding is being submitted. It is hoped that the provision will be in place by the end of 2022. The governors are seeking the Council’s support for the plan.
Councillors expressed their broad support. Clerk to add to next month’s agenda to enable the Council to discuss and vote on the issue formally. The need to expand education facilities will be covered in the Neighbourhood Plan. If additional funding were to be needed, then SKDC might be requested to release some of the Section 106 funds for the project.
A resident reported correspondence between herself and LCC concerning overhanging vegetation on Laxton’s Lane. Clarification as to the boundary between her property and the bank (where the vegetation is) is sought. It is believed that the hedge is the property boundary, and therefore the vegetation is the responsibility of LCC.
A councillor had been in communication with NISA regarding the proposed signage when they take over the Co-op store later this month. There are several regulations covering signage in this area which the councillor had brought to NISA’s attention. The Council were shown different options for the signage – the dark grey background was preferred. Clerk to add to next month’s agenda to enable the Council to discuss and vote on the issue formally. Cllr Robins will follow up.
The Chairman formally congratulated the Sheep Fair Committee on an excellent event. Both the Saturday evening and Sunday occasions were well supported and well received. The Clerk was requested to communicate the Council’s appreciation to the Sheep Fair Committee. Clerk to add an agenda item for the next meeting to consider how younger people can be involved and the momentum maintained.
Queen’s Platinum Jubilee: A meeting is planned for January to set up a committee to oversee the celebrations and avoid clashes / duplications. In the meantime, anyone interested can contact David Fowler. Clerk to register for the Corby Glen Beacon to be included.
- Apologies for absence: Cllrs Cook & Muir. Reasons given & accepted.
- District and County Councillors’ Reports:
Cllr Robins reported on activities across the region.
Local Housing Development (David Wilson Homes): Since the application for full planning permission was submitted, Cllr Robins has been in communication with a representative of David Wilson Homes. Although the views of residents were initially sought in May 2021 by leafletting by the developer, the information on the leaflet was poor and the limited responses do not appear to have been taken into account by modifications to the plans.
Despite the size of this development in relation to the size of the village, the developer refuses to hold a public consultation meeting; Cllr Robins is therefore arranging to hold such a meeting which will be attended by the Planning Officer responsible and at which large copies of the plans will be displayed, and also to canvas local opinion by a leaflet drop. Comments made in response will be input to the planning process. In the meantime, any further comments can be emailed to Cllr Robins.
Additionally, the police have expressed concern that some recommended crime prevention measures have not been included in the design.
- The minutes of the meeting of the Council held on Wednesday September 8th 2021 were approved unanimously and signed by the chairman as an accurate record.
- Councillors’ Declarations of Interest: None.
- Review of Action Log:
Greens Working Group: A spare key for the litter bin has now been purchased. The clerk reported that no problems with the seesaw had been reported in the 2020 inspection report.
Open Forum: Basal Growth round lime tree: John Wilcockson reports no known preventative measures.
49/21 Barbed wire fence by the Glen: Cllr Evans has removed.
- Clerk’s & Chairman’s reports on matters outstanding:
75/20 Superfast Broadband: On behalf of Cllr Cook, the clerk reported that the application appears to be progressing through the pipeline. BT will be chased again next month.
84/20 Laxton’s Lane – Traffic Restriction Order: Signs now awaited. Work will be scheduled when they arrive.
24/21 Sale of Musson’s Close Land (Asset of Community Value): Cllr Clink read out the proposed letter to the owner making an offer to purchase the land at a reasonable price. It was agreed unanimously to authorize the clerk to sign the letter on behalf of the Parish Council and that it should be sent to the owner immediately via SKDC. No Parish Council Funds will be used for the purchase.
25/21 Fighting Cocks – Asset of Community Value: No response from CAMRA. Clerk to initiate the registration on behalf of the Parish Council.
55/20 Speeding in the village: Cllr Collins is retiring as Co-ordinator. The Chairman thanked her for her hard work in the past. A new co-ordinator is to be sought from within the volunteers team. The next training session is 1st week in November. The new co-ordinator will need to contact the man in charge of training to arrange for Zoom invitations for all volunteers.
09/16 Neighbourhood Planning: The public consultation was well attended. The next meeting of the group is scheduled for the end of October. Ideas as to how to engage with younger people are sought.
- Matters to be resolved: None
- Reports from:
Planning: to consider planning applications received prior to & after publication of the agenda:
S21/1841 David Wilson Homes Development: See Open Forum. The Council agreed unanimously to support Cllr Robins in his ‘negotiations’ with David Wilson Homes and endorsed the proposed public meeting.
S21/1932 Mrs F Smith 2A Irnham Road – Tree work (Horse chestnut): No comments
Greens Working Group:
07/21 Playground Equipment Maintenance (notably the state of the seesaw):
The clerk was still awaiting a response from Miracle Play regarding the warranty for the seesaw and swings. They have also been notified of the broken stepping post. Clerk to contact Mrs Roberts if further assistance in dealings with Miracle is required.
47/21 Notifying CGPC of issues with play equipment:
There is no LALC model procedure for notifying issues with a play area. Cllr Walsingham will arrange an addition to the notice giving the clerk’s email address for communicating any issues. Clerk will prepare a draft procedure for dealing with such issues. An ‘Emergency Box’ containing striped tape & ‘laminated ‘Keep Off’ signs is to be prepared, to be kept by whichever member of the Greens Committee is currently undertaking inspections.
52/21 Agree a date for bulb planting: 31st October 2021 at 12 noon. Clerk to publicise date on NextDoor and remind on the Friday before.
- Payments and Accounts
(i) Bank balances – monthly update approved as set out below
(ii) Invoices for payment – Councillors resolved unanimously to approve payments as set out in schedule below.
Opening Bank balance from 1st September 2021 | £23,997.19 | ||
Income received on bank statement | |||
Invoices cleared on bank statement S. Woodman – clerk’s wages S. Woodman – clerk’s expenses HMRC – clerk’s PAYE CDPC – Community cleaner MCS – Grass Cutting Clive Keble Consulting – re Neighbourhood Plan Jon Wakerley – Printing – re Neighbourhood Plan Playsafety – Playground inspection | £243.75 £26.00 £60.80 £152.26 £483.00 £1,419.00 £64.85 £107.40 | ||
Closing Bank Balance 30th September 2021 | £21,440.13 | ||
Cheques to be authorised/cleared: S. Woodman – clerk’s wages S. Woodman – clerk’s expenses HMRC – clerk’s PAYE CDPC – Community cleaner MCS – Grass Cutting Cllr Collins – waste bin key Cllr Collins – bulbs Clive Keble Consulting – re Neighbourhood Plan Clive Keble – Printing – re Neighbourhood Plan | £243.55 £26.00 £61.00 £152.26 £229.00 £2.50 £7.99 £508.20 £19.20 | ||
Estimated remaining NatWest bank balance (excluding Neighbourhood Plan Funds) | £20,190.43 (£14,922.68) | ||
Neighbourhood Plan Costs Previous costs to date Grant Previous costs against grant New costs against grant Grant remaining: | [£504.79] £7,279.00 £1,483.85 £527.40 £5,267.75 | ||
33/21 Re-wilding / areas of grass to be cut & by whom / standard of grass cutting:
Before any decision is taken, the views of residents regarding re-wilding should be canvassed. Clerk to arrange for 3 quotes for cutting ALL the grass in the village.
38/21 Condition of Laxton’s Lane: See Open Forum. It is important for safety and insurance reasons that LCC’s ownership of the banks is not compromised. Clerk to arrange for a walk about with Rowan Smith and, if possible, Cllr Hill.
44/21 Consider re-design of village web site: A quote of £960 had been received for the redevelopment of the village web site. Also, volunteers have come forward to develop a simple web site for free. Clerk to arrange for volunteers to work together with Cllr Fox on the project. A domain name for the new site was agreed: parishcouncil.corbyglen.com. To be discussed further at the next meeting.
45/21 Planting / Replacing Trees (notably dead tree on The Green): The Council agreed unanimously that the quote of £80 for the removal of the dead tree from MCS should be accepted. The Clerk is confirming ownership of the land on which it is planned to plant the trees provided by LCC’s Treescape initiative.
50/21 Agree a date for waste skip/s if required: Date 30th October agreed. Clerk to arrange and publicise.
51/21 Discuss options for digitising the History Society’s archive to prevent deterioration: Deferred until next meeting.
52/21 Agree arrangements for Armistice Day: Cllr Walsingham has asked Revd Buckman to include a wreath for the Council with his order. Clerk to confirm. Clerk to purchase plastic poppies for lamp posts (residue of War Memorial restoration fund). Clerk to contact Mr Adcock & request his help with leaf clearing, which will be on Saturday November 13th at 10.00am. All to join with rakes.
53/21 Agree arrangements for Christmas Tree: Cllr Cook to ask Alan at Bulby if he has any large trees available.
54/21 Review Publication Scheme / Available Information: Deferred until next meeting.
55/21 Review 3 year Grass Contract: See 33/21. To be discussed at next meeting.
- Next meeting:
The next meeting will take place at 7.30pm on Wednesday 10th November 2021 at the Willoughby Gallery.
Meeting closed at 9.33pm. Mrs. Sue Woodman – Parish Clerk
Action Log 13th October 2021
Ref | Action | Responsibility | Date by |
07/20 | Activate new email addresses – assistance to be provided by Cllr Fox (to be deferred until meeting in person is possible) | All / Cllr Fox | |
07/20 | Communicate councillors’ new email addresses to SKDC; update CG web site | Clerk Cllr Fox | |
55/20 | Community Speed Watch: Email volunteers team requesting Co-ordinator Arrange Training Arrange survey of signage sites Liaise with Colsterworth / Castle Bytham Group | Clerk / Cllr Collins Co-ord Co-ord Co-ord | asap 10/11/21 10/11/21 10/11/21 |
07/21 | Playground: Remind Mark Lamming to fix a rubber covering to the bottom edges of the rocking horse Chase the Miracle regarding warranty Bulb planting: 31st October 2021 at 12 noon. Publicise date on NextDoor. Remind Cllrs on the Friday before. | Cllr Lamming Clerk Clerk Clerk | 10/11/21 10/11/21 20/10/21 29/10/21 |
25/21 | Fighting Cocks – Asset of Community Value: Initiate the registration on behalf of the Parish Council. | Clerk | 10/11/21 |
33/21 37/21 | Consider leaving grass in some green areas un-mowed to encourage wildlife / Quality of the grass cutting: Arrange for 3 quotes (current contractor, EnvironSK + 1 other) for cutting ALL the grass in the village. | Clerk | 10/11/21 |
38/21 | Condition of Laxton’s Lane: Arrange for a walk about with Rowan Smith and, if possible, Cllr Hill. | Clerk t | 10/11/21 |
44/21 | Consider re-design of village web site: Arrange for volunteers to work together with Cllr Fox. | Clerk | 10/11/21 |
45/21 | Planting / Replacing Trees (notably dead tree on The Green): Ask David Warden to remove tree Confirm ownership of land for trees with Treescape. | Clerk Clerk | 10/11/21 28/10/21 |
47/21 | Notifying CGPC of issues with play equipment: Arrange an addition to the notice giving the clerk’s email address for communicating any issues. Prepare a draft procedure for dealing with playground issues. Purchase stripy tape Arrange laminated ‘Keep Off’ signs Set up ‘Emergency Box’. | Cllr Walsingham Clerk Clerk Cllr Walsingham Clerk | 10/11/21 10/11/21 10/11/21 10/11/21 10/11/21 |
50/21 | Agree a date for waste skip: Date 30th October for general waste skip agreed. Arrange and publicise. Remind Cllrs Market Place needs to be clear of cars | Clerk Clerk | 23/10/21 29/10/21 |
52/21 | Agree arrangements for Armistice Day: Confirm with Revd Buckman that he has included a wreath for the Council with his order. Purchase plastic poppies for lamp posts Contact Mr Adcock & request his help with leaf clearing (Saturday November 13th at 10.00am). Remind all | Clerk Clerk Clerk Clerk | asap asap asap 12/11/21 |
53/21 | Agree arrangements for Christmas Tree: Ask Alan at Bulby if he has any large trees available. | Cllr Cook | 10/11/21 |
O/F | Add Discuss support for Primary School plans for Pre-school to November Agenda | Clerk | 01/11/21 |
O/F | Add NISA Signage to November agenda | Clerk | 01/11/21 |
O/F | Communicate the Council’s appreciation to the Sheep Fair Committee. | Clerk | 10/11/21 |
O/F | Add an agenda item for the November to consider how younger people can be involved in the village and how the momentum from Sheep Fair can be maintained | Clerk | 01/11/21 |
O/F | Queen’s Platinum Jubilee: Clerk to register for the Corby Glen Beacon to be included. | Clerk | 10/11/21 |