Parish Council Minutes|


Minutes of the meeting held on Wednesday September 9th 2020 at 7.30pm using video conferencing.

Present: Cllrs Lamming (Chair), Collins, Cook, Fowler, Hargreaves, Muir, Parker & Walsingham

In attendance: Mrs. S. Woodman (Parish Clerk)

Open Forum: The chairman had been contacted by Mr. Smith, the owner of the land in the centre of Musson’s Close, on 3 occasions. Firstly, regarding support for his proposed plans to build a bungalow. The chairman had responded that this is not the business of the Parish Council and that the land had always been intended as green space. Secondly regarding siting caravans on the land. And thirdly, apparently in conjunction with LCC Highways, regarding the installation of dropped kerbs to facilitate access for the said caravans.

The new larger waste bin adjacent to the play area had eased the rubbish situation there. This is emptied weekly on Tuesdays by SKDC. Cllr Collins is moving rubbish from the smaller bin to the larger one when she notices that the smaller bin is full.

1.     Apologies for absence: Cllr Fox. Reasons given and accepted.

2.     District and County Councillors’ Reports: None.

3.     The minutes of the meeting of the Council held on Wed 8th July 2020 and the EGM held on Mon 13th July were approved unanimously. The minutes of the meeting held on Tues 1st September were amended to replace the word “wellbeing” with “impact on lifestyle” and then approved unanimously.  All minutes were then signed by the chairman as an accurate record.

4.     Councillors’ Declarations of Interest: None.

5.     Review of Action Log:
47/20 The question of nuisance from the quarry lorries had been reported on Fix My Street and LCC Highways had responded ‘No Action’. Cllr Lamming will discuss further with the resident. Clerk to add to October’s agenda.

6.     Clerk’s & Chairman’s reports on matters outstanding:

77/19 Lighting for Art Gallery (reduce wattage of bulbs): Deferred in the absence of Cllr Fox.

39/20 War Memorial Restoration: Proposed start date of September 28th 2020.

40/20 Re-painting water pumps in the Market Place & by the Co-op: Quote obtained from David Atter – £480. Clerk to determine from Mr Atter whether he would require a road closure / restriction during the work. Clerk to obtain second quote and to apply for Listed Building Consent in the meantime.

42/20 Potential request for removal of arrows round water pump in Market Place: No response from LCC Highways. Understandably they may have other priorities at this time. Not to be pursued for the time being.

43/20 Consider removal by LCC of road signs from both ends of Laxton’s Lane: Council’s position communicated to LCC Highways. Cllr Walsingham to chase.

09/16 Neighbourhood Planning: No further meetings to date.

7.     Matters to be resolved:

56/20 Actions resulting from Play Area Inspection Report: Cllr Collins’s husband has offered to replace the bolt on the rocking horse. Whilst the Toddler Tower is under investigation, Cllr Cook offered to cover the exposed metal on the rope cord with duct tape as a temporary measure. Offers gratefully accepted.

59/20 Quote for repainting play equipment: Cllr Cook had received one quote of £1,780 for steam cleaning and all work required to renovate. It was suggested that removing the ‘wood’ element from the specification of work could reduce the quote, as the Toddler Tower is under investigation and may require replacement.

8.     Reports from:  

Planning: to consider planning applications received prior to and after the publication of the agenda –

S19.1299 Appeal re land in Musson’s Close – Dismissed.

S20/0899 1b Church Street Change of Use from holistic & wellbeing centre to hairdressers, b&b & potential permanent residence – permitted.

Greens Working Group:

9.     Payments and Accounts

(i) Bank balances – monthly update approved as set out below. The cost of the playground inspection to be set against the Playground fund.

(ii) Invoices for payment – Councillors resolved to approve payments as set out in schedule below.

Opening Bank balance from 1st July 2020£19,801.69
Income received on bank statement 
Invoices cleared on bank statementS. Woodman – clerk’s wagesS. Woodman – clerk’s expensesHMRC – clerk’s PAYECDPC – Community cleanerChurch Street Rooms Hire – Neighbourhood Planning Meeting 16th JanuaryMCS grass cuttingJ Wilcockson – Tree SurveyS. Woodman – clerk’s wagesS. Woodman – clerk’s expensesHMRC – clerk’s PAYECDPC – Community cleanerMCS grass cuttingCllr Cook – Flag ClipsMrs Woodman – defib replacementsCllr Fowler – Waste bin £236.96£6.90£59.40£149.73£10.00£229.00£480.00£237.16£12.55£59.20£149.73£279.00£13.90£218.40£208.80
Closing Bank Balance 31st August 2020£17,450.96
Cheques to be authorised/cleared:S. Woodman – clerk’s wagesS. Woodman – clerk’s expensesHMRC – clerk’s PAYECDPC – Community cleanerMCS grass cuttingPlaysafety – Playground InspectionGlobal Technics Medicare BV (Netherlands) – defib keypad – €66.55 £237.16£5.30£59.20£149.73£144.00£107.40£60.54
Estimated remaining NatWest bank balance(excluding Defibrillator, Play Equipment & War Memorial funds)£16,687.63£14,078.16
Defibrillator FundTotal banked to date (inc. VAT refunds):        Purchases to date (inc. VAT):Purchases Aug / SeptFund remaining: £2,383.80
Play Equipment FundTotal banked to date (inc. VAT refunds):        Purchases to date (inc. VAT):Purchases Aug / SeptFund remaining: £41,425.44£40,599.63£316.20£509.61
War Memorial FundTotal banked to date (inc. VAT refunds):        Purchases to date (inc. VAT):Fund remaining: £1,850.00£0.00£1,850.00
Neighbourhood Plan Costs (to be repaid on receipt of grant funding)Costs to date £504.79

10.   Matters to be further discussed at this meeting:

83/19 Flag usage: The Council’s Union Jack Flag needs replacement. Cllrs Cook & Fowler to discuss flags owned by the Council & by Cllr Fowler and agree a way forward. To be discussed by the council at the next meeting.

49/20 State of sapling on the Green near Station Road: The Tree Surveyor confirmed that the sapling has died.Cllr Fowler to inform the Smith family accordingly and enquire if they wish to replace it.

50/20 Maintenance of grass triangle on St John’s Drive: SKDC is responsible for mowing this area. The council are not proposing to add it to their mowing schedule. Clerk to inform the resident who raised the issue that the matter has been discussed.

Cllr Walsingham raised the benefit of leaving the grass longer in some areas. The idea of a ‘Green Initiative’ was viewed with favour. To be added to the agenda for October.

51/20 Good Neighbour scheme – extension of Covid-19 support: A working party has been formed to develop this. Cllr Lamming & Mrs Woodman are associate members. The council was pleased that this initiative is going forward.

52/20 Maintenance of trees bordering play area: The sycamore tree which was of concern has now been cut back along with the hedge. The Tree surveyor reported that it is unlikely that this tree poses a threat to any nearby construction. Any issue is more likely to be with the hawthorn hedge. Cllr Collins to inform resident.

53/20 Capacity & location of waste bins in / near play area: Now acceptable – see Open Forum.

54/20 Public Open Spaces Protection Consultation: The council were made aware of this consultation but felt it was more relevant to an urban environment.

55/20 Speeding on Bourne Road near school: The Clerk read the email from PCSO Bowden to councillors. He is proposing better road safety education via the school, but PCSOs’ time is limited, especially in the current environment. Clerk requested to forward PCSO’s email to councillors again. To be further discussed at the next meeting.

57/20 Co-op Community Support: Cllr Walsingham reported on the meeting between the Ron Dawson Memorial Hall committee, Pre-School and the Green Gym. Clerk was requested to suggest to the Co-op that the Green Gym (under the auspices of InvestSK) was a potential beneficiary and to provide contact details.

58/20 Motor Bikes – speed/noise through village: The Parish Council concluded that this is a problem for our village. For us, it includes sports cars but by no means all motorbikes. It was agreed by a majority to support the campaign being considered by Great Dalby Parish Council (6 for, 1 against, 1 abstention). Clerk to communicate this to the clerk of Great Dalby.

60/20 Waste skip/s for October: It was agreed unanimously that waste skips should be ordered for Saturday October 17th 2020. It was further agreed unanimously that one skip for garden refuse be ordered, and by a majority (7 for, 1 abstention) that a second be ordered for household refuse. Clerk to order the skips and check whether a permit (cost £80) is now required in order to site the skips on the market place.

61/20 Risk Assessment / method statement for Xmas Tree: Cllr Cook to discuss the lifting equipment available with Trevor Kiely; Clerk to contact Grimsthorpe re tree availability.

62/20 Consider issues raised by the tree report: 5 members of the Parish Council and the Clerk had accompanied the Tree Surveyor on a walk round the trees on the Green, where he was able to discuss the issues and recommendations from his report in more detail. Clerk to obtain quotes to carry out the work required from the Tree Surgeon used previously and from those recommended by the Tree Surveyor.

63/20 Condition of road / pavement surfaces: Clerk to contact BT / Openreach re the concrete cover in the footpath outside 1A Church Street, which is breaking up; Cllr Fowler to report the general condition of road surface on Morley’s Lane and the condition of road surface in parking area in the Market Place on Fix My Street.

64/20 State of repair of social housing in Coronation Road:  Cllr Collins reported the poor state of the windows and doors (old, ill fitting, draughty), and the heating system (old night storage heaters) of the social housing on Coronation Road. Tenants have had to install supplementary heating at their own expense. The tenants reportedly receive an unsympathetic response from SKDC when contacted about their problems. Cllr Collins had been informed by the District Councillor that there is no programme to replace doors and windows, and only a 5 year programme to replace solid fuel appliances (which only heat the water, not central heating). Given the amount of social housing being built in Grantham, residents find this situation intolerable. These conditions affect 3 households.

The Council agreed by a majority (7 for 1 against) to instruct the clerk to write a strongly worded letter to the District Councillor on behalf of the Council. 

11.   Next meeting:

The next meeting will take place at 7.30pm on Wednesday 14th October 2020, venue to be agreed depending upon the circumstances prevailing at the time.

Meeting closed at 9.03 pm.                                                                                                           Mrs. Sue Woodman – Parish Clerk

Action Log 9th September 2020

RefActionResponsibilityDate by
88/19Add link to LCC’s ‘Fix my street’ to the web site.Cllr Fox18/03/20
07/20Communicate new email addresses for Cllrs to themselves plus clerk.Cllr Fox18/03/20
07/20Communicate councillors’ new email addresses to SKDC.Clerk 
08/20Investigate incidence of road accidents on A151.Cllr Hill18/03/20
08/20Forward email to Cllr Hill to Cllr Lamming for her escalationClerk14/10/20
70/19Contact residents of Adcock’s Close, advise options & assist in adoption if appropriate.Cllr Robins14/05/20
18/20Consider quotes for lights between Barleycroft / Pridmore and arrange accordingly.Cllrs Fox / Fowler08/07/20
77/19Consider quotes for reducing wattage of bulbs in Gallery Lighting and arrange accordingly.Cllrs Fox / Fowler08/07/20
83/19Cllrs Cook & Fowler to discuss flags owned by the Council & by Cllr Fowler and agree a way forward. Include a review of the flags owned / flying schedule in October’s agenda.Cllrs Cook & Fowler / Clerk14/10/20
40/20Water pumps: Apply for listed building consent; Obtain 2nd quote for re-painting/renovation. Query need for road closure to facilitate work.Clerk14/10/20
43/20Chase LCC Highways regarding the request that the existing signage at both ends of Laxton’s Lane be renewed with no alterations.Cllr Walsingham14/10/20
47/20Quarry vehicles on Swinstead Road: Add to agenda for October.Clerk01/10/20
49/20Cllr Fowler to inform the Smith family that the Tree Surveyor confirms that the sapling has died and enquire if they wish to replace it.Cllr Fowler14/10/20
50/20Inform the resident who raised the issue of maintenance of grass triangle on St John’s Drive that the matter has been discussed.Clerk14/10/20
50/20Add ‘Green Initiative’ to the agenda for October.Clerk01/10/20
52/20Inform resident that the Tree Surveyor reported that it is unlikely that this tree poses a threat to any nearby construction.Cllr Collins14/10/20
55/20Speeding on Bourne Road near school: Forward PCSO’s email to councillors again.Clerk14/10/20
56/20Ask Mr Walsingham to evaluate repairs to the Toddler Tower;Ask Mr Lamming Jnr ditto.Joiner to be sought who would be able to carry out the work.Cllr Walsingham / Cllr Lammin /
56/20Replace bolt on the rocking horse;
Cover the exposed metal on the rope cord with duct tape.
Cllr Collins /
Cllr Cook
57/20Co-op Community Support:Put the Co-op in touch with the Green Gym (under the auspices of InvestSK) as a potential beneficiary and provide contact details.Clerk14/10/20
58/20Motor Bikes – speed/noise through village: Clerk to communicate the Parish Council’s support for the campaign being considered by Great Dalby Parish Council to their clerk.Clerk14/10/20
60/20Order 2 skips for October 17th; check whether a permit is required in order to site the skips on the market place.Clerk14/10/20
61/20Discuss the lifting equipment / certified straps available for erection of the Christmas tree with Trevor Kiely; Contact Grimsthorpe re tree availability.Cllr Cook /
62/20Contact tree surgeon last used + those recommended by tree surveyor for quote to carry out work recommended in reportClerk14/10/20
63/20Contact BT / Openreach re the concrete cover in the footpath outside 1A Church Street which is breaking up;
Report general condition of road surface on Morley’s Lane & condition of road surface in parking area in the Market Place on Fix My Street.
Clerk /

Cllr Fowler
64/20Send a strongly worded letter to the District Councillor on behalf of the Council regarding the state of the social housing on Coronation Road.Clerk14/10/20

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