Parish Council Minutes|


Draft Minutes of the meeting held on Wednesday October 14th 2020 at 7.30pm using video conferencing.

Present: Cllrs Lamming (Chair), Collins, Cook, Fowler, Fox, Hargreaves, Muir & Walsingham

In attendance: Cllr N Robins, Mrs. S. Woodman (Parish Clerk)

Open Forum:

The planning application S20/1561 relating to land behind Ferndale House was discussed. Cllr Robins outlined the planning history and explained the nature of this application, namely that it is not intended as a waiver of the section 106 obligation, but a change to the wording to enable the prospective purchaser of the land to obtain a loan for the purchase. SKDC is in discussion with the prospective purchaser, who is a housing association. As they propose to build affordable / social housing, it is unlikely that the section 106 requirement will be enforced.

It was noted that the application by Larkfleet to build 63 homes on land between Bourne and Swinstead roads has been turned down in the absence of a master plan for the whole site.

Cllr Robins was asked whether the Local Plan currently out for review contained anything of especial significance to Corby Glen. He believed that there were only minor amendments but stressed the need for a Neighbourhood Plan which is critical in shaping the Local Plan. Cllr Walsingham offered to forward the link to the Local Plan to councillors.

1.     Apologies for absence: None.

2.     District and County Councillors’ Reports: Nothing further of significance to report.

3.     The minutes of the meeting of the Council held on Wed 9th September 2020 were approved by a majority and signed by the chairman as an accurate record: 7 for, 1 abstention. The minutes of the EGM held on Tues 6th October will be amended to include reference to Cllr Cook attending meetings on the Council’s behalf and the amended version signed by the chairman.

4.     Councillors’ Declarations of Interest: Cllr Fowler declared an interest in item 83/19.

5.     Review of Action Log:
07/20 Cllr Fox has set up new email addresses for councillors & emailed details to councillors & the clerk.

49/20 Sapling on Triangle: The Smith family will replace.

6.     Clerk’s & Chairman’s reports on matters outstanding:

77/19 Lighting for Art Gallery (reduce wattage of bulbs): Cllr Fox to instruct electricians.

39/20 War Memorial Restoration: War memorial restoration work complete. Railings still to be painted. The grant application can only be submitted when all work is complete.

40/20 Water Pump: No response received from Mr Atter regarding details of the work proposed. Clerk had been in discussions with the people in Irnham who had renovated their water pumps during lockdown to establish the process and materials used. She has applied for listed building consent on that basis. It was suggested that the work could be undertaken by a knowledgeable resident. Cllr Walsingham to follow up.

42/20 Potential request for removal of arrows round water pump in Market Place: No response from LCC Highways. Understandably they may have other priorities at this time. Not to be pursued for the time being.

43/20 Signage Laxtons Lane: Clerk has communicated the Council’s request that the signs be replaced like for like, ie no change to access. No response received.

47/20 Speed of quarry lorries: See 55/20 below

51/20 Good Neighbours Scheme: Clerk reported that the CCC scheme originally set up in response to the pandemic is in the process of being established as an ongoing Good Neighbours Scheme, co-ordinated by Ian Astley. So far no request for funding from the Council has been received.

58/20 Speed of motorbikes through village: It is unclear whether ‘the Rutland TT’ which also covers parts of Lincolnshire, including Corby Glen, is an organised event or an ad hoc circuit. Cllr Walsingham to follow up with LCC.

62/20 Tree Work: Clerk to accept quote from Oakwick, the firm the Council have used in the past.

64/20 Coronation Road: Cllr Robins has escalated to SKDC Housing Team and has requested a report. Cllr Collins to communicate to residents. Cllr Robins was thanked for his efforts.

09/16 Neighbourhood PlanningFollowing the application for Local Green Space for the Mussons Close land, the importance of the Neighbourhood Plan has become apparent and more people have joined the group. A draft has been prepared which Cllr Walsingham will circulate to councillors. Cllr Robins will get involved, as will Cllr Muir if required.

7.     Matters to be resolved:

56/20 Actions resulting from Play Area Inspection Report: Cllr Cook and Mark Lamming to investigate Toddler Tower further to establish whether any action with the slats on the ropewalk is possible (reported in the RoSPA report as a foot / leg entrapment risk (level 9), but deemed no practical action) and whether it is worth painting or should be replaced (rough cost of new £2,995). Cllr Collins reported that the amount of litter appears to have decreased.

70/20 Slats on Ropewalk: See above.

59/20 Repainting Play Equipment: Awaiting outcome of 56/20.

60/20 Waste Skips: Ordered for Saturday Oct 17th 8.00am – 11.00am. Cllrs Walsingham, Collins, Muir, Lamming, Fox to cover. Gloves & masks will be required. Cllr Cook to produce poster for A Frame. Cllr Fowler to put an entry on Next Door. Cllrs requested to park cars in the market place the night before to ensure space for skips – but these must be removed by 8.00am Saturday morning.

8.     Reports from:  

Planning: to consider planning applications received prior to and after the publication of the agenda
S20/1576 2A Swinstead Road – Mr & Mrs Lyon – Garage conversion / side extension / dormer window
. Clerk had been informed by SKDC Planning that this is an application to establish whether the proposed extension would be considered ‘permitted development’.

S20/1561 Ferndale Development – S106: Discussed in Open Forum

Greens Working Group:

9.     Payments and Accounts

(i) Bank balances – monthly update approved as set out below. The cost of the playground inspection to be set against the Playground fund.

(ii) Invoices for payment – Councillors resolved to approve payments as set out in schedule below.

Opening Bank balance from 1st September 2020£17,450.96
Income received on bank statement 
Invoices cleared on bank statementS. Woodman – clerk’s wagesS. Woodman – clerk’s expensesHMRC – clerk’s PAYECDPC – Community cleanerMCS grass cuttingPlaysafety – Playground InspectionGlobal Technics Medicare BV (Netherlands) – defib keypad – €66.55
* Differs from estimate – foreign bank handling fee
Closing Bank Balance 30th September 2020£16,687.08
Cheques to be authorised/cleared:S. Woodman – clerk’s wagesS. Woodman – clerk’s expensesHMRC – clerk’s PAYECDPC – Community cleanerMCS grass cuttingLALC NewsHurst – War Memorial Renovation (grant awaited) £236.96£8.60£59.40£149.73£434.00£4.50£2,436.00
Estimated remaining NatWest bank balance(excluding Defibrillator, Play Equipment & War Memorial funds – awaiting receipt of grant)£13,357.89£13,184.42
Defibrillator FundTotal banked to date (inc. VAT refunds):        Purchases to date (inc. VAT):Fund remaining: £2,383.80
Play Equipment FundTotal banked to date (inc. VAT refunds):        Purchases to date (inc. VAT):Fund remaining: £41,425.44£40,808.43£509.61
War Memorial FundTotal banked to date (inc. VAT refunds):        Purchases to date (inc. VAT):Fund remaining: (pending receipt of grant) £1,850.00£2,436.00-£586.00
Neighbourhood Plan Costs (to be repaid on receipt of grant funding)Costs to date £504.79

10.   Matters to be further discussed at this meeting:

27/20 Local Covid Response: The Chairman & Vice Chairman have been in discussions with Revd Buckman and associates about how the village can best be brought together this Autumn / Winter during the pandemic restrictions, especially for significant occasions such as Remembrance Day, Christmas etc. For Remembrance Day, there will be a service on The Green only on November 8th at 10.30am attended by the Bishop of Grantham with people socially distanced. A gazebo will be needed to shelter the sound equipment (loan arranged) in case of inclement weather. Arrangements have been made to use local electricity.

Discussions are ongoing about how Christmas can best be marked, and many ideas put forward. Any more ideas should be shared with Cllr Walsingham. Cllr Hargreaves will join future discussions.

The possibility of fireworks on bonfire night were discussed and various options suggested to co-ordinate individual households. Lighting the beacon was considered but deemed too difficult to ensure social distancing. Communication was discussed, particularly the setting up of a dedicated Facebook page (Cllr Fox), a poster for the A frame, getting further suggestions from Cllr Cook’s marketing department and possibly a leaflet drop. The theme of “Light up the Skies above Corby Glen” was considered.

83/19 Flag usage: The Council resolved by a majority to pay Councillor Fowler £15 for his flags: 7 for, 1 abstention.

55/20 Speeding on Bourne Road near school: The council discussed the purchase of a Speed Indicating Device (SID) which can be moved around the village, potential cost £1,905, bracket £57 + VAT. It is believed that there is also an annual maintenance / calibration charge of approximately £50. These devices flash up the motorist’s speed with text such as “Your Speed is”. They are approximately the same size as the electronic sign on entry to the village. Normally battery powered, requiring recharging about every 5 weeks. It is not known how easy these are to erect / dismantle to move. Someone would need to take responsibility for the unit eg recharge the battery.

Lincs Road Safety Partnership would advise on locations, and LCC give permission to erect on the roadside verges.

Other alternatives were discussed such as hiring a mobile speed gun from time to time, and a life size cardboard model of a policeman holding a speed gun.

All councillors were asked to give the matter more consideration and discuss further at the next meeting.

61/20 Christmas Tree: Grimsthorpe cannot supply a tree this year. Clerk to contact Mrs Boother from Ingoldsby in the first instance re her offer of a tree. Risk Assessment etc to be deferred to next meeting.

65/20 Grant for churchyard upkeep: The clerk had been contacted by the treasurer of St John’s PCC and asked for a donation for the upkeep of the churchyard. It was agreed unanimously to make a donation of £150.

66/20 Land in Mussons Close: Dealt with by EGM.

67/20 Clerks Salary annual increase: It was agreed unanimously that the clerk’s annual salary be increased in line with the recently announced NALC salary award from £9.77/hour to £10.04/hour, backdated to 01/04/20.

68/20 Consider ‘Green Initiative’: Deferred until next meeting. 

69/20 “Celebration” of Remembrance Day: See also 27/20 above. Councillors were asked to help clear leaves from The Green on Saturday November 7th 2020 at 10.00am. The clerk was requested to contact Mr Adcock and request the use of his ride-on mower to assist. Poppies will be attached to the lamp posts along the A151 as last year. Members of the council will be available wearing hi-vis jackets to request traffic to halt during the 2 mins silence.

71/20 Consider Election of new councillor: The clerk has informed SKDC Election Officer of Cllr Parker’s resignation. The election / co-option process will be followed. To be discussed further at the next meeting.

72/20 Accessibility of documents on web site: Recent legislation demands that documents on local council web sites from Sept 2018 onwards be in accessible format so that members of the public with a disability can access. In practice this means for us that all pdf documents need to be converted to html format. The Council agreed unanimously that this should be done. The clerk will prepare a plan and liaise with Cllr Fox, with the aim of completing the task by December 31st 2020.

73/20 Review of Assets (re bench at the bottom of St John’s Drive): Deferred until next meeting. 

74/20 Green Homes Grant – re Social Housing: Deferred until next meeting. 

75/20 Super-fast broad band: With the increase in the number of people working from home and the expectation of 250 new homes in the village in the foreseeable future, it was recommended that Openreach be contacted with a view to adding the village to the list of areas for Superfast Broadband. As it is understood that applications will be processed on a ‘first come, first served’ basis, it was agreed unanimously that Cllr Cook should lead on this matter and deliver leaflets to all homes in the village.

76/20 Consider reducing the number of BT wires in the Market Place: Deferred until next meeting. 

77/20 Consider the purchase of a speed camera: – Discussed with 55/20.

11.   Next meeting:

The next meeting will take place at 7.30pm on Wednesday 11thNovember 2020, venue to be agreed depending upon the circumstances prevailing at the time.

Meeting closed at 9.36 pm.                                                                                                           Mrs. Sue Woodman – Parish Clerk

Action Log 13th October 2020

RefActionResponsibilityDate by
07/20Communicate councillors’ new email addresses to SKDC; update CG web siteClerk / Cllr Fox11/11/20
18/20Arrange for work on lights between Barleycroft / PridmoreCllrs Fox11/11/20
77/19Arrange for work to reduce wattage of bulbs in Gallery LightingCllrs Fox11/11/20
40/20Water pumps: Discuss work with Mr Walsingham.Cllr Walsingham11/11/20
43/20Chase LCC Highways regarding the request that the existing signage at both ends of Laxton’s Lane be renewed with no alterations.Cllr Walsingham11/11/20
56/20Cover the exposed metal on the rope cord with duct tape.Cllr Cook11/11/20
56/20Investigate Toddler Tower with Mark Lamming & report backCllr Cook11/11/20
58/20Motor Bikes – speed/noise through village: Cllr Walsingham to enquire of LCC whether they are aware of the “Rutland TT” which extends to roads in LincolnshireCllr Walsingham11/11/20
61/20Contact Mrs Boother re offer of Christmas Tree.Clerk11/11/20
62/20Request tree surgeon last used to carry out work recommended in report as per quote when planning consent obtainedClerk11/11/20
64/20Social Housing: Cllr Collins to communicate action taken by Cllr Robins to residents.Cllr Collins11/11/20
09/16Neighbourhood Planning: circulate draft plan to councillors when appropriate.Cllr Walsingham11/11/20
60/20Skips: Produce poster for A Frame re skips / Put an entry on Next Door / Park cars in market place the night before to ensure space for skipsCllr Cook / Cllr Fowler / all17/10/20
27/20Community Spirit: Set up of a dedicated Facebook page for ideas re fireworks & possible other celebrations / produce a poster for the A frame re fireworks / Discuss with marketing department / consider a leaflet drop.Cllr Fox /
Cllr Cook /
Speed Devices: Research options for speed devices / Consider possibility of purchase of SID or alternativeCllr Fowler / all11/11/20
65/20Grant for churchyard upkeep: Donate £150 to St John’s on behalf of the Council for the upkeep of the churchyardClerk11/11/20
69/20Remembrance Day: Contact Mr Adcock to request the use of his ride-on mower on Saturday November 7th 2020 at 10.00am to help clear leaves from The Green in preparation for the Remembrance Day Service / Bring rakes to help clear leaves from The Green Saturday November 7th 2020 at 10.00am / Attach oppies to the lamp posts along the A151 / Attend service on Nov 8th wearing hi-vis jacket to request traffic to halt during the 2 mins silence.Clerk /

All available /


72/20Document Accessibility: Prepare Plan for converting historical documents / convert documents & load onto web siteClerk / Cllr Fox11/11/20 31/12/20
75/20Super-fast broad band: Deliver leaflets around the village;
contact Openreach with a view to adding the village to the list of areas for Superfast Broad.
Cllr Cook11/11/20

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