Parish Council Minutes|

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Draft Minutes of the meeting held on Wed March 13th 2024 at 7.00pm in the Willoughby Memorial Gallery, Corby Glen.

Present: Cllrs Lamming (Chair), Walsingham, Evans, Harty, Harwood, Mardling & Shepperson.

In attendance: 2 residents, Mrs. S. Woodman (Parish Clerk).

Open Forum:

It was confirmed that the donation to the Bowls Club is in line with the CGPC Grants & Donations policy.

A response is awaited from Colsterworth PC re speed restrictions.

A resident commented on the potential impact of SKDC’s new recycling strategy and recent flooding.

The absence of speed cameras on the A151 in the area and the process for requesting them was raised. The subject of recent police ‘speed traps’ was discussed.

Cllr Walsingham reported a recent visit to Boothby Wildlands and their measures to improve the flow of the river Glen. These measures could mitigate the flooding downstream, especially if other local landowners follow suit.

  1. Apologies for absence: Cllr Cook & Ellam. Reasons given and accepted.
  2. District and County Councillors’ Reports: Not in attendance.
  3. The minutes of the meeting of the Council held on Wednesday February 14th 2024 and the EGM held on
    Wednesday March 6th 2024 were approved unanimously.
  4. Councillors’ Declarations of Interest:
  5. Review of Action Log:

O/F Location of 30mph sign on A151: Raised again with LCC Highways – they are considering installing a ‘New Road Layout’ sign.

24/02/09 Flagpole: The chairman thanked Cllrs Shepperson and Robins for their help in the absence of Cllr Cook.

24/01/11 State of village footpaths: LCC Highways has added the request for the footpaths to be resurfaced to their list – this work is not done by the same team as re-surface the roads.

24/02/15 Bollards along Tanners Lane / Horsepool: LCC Highways will investigate when the weather improves.

  1. Clerk’s & Chairman’s reports on matters outstanding:


02 Neighbourhood Planning: The Neighbourhood Plan has now been ‘made’ ie formally adopted by SKDC. As requested, 2 bound hard copies had been provided for the Parish Council, one to be kept by a Cllr (Cllr Mardling) and one by the clerk. The final report will be submitted at the end of March and the underspend of £184.12 returned.

The chairman once again thanked Mr Wakerley and the team for their hard work on behalf of the village.

  1. Matters to be resolved:

03 Use of S106 funds / Process for application for S106 Funds: The clerk read out an email response to Cllr Robins from SKDC’s Assistant Director of Planning. It seems that the funding from Allison Homes is designated for the Ron Dawson Hall only. The council had not been aware of this. Cllr Harwood queried whether projects which could benefit the hall, such as speed cameras on Swinstead Road, would be considered. The email did not appear to appreciate CGPC’s position as representing a cross section of the parish to collate responses, not to approve them.

Cllr Shepperson had provided text for communication to residents. This is to be included in the April issue of The Link and posted on the Corby Glen web site. Cllr Shepperson agreed to provide a ‘headlines’ version for Next Door.

Cllr Harwood provided Cllrs with options for replacing the toddler tower. Cllrs were requested to view the options on the web sites and consult children, so that a decision can be made at the next meeting.

04 Emergency Planning: Cllr Mardling has shared the draft plan which she & Cllr Lamming had prepared, and requested input from the meeting to complete. It was agreed that planning should include a potential railway emergency. Locations for incident room / rest centre have been identified and verified with those responsible, and others are being considered. The clerk was requested to obtain emergency contact details for nearby councils from their clerks. Cllr Mardling will attend a training course in April.

05 Leaflet with useful contacts: Cllr Shepperson has made contact with a local resident who can help with printing and distribution. Draft to be circulated as available. A grant is being sought, but the initiative could be paid for out of council funds until the grant is forthcoming, or if it is not available. Estimated cost c£500.

06 Issues associated with the new housing development: An affected resident has chased Anglian Water for a response, but the clerk is not aware of a reply from Anglian.

07 Consider a resident’s request to add the St John’s grass area to the grass cutting schedule: Still awaiting response from SKDC regarding funding if CGPC undertake. Clerk to chase – again.

08 Consider process for layout changes to Market Place parking: The clerk read out an email with a suggested layout from a resident who was unable to attend in person. The council thanked the resident and asked the clerk to forward her suggestion to LCC Highways.

09 Consider what action can be taken re the persistent flooding of Tanner’s Lane / Irnham Rd: Cllr Walsingham had requested the layout of utilities from LCC Highways. The clerk was requested to inform Cllr Hill that although 2 drains have been cleared on Irnham Rd (thank you) 2 are still blocked, and investigation of the whole problem is needed.

In an attempt to understand the problem, Cllr Lamming suggested that knowledgeable residents get together to plot exactly where the problem is arising.

10 Agree way forward regarding Christmas Tree Lights and authorise expenditure: Cllr Shepperson showed the council a picture and Cllr Cook’s drawings for lights around the Market Cross which would place no load onto the cross itself. They would require mains power (but as LEDs, would not take a significant amount of electricity). Costs ranged from £483 + VAT – £607.50 + VAT. A similar design based on a free standing flag pole was also a possibility. The council was grateful for the design of a metal tree provided recently by a resident but felt that it would be too costly.

The council agreed by a majority (6 for, 1 abstention) to accept Cllr Cook’s design.

  1. Reports from:

Planning: to consider planning applications received prior to & after publication of the agenda:

S24/0366 Mr Lynch – Wheelwright’s Cottage, High St. – Repoint external walls (listed building consent): No objections.

Greens Working Group:

11 Playground Equipment Maintenance: Nothing to report.

  1. Payments and Accounts

(i) Bank balances – monthly update approved unanimously as set out below.

(ii) Invoices for payment – Councillors resolved unanimously to approve payments as set out in schedule below.

Opening Bank balance from 1st February 2024


Income received on bank statement:


Invoices cleared on bank statement:
S. Woodman – clerk’s wages
S. Woodman – clerk’s expenses
HMRC – clerk’s PAYE
CDPC – Community cleaner
M Sanderson – Web site maintenance
LALC Subscription 2024-25
LALC Training Subscription 2024-25
Mrs Woodman – Envelopes
Neighbourhood Plan – Clive Keble Consulting
Neighbourhood Plan – CSR – Meetings
Neighbourhood Plan – Jon Wakerley – Printing
Cllr Cook – Christmas (Sean & Trevor)


Closing Bank Balance 29th February 2024


Payments to be authorised/cleared:
S. Woodman – clerk’s wages
S. Woodman – clerk’s expenses
HMRC – clerk’s PAYE
CDPC – Community cleaner
M Sanderson – Web site maintenance
Mrs Woodman – Additional Email storage – 12 months subscription
CG Bowls Club – Pro-Am Competition support
Cllr Cook – Flag Pole Accessories
M Sanderson – Web site Nhd Plan
Nhd Plan – Printing booklets


Estimated remaining NatWest bank balance
(excluding all Funds)




Neighbourhood Plan Costs
Grant received
Previous costs
New costs against grant
Grant remaining:




Community Support Fund (Allison Homes)
Donation received
Previous costs
New costs
Remaining: (Note: VAT Refund of £101.24 to be claimed)





Phone Box Area Fund (NISA)
Donation received + VAT Refunds
Previous costs
New costs



  1. Matters to be further discussed at this meeting:

12 Consider the need for additional warning signs on the bend at Corby Birkholme: Not discussed further.

13 Consider suitable locations for EV charging points (LCC Request): Although the council would like to see EV charging points installed in the village, no suitable locations on the public highway could be identified. Clerk to feed back to LCC.

14 Consider how to recognise the D-Day Anniversary in June – Beacon? Flag?: It was agreed that the beacon should be lit as per national guidelines. Clerk to register for village involvement; Cllr Harwood will liaise with the Fire Station.

15 Request from Mrs Dawson to donate a tree for The Green in memory of the Dawson brothers: The council were pleased to accept Mrs Dawson’s kind offer. Clerk to thank Mrs Dawson & check with the tree specialist re most appropriate species. Cllr Walsingham to liaise with Mr Brian Walsingham re appropriate location on The Green.

16 Consider issues concerning flags/ flag flying: A suggested response to a resident’s query was discussed. Cllr Shepperson to supply clerk with a shorter version.

17 Consider iDig offer of free trees: Clerk to seek more information from iDig. Location of recently planted trees to be plotted. Planting willows on the Horsepool near the river was suggested.

18 Consider comments to feed back to SKDC on the Draft Local Plan: It was recommended that Cllrs keep a close eye on SKDC’s Draft Local Plan as in the past additional maps had been inserted unnoticed. There is concern that other land could be ‘sucked in’.

As the deadline for comments is April 15th, this will be discussed in detail at the next meeting. Cllrs were requested to study in advance. (see p206)

19 Consider request to meet MP re Full Fibre rollout: March 22nd. Cllr Walsingham to attend.

  1. Next meeting:

The next regular meeting will take place on Wed 10th April 2024 at 7.00pm in the Willoughby Gallery, Corby Glen.

Meeting closed at 9.05pm.                                                                                                            Mrs. Sue Woodman – Parish Clerk


Action Log 13th March




Date by


Barleycroft – Pridmore footpath: Send photos to Cllr Hill & LCC Highways

Cllr Hill



Speed Indicator Missing: Chase LCC – again




Add ‘Speed cameras for A151 to April agenda




Arrange re-cementing of village pump

Cllr Lamming



War Memorial, replace missing letters: Progress funding application




S106 funds:
Provide details of traffic calming measures used elsewhere
Determine how long the funds remain available
Investigate & cost options for other S106 funds

Add agreed text to web site and include in April Link
Provide ‘Headlines’ for Next Door
Post on Next Door

View toddler tower options on the web site and consult children
Investigate other local playparks

Cllr Robins
Cllr Robins
Cllrs Harwood, Evans & Cook
Cllr Shepperson






Leaflet with map of village with street names:
Send draft to clerk
Share draft with Cllrs
Consider a group photo for the leaflet & web site

Cllr Shepperson



Consider a resident’s request to add the St John’s grass area to the grass cutting schedule: Chase SKDC again to determine funds available if CGPC were to take on responsibility.

Cllr Robins



Barleycroft / Pridmore footpath lights:
Investigate options and attempt to establish responsibility
Provide Cllr Walsingham with a Risk Assessment.
Check if current lights are working

Cllr Robins
Cllr Cook
Cllr Walsingham



Consider layout changes to Market Place parking:
Forward resident’s suggestion to LCC Highways.

Chase response to email questioning the necessity for bus stop ‘near Fighting Cocks’ & requesting exact location.






Arrange for all drains, dykes and gullies in the area & Bourne Road to be jetted
Inform Cllr Hill that although 2 drains have been cleared on Irnham Rd, 2 are still blocked and investigation of the whole problem is needed

Cllr Hill



Playground Equipment Maintenance: Investigate the insurance position.

Cllr Ellam



Christmas Tree: Progress design

Cllr Cook



Bollards along Tanners Lane / Horsepool: Chase LCC Highways




Emergency Planning Obtain emergency contact details for nearby councils




Locations for EV charging points: No suitable locations on public property identified – feed back to LCC.




How to recognise the D-Day Anniversary in June:
Register for village involvement;
Liaise with the Fire Station.

Cllr Harwood



Donation of a tree in memory of the Dawson brothers:
Thank Mrs Dawson
Check with the tree specialist re most appropriate species.
Liaise with Mr Brian Walsingham re appropriate location on The Green.

Cllr Walsingham



Issues concerning flags/ flag flying: Supply clerk with a shorter version of suggested text.

Cllr Shepperson



iDig offer of free trees: Seek more information from iDig. Willows?
Provide Cllrs with plan of pre-existing trees
Plot location of recently planted trees to be plotted.




Consider Draft Local Plan: Study SKDC’s Draft Local Plan & prepare comments




Meet MP re Full Fibre rollout: Attend meeting on March 22nd.

Cllr Walsingham



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