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Minutes of the meeting held on Wednesday June 14th 2023 at 7.00pm in the Willoughby Gallery, Corby Glen.
Present: Cllrs Lamming (Chair), Ellam, Harwood, Shepperson & Walsingham.
In attendance: 3 residents, Mrs. S. Woodman (Parish Clerk).
Open Forum:
Cllr Walsingham thanked the Sheep Fair committee for approaching us to share internet costs, agenda item 35/23
The council wanted to get in touch with the Christmas Tree Fund to determine whether the group required support.
A resident expressed his concern regarding speeding on Swinstead Road and the damage being caused to his property, and asked what action the council could take to stop / reduce this, especially in respect of large vehicles. The chairman explained the action the Community Speed Watch (CSW) is currently taking, but this is at present limited to the A151 at the wish of Lincs Road Safety Partnership (LRSP), who will now be contacted to request permission to extend operations to Swinstead Road. It is recognised that this is just a deterrent. The builders should also be requested to ensure their vehicles obey the speed limit, and the police alerted to the situation, especially following the recent major accident on the A151. In the meantime, the resident was also recommended to contact LCC direct himself about the issues – CGPC is happy to support him in this.
- Apologies for absence: Cllrs Clink, Cook & Evans. Reasons given and accepted.
- District and County Councillors’ Reports: none
- The minutes of the meeting of the Council held on Wednesday May 10th 2023 were approved unanimously.
- Councillors’ Declarations of Interest: Cllr Shepperson declared an interest in matters relating to Allison Homes.
- Review of Action Log:
06/23 Tree Survey: Planning allowed for urgent work; application submitted for other work.
- Clerk’s & Chairman’s reports on matters outstanding:
75/20 Superfast Broadband: In progress.
12/22 Consider state of benches, bins, phone box, noticeboards & options to fix:
Phone Box: The area has been cleaned, the perspex panels fixed in place and the decals affixed; a black background is to be considered; BT sign to be obscured with a cork board. Cllr Shepperson will source fixings for the bottom panels. Bookcases are being sourced. Unseemly activity has been reported behind the phone box; Cllr Shepperson offered to supply CCTV signs. The chairman thanked Mrs Andrew. Mr Kiely and Mrs Partridge for their efforts in achieving this.
Benches: The bench on Bourne Road is considered too broken to fix. The purchase of a new bench similar to that at the bottom of St John’s Drive is to be considered (Cllr Shepperson to send the clerk a photo; clerk to obtain 3 quoted for a 2 seter bench).
57/22 Community Congress: The Warm Space meetings are not taking place at the moment. With assistance from Bea, Cllr Lamming is applying to the Lottery fund for additional funding.
42/23 Thanks (KA, AC & MC, JC): The chairman formally thanked Mrs Andrew for her work and support during her tine as a councillor; Cllr Clink and the Musson’s Close stakeholders for the upkeep of the land in the centre of the Close and the new benches there; and Cllr Cook and Mr Lamming for procuring and installing the swing uprights.
09/16 Neighbourhood Planning: The chairman shared Cllr Clink’s report with the meeting.
- Matters to be resolved:
34/23 Consider co-option of new councillor: A vacancy for a new councillor had been advertised. One nomination had been received from Kelly Harty. In the absence of other nominees, Mrs Harty was unanimously co-opted onto the council and signed her Acceptance of Office.
02/23 Consider how best to make use of Cllr Hill’s offer of 2 days labour:
Cllr Walsingham agreed to purchase the required materials and provide the necessary tools. A budget of £50 was agreed unanimously. Cllr Walsingham is unfortunately no longer available to liaise on June 29th; the main contact will be Cllr Lamming (volunteers to meet at her house), with Cllr Ellam also agreeing to assist. Clerk to inform LCC.
Clerk to print 10 Wet Paint signs on plastic paper provided.
03/23 Maintenance of village web site: Mr Miles thanked Cllr Cook and Mr Sanderson for their support and reported on changes he has already applied and explained in detail the issues he is experiencing in maintaining the web site. He has set up a test site on a server loaned by Cllr Ellam.
It was agreed that a meeting should be arranged between Mr Miles, Mr Sanderson, Cllr Cook and Cllr Shepperson to review the issues and agree a way forward.
In the meantime, councillors were requested to access their details (via the microscope icon) and check they are correct. Photos will also be required.
The chairman thanked Mr Miles again for undertaking this work.
Cllr Ellam had noted that the council does not have a Social Media policy. One will be provided if the privacy package proposed by Mr Miles is purchased.
35/03 Consider sharing cost of hosting village web site with CG Sheep Fair: The Sheep Fair Committee had approached the council to ask to share the web hosting. Cllr Walsingham was concerned that this might be in breach of regulations – clerk to check. Subject to a satisfactory response, the council voted unanimously to go ahead.
43/22 Lighting of footpath between Barleycroft & Pridmore: Cllr Ellam has removed most of the wiring and the non-functional lights and disconnected the supply from Ms Cooper’s house. He had studied the quotes previously obtained for renewal and considered them reasonable.
However, he recommended that, instead, the council spend £40 on 6 new solar movement sensitive lights, which would stand no prouder then the previous. Ms Cooper is agreeable to these being attached to her fence. The council agreed unanimously to Cllr Ellam’s recommendation.
36/23 Consider signage clarifying restrictions on The Green: Signage on the Green explaining restrictions was considered too heavy handed. To be reconsidered at a later date.
39/23 Overhanging foliage on St John’s Drive: The issue, raised as a result of a resident’s complaint, was discussed. Cllr Shepperson agreed to speak to the owner concerned initially, rather than involving LCC at this point.
40/23 Purchase of more poo bags: The clerk was authorised unanimously to purchase biodegradable poo bags to the value of £30.
- Reports from:
Planning: to consider planning applications received prior to & after publication of the agenda:
S23/0499 Swinstead Road, DWH – Bus Stop: Clerk to respond that the bus stop should be positioned well clear of the blind bend and that no part of the hedge should be removed during its installation. Also, as no regular bus service along this road, query the need.
S23/0884 Manor House, Irnham Rd, Mr Kerry – Erection of single storey annex: No objection
S23/0901 Irnham Grange, Irnham Rd, Mr Kerry – Garage + extension: No objection
S23/0976 Ferndale House, Swinstead Rd, Mrs Waumsley – Conversion for Airbnb + erection of a Work from Home unit: No objection
S23/0991 The Green, Parish Clerk – Tree work for CGPC: No objection
S23/0984 Tanglewood Cottage, High St – Install Comms equipment + pole: No objection
S23/0992 8 High St, M Silabon & T Leete – Various changes resulting from building work: No objection
Greens Working Group:
07/21 Playground Equipment Maintenance:
Swing uprights: Now installed by Cllr Cook & Mr Lamming.
Picnic table & benches: Cllr Ellam has repaired the picnic table; materials to repair the benches have been considered – recycled plastic wood appears to be as expensive as oak.
Rocking Horse: Repair still needed. Cllr Ellam will investigate.
Annual Inspection: Due in August. Playsafety have quoted £75 + VAT; plus £42 + Vat if accompanied. It was agreed unanimously that an accompanied inspection is preferred. Changes / repairs recommended are to be prioritised.
41/23 Appoint Greens Committee: With recent councillor resignations, a new Greens Committee needs to be appointed. The duties of the Greens Committee were explained to councillors. Cllrs Shepperson, Harty and Harwood join Cllr Walsingham. An inspection rota for monthly inspections needs to be agreed amongst members.
- Payments and Accounts
(i) Bank balances – monthly update approved unanimously as set out below.
(ii) Invoices for payment – Councillors resolved by a majority (6 for, 1 abstention) to approve payments as set out in schedule below.
Opening Bank balance from 1st May 2023 |
£27,735.31 |
Income received on bank statement: |
Invoices cleared on bank statement: |
Closing Bank Balance 31st May 2023 |
£24,729.57 |
Payments to be authorised/cleared: |
Estimated remaining NatWest bank balance |
£22,409.21 |
Community Support Fund (Allison Homes) |
Phone Box Area Fund (NISA) |
- Matters to be further discussed at this meeting:
19/22 Use of S106 funds from DWH development / residents’ consultation: Deferred
56/22 Emergency Planning: Deferred
14/23 Town & Parish Community Fund: The clerk explained that the current Financial Regulations do not insist on 3 quotes, so accepting Western Power’s quote for electricity supply to the Market Place would not be a contravention.
Clerk to contact Cllr Hill and determine how to access funds – £5,000 to be requested.
17/23 Refurbishment of Market Place: The chairman explained that the council would like to make the Market Place more attractive to leave the centre empty for the installation of bench/es & planter/s plus a power supply. Electric charging points are for the future as LCC’s rollout does not cover rural areas.
18/23 Inventory of Winter / Spring flowers: Required to avoid the ‘accidental’ disturbance.
23/23 New Row retaining wall: The clerk had obtained 3 quotes for the repair. Councillors were asked to look at the wall and consider what action is appropriate. To be considered further at the next meeting.
24/23 Tanners Lane ditch: Originally raised by Mr Fowler. We have raised the issue to LCC and we believe LCC have written to the landowner, Clerk to request him to raise his concerns direct with LCC.
25/23 Barleycroft – Pridmore footpath surface: The trip hazard remains a concern; to be considered with S106 funding.
26/23 Pothole reporting: to direct people to link to LCC or directly to LCC
28/23 War Memorial, letters missing: Hirst Conservation will survey. Awaiting their report / quote.
29/23 Leaflet with Telephone contacts (Anglian Water, Electric board etc.) & map of village with street names:
not discussed.
31/23 Consider the purchase of a PA system for the Parish Council: Search continuing. Cllr Lamming to liaise with Cllr Shepperson.
36/23 Zig zag lines opposite the primary school: This area is now more congested with the 2 extra houses being built. Clerk to contact LCC Highways & request zig-zag lines opposite the school.
37/23 Funding for current work streams: Not discussed further.
38/23 Issues associated with the new housing estates and how to minimise any disruption: Concern is primarily with the Nottingham Housing Association development being undertaken by Modus Partnerships, who are failing to comply with requirements. Cllr Ellam to email Cllr Robins with the council’s concerns.
43/23 Consider providing a bin on the Coronation Road grass area: This area is increasingly used as a play area by local children, Residents have agreed to empty the bin themselves. Clerk to obtain 3 quotes for a small bin.
- Next meeting:
The next regular meeting will take place on Wed 124h July 2023 at 7.00pm in the Willoughby Gallery, Corby Glen.
Meeting closed at 9.06pm. Mrs. Sue Woodman – Parish Clerk
Action Log 14th June 2023
Ref |
Action |
Responsibility |
Date by |
O/F |
Contact Christmas Tree Fund to determine whether the group is still operational |
Clerk |
12/7/23 |
O/F |
Contact LRSP – request permission to extend CSW operations to Swinstead Rd; |
Clerk |
12/7/23 |
07/21 |
Playground Equipment Maintenance |
12/22 |
Phone box Area: Benches: |
Cllr Shepperson |
asap |
19/22 |
Use of S106 funds: |
57/22 |
Community Congress: Investigate additional funding |
Cllr Lamming |
12/7/23 |
43/22 |
Lights not working between Barleycroft Road and Pridmore: |
02/23 |
Cllr Hill’s offer of 2 days labour: Liaise with LCC Purchase required materials and provide the necessary tools (budget £50); Clerk to print 10 Wet Paint signs on plastic paper provided. Provide access to water & facilities |
Cllr Lamming Cllr Walsingham Clerk Cllr Lamming |
29/6/23 29/6/23 |
03/23 |
Web Site: Access personal details (via the microscope icon) and check correct. Meet to review Mr Miles’s issues Social Media policy: Ascertain whether LALC has a template |
All Mr Miles, Clerk |
12/7/23 12/7/23 asap |
06/23 |
Tree Work: Remove basal growth |
Cllr Evans / Harwood |
14/6/23 |
35/23 |
Consider sharing cost of hosting village web site with CG Sheep Fair: Confirm legality of sharing the hosting of Sheep Fair web site with LALC |
12/7/23 |
14/23 |
Town & Parish Community Fund: Contact Cllr Hill and determine how to access funds – £5,000 to be requested. |
Clerk |
12/7/23 |
23/23 |
23/23 New Row retaining wall: Look at the wall and consider what action is appropriate. |
All |
12/7/23 |
24/23 |
Tanners Lane ditch: Request Mr Fowler to raise his concerns directly with LCC. |
Clerk |
12/7/23 |
26/23 |
Pothole reporting: Draft item for the web site to encourage residents to report potholes themselves. |
Cllr Walsingham |
14/6/23 |
28/23 |
War Memorial, letters missing: Get Hirst’s report / quote. |
Clerk |
12/7/23 |
29/23 |
Leaflet with map of village with street names: Investigate production of an A4 sheet with all the village street names on |
Cllrs Walsingham & Shepperson |
14/6/23 |
31/23 |
Consider the purchase of a PA system for the Parish Council: |
Cllr Lamming / |
14/6/23 |
34/23 |
Consider co-option of new councillor: Notify SKDC of new councillor |
Clerk |
asap |
36/23 |
Zig zag lines opposite the primary school: Contact LCC Highways & request zig-zag lines opposite the school. |
Clerk |
12/7/23 |
38/23 |
Issues associated with the new housing estates and how to minimise any disruption: Email Cllr Robins with the council’s concerns re the failure of the Nottingham Housing Association / Modus Partnerships development to comply with requirements |
Cllr Ellam |
12/7/23 |
40/23 |
Purchase of more poo bags: Purchase biodegradable poo bags (budget £30). |
Clerk |
12/7/23 |
43/23 |
Consider providing a bin on the Coronation Road grass area:Obtain 3 quotes for a small bin. |
Clerk |
12/7/23 |
S23/ |
Swinstead Road, DWH – Bus Stop: Respond that the bus stop should be positioned well clear of the blind bend and that no part of the hedge should be removed during its installation. Also, as no regular bus service along this road, query the need. |
Clerk |
asap |