Parish Council Minutes|

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Minutes of the meeting held on Wednesday May 10th 2023 at 7.30pm in the Willoughby Gallery, Corby Glen.

Present: Cllrs Lamming (Chair), Andrew, Ellam, Evans, Harwood, Shepperson & Walsingham.

In attendance: Cllr Robins, Cllr Hill, 5 members of the public, Mrs. S. Woodman (Parish Clerk).

Open Forum:

A resident expressed concern about the length of time the council takes to get things done and gave examples. The chairman appreciated his concern and pointed out that councillors are volunteers and the majority also have full time jobs, so their time to undertake council work was limited. She has a list of volunteers willing to help, but they are also not always available. It is possible to pay a tradesman to get things done more quickly, but council’s funds are limited; this could be considered as an option.

The resident also did not consider that councillors always participated fully in meetings and felt that too many agenda items were carried over from month to month before being dealt with. The chairman was sorry that the resident was of this opinion; she reviews outstanding agenda items regularly outside the meeting and will continue to do so.

Another resident queried the delay in the installation of Fibre Broadband and asked what penalty would be incurred by late delivery. The council is only aware that Openreach are intending to install within the statutory timescale.

The resident also reported widespread Wi-Fi issues which he believes are connected to many residents using the same channel although other channels are available. He was asked to make the village aware of the situation via the web site and Next Door, and to write some simple instructions as to how to change channel which could be posted on the web site for use by residents experiencing difficulties.

Funding issues were discussed further regarding the Ron Dawson Hall, especially with regard to the S106 money expected from DWH. The chairman summarised some of the council’s priorities for these funds as the Barleycroft – Pridmore footpath lighting, Speed Indicator Devices, White gates. An outdoor gym has also been suggested. The clerk will forward the council’s funding and donations policy to the Ron Dawson Hall secretary, but all groups are being recommended to continue to explore other funding channels.

  1. Apologies for absence: Cllrs Clink & Cook. Reasons given and accepted.
  2. District and County Councillors’ Reports:

Cllr Robins reported on the recent local elections and the effect on the district council.

He had walked round the recent underground cable works with a representative of Kier, the contractor. The situation was considered much improved and will continue to be monitored.

Cllr Hill reported on road closures necessitated by utility work, primarily Anglian Water, and the problems caused, especially when the road is marked closed unnecessarily. This can the result of the road management contactor failing to remove the signs in a timely manner. Steps are being taken to improve this situation.

Cllr Hill also mentioned the pipeline work in the area and the damage this is causing to verges which are to be re-instated.

He asked about the progress re the 2 days’ work promised. Some of what was hoped to be done cannot be achieved, but the rest is in hand and planned for June 29th.

Rowan Smith is looking into the road issue.

Cllr Hill had provided the clerk with a quote for street lighting for the Barleycroft – Pridmore footpath. The issues surrounding this were discussed. Cllr Ellam will investigate further with reference to Cllr Walsingham. Cllr Hill stressed that LCC would not adopt the lights & they would remain the Parish Council’s responsibility.

  1. The minutes of the meeting of the Council held on Wednesday April 12th 2023 and the EGM held on Thursday April 27th 2023 were approved by a majority (5 for, 2 abstentions).
  2. Councillors’ Declarations of Interest: Cllr Shepperson declared an interest in matters relating to Allison Homes.
  3. Review of Action Log:

A151 Surface noise: The clerk had contacted LCC Highways re the resident’s issue.

06/23 Tree Survey: Work was scheduled to be carried out on Thursday May 11th but the tree company had been unable to get a response from SKDC re planning. Cllr Robins reported that the SKDC Tree officer had retired some time ago and was only now working 1 day a fortnight until a new appointment could be made. He will look into the matter. Clerk to forward the email from the tree company. Cllrs Evans & Harwood agreed to cut back the basal growth.

  1. Clerk’s & Chairman’s reports on matters outstanding:

75/20 Superfast Broadband: No change; work is still due be completed by October 2023.

12/22 Consider state of benches, bins, phone box, noticeboards & options to fix:

Phone Box: Cllrs Lamming & Andrew are planning to clean the phone box on Monday May 15th (assuming fine weather). All help is appreciated. Cllr Shepperson is arranging for Perspex panels; Cllr Andrew has commissioned the vinyl decals; shelving is still needed – this project proved too complex for the 2 days labour offered by Cllr Hill. Shelving could be fixed or free standing.

Benches: The picnic bench needs more repair than can be undertaken by the 2 days labour offered by Cllr Hill. Oak was suggested as a suitable material, but this is prohibitively expensive. Recycled plastic is being considered.

57/22 Community Congress: The CSR is open the 1st Saturday of each month as Warm space to continue to provide support against isolation. Cllr Lamming is in discussion about applying for funding to continue this and support for village groups. The name of the group will change to Corby Glen Community Group.

03/23 Maintenance of village web site: Mr Miles reported that because of technical complexities, it is taking more time to make the web site legally compliant and conform to accessibility requirements. He asked for the council’s agreement to develop a technically simpler site in parallel. Documents will be uploaded in pdf format. Mr Miles plans to provide direct access to those who need it such as the clerk. He was asked to remove and create email addresses for councillors who have left and new councillors.

The chairman thanked Mr Miles again for undertaking this work.

09/16 Neighbourhood Planning: This is now with SKDC and is available on the web site. Notices have been displayed on lamp posts. The referendum is scheduled for the Autumn.

  1. Matters to be resolved:

32/23               To consider approving the Annual return for year ended March 31st 2023.

The accounts have been passed by the internal auditor, who has signed the appropriate form. The AGAR documents for signature had been circulated to councillors in advance of the meeting.

32/23/01        To approve the Annual governance statement 2022/23 Approved unanimously.

32/23/02        To approve the Accounting Statements 2022/23 Approved unanimously.
32/23/03        To approve the Exemption Certificate 2022/23
Approved unanimously.

The clerk was thanked for completing the accounts and arranging the audit so promptly.

33/23 To approve annual insurance renewal – due 1st June 2023 Approved unanimously.

02/23 Consider how best to make use of Cllr Hill’s offer of 2 days labour:

Cllrs Walsingham & Andrew agreed to organise the necessary tools, materials and schedule for this and inform the council of the cost. It is planned for June 29th. The volunteers will need access to water & facilities.

20/23 Register of Rights of Access across The Green: It had been noted that a tradesman replacing windows in one of the houses in New Row had parked his vehicles on The Green. It was suggested that the regulations concerning usage of the Green should be re-stated and circulated.

As requested, the clerk had obtained copies of the entries and plans available on the Land Registry for The Green itself.

27/23 Request for undergrounding work on The Green:  Covered at the EGM.

  1. Reports from:

Planning: to consider planning applications received prior to & after publication of the agenda: None

Greens Working Group:

07/21 Playground Equipment Maintenance: Mr Fowler & Cllr Harwood had met Mr Brian Walsingham to discuss the work required. Mr Walsingham is unable to undertake the work in the short term. Cllr Harwood reported that the wood underneath the rocking horse is rotten although the equipment is not considered unsafe. Cllr Andrew was more concerned about the slats on the bridge on the toddler tower.  Cllrs Walsingham, Cook & Harwood will discuss further, especially with reference to the use of recycled plastic, and consult Mr Lamming when he is installing the new swing uprights.

Swing uprights: Now manufactured and completed. Awaiting installation when time permits.

Other Playgrounds: 2 further playgrounds are being included as part of the new developments. The council was assured that it will not be responsible for the maintenance of these.

  1. Payments and Accounts

(i) Bank balances – monthly update approved unanimously as set out below.

(ii) Invoices for payment – Councillors resolved by a majority (6 for, 1 abstention) to approve payments as set out in schedule below.


Opening Bank balance from 1st April 2023


Income received on bank statement:


Invoices cleared on bank statement:
S. Woodman – clerk’s wages
S. Woodman – clerk’s expenses
HMRC – clerk’s PAYE
CDPC – Community cleaner
MCS – Grass Cutting
CSR Room hire – Choir (March)
CG Bowls Club – Coronation Competition
Cllr Walsingham – Trees
Mrs Woodman – Land Registry Searches
LIVES – Defib Rescue Kit


Closing Bank Balance 30th April 2023


Payments to be authorised/cleared:
Neighbourhood Plan Grant Refund
Data Protection Fee (DD)
S. Woodman – clerk’s wages
S. Woodman – clerk’s expenses
HMRC – clerk’s PAYE
CDPC – Community cleaner
MCS – Grass Cutting
S. Woodman – Stationery
Cllr Walsingham – Trees
Annual Insurance
CSR Room hire – Community Congress
CSR Room hire – EGM
Mrs Woodman – Land Registry Searches
Additions Accounting – Audit


Estimated remaining NatWest bank balance
(excluding all Funds)




Neighbourhood Plan Costs
Previous costs
Grant received
Previous costs against grant
Grant refund
Grant remaining:





Community Support Fund (Allison Homes)
Donation received
Previous costs
New costs




Phone Box Area Fund (NISA)
Donation received
Previous costs
VAT Refund
New costs



  1. Matters to be further discussed at this meeting:

19/22 Use of S106 funds from DWH development / residents’ consultation:

This was discussed extensively in the Annual Parish Meeting. In the interim, Cllr Ellam offered to disconnect the existing Barleycroft – Pridmore footpath lights and investigate options. Clerk to provide Mitch’s contact details.

56/22 Emergency Planning: Cllr Lamming will take responsibility for moving this forward.

04/23 Celebration of King Charles III coronation: Residents had reported how much they appreciated being able to watch the Coronation in company in the CSR. Prosecco had been provided (paid for by a kind donation);
Cllr Harwood had sponsored the decorated biscuits; Cllr Lamming’s company had paid for the certificates.

Cllr Walsingham had purchased champagne flutes & Cllr Clink had purchased the banner. They are to be reimbursed.

Approximately 80 people enjoyed the Big Lunch in the Market Place.

The chairman thanked all those who had helped in any way to make the weekend such a success.

11/23 Empty plinth by War Memorial ideas: Remove from agenda for the time being.

14/23 Town & Parish Community Fund: An application is to be considered for funding for the electricity to be installed in the Market Place before Christmas, rather than wait for the S106 funding to come through. Normally 3 quotes would be required, but Western Power are the only organisation able to do this. Clerk to check Financial Regulations.

17/23 Refurbishment of Market Place: 14/23 see above.

21/23 Businesses open as usual signs: Arranged as part of the Coronation Celebrations.

23/23 New Row retaining wall: Clerk to obtain 3 quotes for the repair.

24/23 Tanners Lane ditch: The location was confirmed with Cllr Robins.

25/23 Barleycroft – Pridmore footpath surface: There is a potential trip hazard from a ‘lip’ where the ‘heritage gates’ were removed by LCC Public Rights of Way where the footpath starts – between SKDC & LCC land? Mapping to be checked. To be considered with S106 funding.

26/23 Pothole reporting: Cllr Walsingham to draft an item for the web site to encourage residents to report potholes themselves.

28/23 War Memorial, letters missing: About 6 letters missing. Unsure how the damage occurred – but need to take care when laying wreaths on Remembrance Day.

29/23 Leaflet with Telephone contacts (Anglian Water, Electric board etc.) & map of village with street names:
Cllrs Walsingham & Shepperson to investigate the temporary measure of producing a simple A4 sheet with all the village street names on to go onto noticeboards until all developments are complete.

30/23 Street lighting, Coronation Road not working: SKDC & LCC are liaising. Post meeting note: Now resolved after much work to determine the responsibility for their upkeep.

31/23 Consider the purchase of a PA system for the Parish Council: Cllr Lamming has investigated this but so far has not found anything suitable. She will liaise with Cllr Shepperson.

  1. Next meeting:

The next regular meeting will take place on Wed 144h June 2023 at 7.00pm in the Willoughby Gallery, Corby Glen.

Meeting closed at 9.00pm.                                                                                                            Mrs. Sue Woodman – Parish Clerk




Action Log 10th May 2023




Date by


Wifi Issue: Inform other residents of Wifi issues and potential solution

Mr Miles



Playground Equipment Maintenance
Swing uprights:

Investigate additional funding
Inspections: Ensure records up to date

Picnic bench: Investigate options

Cllr Cook
Cllr Lamming
Cllrs Andrew & Walsingham
Cllr Cook




Phone box Area:
Clean phone box
Provide decal
Provide acrylic panels

Cllrs Lamming &
Cllr Andrew
Cllr Shepperson



Use of S106 funds:
Footpath Street Lights
Investigate & cost white gates
Provide details of traffic calming measures used elsewhere
Determine how long the funds remain available

Cllr Ellam
Cllr Walsingham
Cllr Shepperson
Cllr Robins



Lights not working between Barleycroft Road and Pridmore:
Provide Mitch’s contact details
Disconnect existing lights
Investigate options

Cllr Ellam
Cllr Ellam



Access across the Green: Consider re-stating regulations




Cllr Hill’s offer of 2 days labour: Liaise with LCC
Determine & source materials & equipment required
Provide access to water & facilities

Cllr Walsingham
Cllr Walsingham/ Cllr Andrew



Community Congress: Add Warm Spaces information to the web site.
Investigate additional funding
Assess re-cementing of village pump with Mr Lamming
Determine detail of work to be carried out

Mr Miles
Cllr Lamming
Cllr Cook
Cllrs Andrew & Walsingham



Council web site: Update web site as per requests
Draft information card / leaflet
Remove reference to Mr Fowler; add Cllrs Ellam and Shepperson
New email addresses for new Cllrs

Mr Miles
Cllr Walsingham
Mr Miles
Mr Miles



Tree Work: Forward the email from the tree company
Investigate planning issues
Remove basal growth

Cllr Robins
Cllr Evans / Harwood



Town & Parish Community Fund: Check Financial Regulations re 3 quotes




Grants & Donations Policy: Supply copy to Ron Dawson Hall Committee




New Row retaining wall: Obtain 3 quotes for the repair




Barleycroft – Pridmore footpath surface: Check mapping at entrance

Cllr Walsingham



Pothole reporting: Draft item for the web site to encourage residents to report potholes themselves.

Cllr Walsingham



Leaflet with map of village with street names: Investigate production of an A4 sheet with all the village street names on

Cllrs Walsingham & Shepperson



Street lighting, Coronation Road not working:
Establish ownership & arrange fix

Cllrs Robins / Hill




Consider the purchase of a PA system for the Parish Council:
Continue investigation

Cllr Lamming /
Cllr Shepperson



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