Parish Council Minutes|

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Draft Minutes of the meeting held on Wednesday July 14th 2023 at 7.00pm in the Willoughby Gallery, Corby Glen.

Present: Cllrs Walsingham (Chair), Cook, Ellam, Evans, Harty, Harwood & Shepperson.

In attendance: 2 residents, Mrs. S. Woodman (Parish Clerk).

Open Forum:

There is concern about the perceived unnecessary re-surfacing of local roads when roads in bad need of treatment are not treated. The clerk was requested to ask LCC Highways for general clarification.

A resident commented on the volume of ‘blue light’ traffic along the A151 and wondered if this road is being used for training. The Parish Council has no knowledge of this.

The resident expressed his concern about the application to build an additional 10 houses in the village behind 25 The Green. He was especially concerned about  road safety  and questioned the need for more houses in the village at this time.

Cllr Cook asked for help from other Cllrs with the flag as work commitments frequently take him away from the village. Cllrs Harwood & Ellam offered to assist as necessary. Cllr Cook to send them the schedule.

  1. Apologies for absence: Cllrs Clink & Lamming. Reasons given and accepted.
  2. District and County Councillors’ Reports: none although District Cllr supplied some updates on issues prior and during the meeting.
  3. The minutes of the meeting of the Council held on Wednesday June 14th 2023 were approved by a majority (6 for, 1 abstention).
  4. Councillors’ Declarations of Interest: Cllr Shepperson declared an interest in matters relating to Allison Homes.
  5. Review of Action Log:

The clerk had contacted Allison Homes, DWH & NHA/Modus to request their vehicles be mindful of the speed limit & received replies from some.

Playground inspection records are up to date.

Cllr Walsingham enquired whether old banners could be used as a tarpaulin corset to prevent basal growth.

  1. Clerk’s & Chairman’s reports on matters outstanding:

75/20 Superfast Broadband: Although Openreach is understood to have completed the installation and is actively encouraging residents to connect, Openreach does not appear to have notified all providers. Some problems are being encountered by residents who are (theoretically) able to be connected. Complaints have been received about new poles and methods of connection of individual properties.

12/22 Consider state of benches, bins, phone box, noticeboards & options to fix:

Benches: The quotes obtained by the clerk were considered. As another bench in the village is irreparably damaged, it was agreed unanimously to purchase 2 of the bench from NBB in a teak effect colour at £340 plus any fixings required. Clerk to purchase.

57/22 Community Congress: Not discussed.

09/16 Neighbourhood Planning: Progressing. Cllrs Walsingham & Cook to get an update from Jon Wakerley.

  1. Matters to be resolved:

02/23 Consider how best to make use of Cllr Hill’s offer of 2 days labour:  This has been completed and went well. Clerk to thank Cllr Hill and those responsible.

03/23 Maintenance of village web site: Cllr Cook reminded the meeting that it is a legal requirement for a council to have a web site. As such, he believes that the council should fund a professional maintenance service and not rely on voluntary help. Mr Sanderson, who wrote the original web site, is happy to maintain it with ½ day’s work a month. He is prepared to undertake this for £50/month, significantly less than his normal rate.

The council voted unanimously to accept Mr Sanderson’s offer, and appointed a sub-committee consisting of Cllrs Cook & Shepperson, to oversee this. The clerk requested that as the primary point of contact, she be included.

The council is grateful to Mr Miles and thanks him for his work in uploading missing documents.

Since attending a recent New Councillor training course, Cllr Shepperson questioned the need for a .com domain. 

35/23 Consider sharing cost of hosting village web site with CG Sheep Fair: The clerk has confirmed with LALC that there are no legality issues. Clerk to contact Sheep Fair committee re invoicing for half the cost.

43/22 Lighting of footpath between Barleycroft & Pridmore: Cllr Ellam has procured and fixed solar lights along the Barleycroft – Pridmore footpath. Some residents have questioned their effectiveness in the winter. Existing wiring connecting to supply to remain for the time being. To be reviewed in March – Clerk to add to March agenda. The council thanked Cllr Ellam. 

46/23 Conservation Area Boundaries: Being resolved via SKDC.

  1. Reports from:

Planning: to consider planning applications received prior to & after publication of the agenda:
S23/0499 Swinstead Road, DWH – Bus Stop: Despite the council’s comments, SKDC has approved this, and DWH have additionally removed part of the hedge, again contrary to the council’s request.

S23/1073 25 The Green, Muller Property – Demolition of 25 The Green; erection of 10 detached houses:
Cllr Robins had previously assured the council that given the Allison Homes, DWH & Nottingham Housing Association’s sites, no further development would be approved in the village.  Also, the proposed site is not earmarked for development on the Local Plan or the draft Neighbourhood Plan.

Concern was expressed about additional traffic along A151, although it is believed that given the relatively low increase in traffic to the network LCC Highways are unlikely to object.

After further discussion, the clerk was requested to apply to SKDC for an extension to allow the application to be discussed at an EGM on Wednesday July 19th. (Post meeting note – Extension agreed. EGM arranged for July 19th at 7.30pm in the Willoughby Gallery).

Greens Working Group:

07/21 Playground Equipment Maintenance:

Councillors inspected the playground with the RoSPA report from last year. Most repairs required can be carried out by councillors except for the Toddler Tower, which requires more extensive repair. Mr Brian Walsingham may be able to do this.

Picnic table & benches: The bench by the picnic table has been damaged again. Cllr Ellam has sourced & costed repair materials.

Hexagonal Climbing Frame: Is loose – to be pointed out to RoSPA.

Junior swing: The legs are not considered to need immediate replacement.

A budget of £200 was agreed unanimously for the purchase of the necessary materials for repairs to the play equipment and the picnic bench. The leftover stain from the volunteer work will be made available for use.

  1. Payments and Accounts

(i) Bank balances – monthly update approved unanimously as set out below.

(ii) Invoices for payment – Councillors resolved unanimously to approve payments as set out in schedule below.

Opening Bank balance from 1st June 2023


Income received on bank statement:


Invoices cleared on bank statement:
S. Woodman – clerk’s wages
S. Woodman – clerk’s expenses
HMRC – clerk’s PAYE
CDPC – Community cleaner
MCS – Grass Cutting
CSR Room hire – Calm
CSR Room hire – Choir
S. Woodman – Stationery
Mrs Andrew – Decal for phone box
J&P Metal – Swing uprights
CSR Room hire – Choir


Closing Bank Balance 30th June 2023


Payments to be authorised/cleared:
S. Woodman – clerk’s wages
S. Woodman – clerk’s expenses
HMRC – clerk’s PAYE
CDPC – Community cleaner
MCS – Grass Cutting
CSR Room hire – Calm
S Woodman – Poo bags
Cllr Ellam – Barleycroft footpath lights
LALC Training – Cllr Ellam
LALC Training – Cllr Shepperson
Cllr Lamming – Community Congress
Cllr Lamming – Coronation Expenses
Cllr Lamming – Shredded Bark
Cllr Lamming – Perspex for A Frame
Forge Construction – Swing Uprights installation
McLaren Tree Services


Estimated remaining NatWest bank balance
(excluding all Funds)




Community Support Fund (Allison Homes)
Donation received
Previous costs
New costs




Phone Box Area Fund (NISA)
Donation received + VAT Refund
Previous costs
New costs


  1. Matters to be further discussed at this meeting:

19/22 Use of S106 funds from DWH development / residents’ consultation: Cllr Walsingham suggested that improvements to the footpath along Station Road where there was once a tree be added to the list.

A sub-committee consisting of Cllrs Cook & Shepperson to investigate and cost options.

56/22 Emergency Planning: Deferred

14/23 Town & Parish Community Fund: No response from Cllr Hill.

17/23 Refurbishment of Market Place: Not discussed.

23/23 New Row retaining wall: To be considered further at the next meeting.

28/23 War Memorial, letters missing: Still awaiting their report / quote from Hirst Conservation.

29/23 Leaflet with Telephone contacts (Anglian Water, Electric board etc.) & map of village with street names:
Examples provided. Cllr Shepperson to obtain 3 quotes.

31/23 Consider the purchase of a PA system for the Parish Council: Cllr Shepperson to provide information to Cllrs.

36/23 Zig zag lines opposite the primary school: LCC report that this is currently under consideration. Clerk to forward email from Rowan Smith to Cllrs again.

37/23 Funding for current work streams: Not discussed further.

38/23 Issues associated with the new housing estates and how to minimise any disruption: Cllr Ellam has contacted Cllr Robins. Awaiting response as Cllr Robins was not able to attend the meeting.

43/23 Consider providing a bin on the Coronation Road grass area: 3 quotes for a small bin obtained. Clerk to purchase bin from Wybone – cost £99.97 including shipping.

47/23 New Homes signage in the village: Cllr Shepperson expressed concern about the proliferation of unapproved new developments signage around the village – both to the DWH development in the village and to Bourne Springs in Bourne. It is understood that no planning permission has been sought / obtained for these. Cllr Shepperson to email clerk with contact details for DWH. Clerk to contact LCC & DWH with concerns.

48/23 Clerk’s appraisal: Deferred

  1. Next meeting:

The next regular meeting will take place on Wed 124h Sept 2023 at 7.00pm in the Willoughby Gallery, Corby Glen.

Meeting closed at 9.17pm.                                                                                                            Mrs. Sue Woodman – Parish Clerk

Action Log 12th July 2023




Date by


Ask LCC Highways for general clarification re re-surfacing of local roads




Send flag schedule to Cllrs Harwood & Ellam

Cllr Cook



Neighbourhood Planning: Get update from Jon Wakerley.

Cllr Cook



Playground Equipment Maintenance
Investigate additional funding
Purchase necessary materials & carry out straightforward repairs

Hexagonal Climbing Frame: Point out to RoSPA that loose
Picnic bench: Fix

Cllr Lamming
Cllrs Ellam & Harwood
Cllr Ellam




Phone box Area:
Provide / fix cork board
Purchase 2 benches & fixings

Cllr Lamming





Use of S106 funds:
Provide details of traffic calming measures used elsewhere
Determine how long the funds remain available
Send information on S106 to Cllr Cook
Investigate and cost options

Cllr Shepperson
Cllr Robins
Cllrs Shepperson & Cook



Community Congress: Investigate additional funding
Assess re-cementing of village pump with Mr Lamming
Determine detail of work to be carried out

Cllr Lamming
Cllr Cook
Cllr Walsingham



Lights not working between Barleycroft Road and Pridmore:
Add review to March 2024 agenda




Cllr Hill’s offer of 2 days labour:
Clerk to thank Cllr Hill and those responsible, including Cllr Lamming, Lily’s & Mr Brian Walsingham




Web Site: Notify Mr Sanderson of acceptance of offer.
Thank Mr Miles’s for his help
Social Media policy:  Agree way forward

Cllr Cook,
Cllr Ellam



Consider sharing cost of hosting village web site with CG Sheep Fair: Contact Sheep Fair committee re invoicing





Town & Parish Community Fund: Obtain response from Cllr Hill




New Row retaining wall:
Look at the wall and consider what action is appropriate.
Notify builders of delay




Tanners Lane ditch: Review situation later in the year.




War Memorial, letters missing: Chase Hirst for report / quote.




Leaflet with map of village with street names:
Obtain 3 quotes for A4 sheet with all the village street names on




Consider the purchase of a PA system for the Parish Council:
Inform Cllrs of options
Consider options & respond

Cllr Shepperson



Zig zag lines opposite the primary school: Forward response to all Cllrs




Issues associated with the new housing estates and how to minimise any disruption: Obtain response from Cllr Robins

Cllr Ellam



Consider providing a bin on the Coronation Road grass area:Purchase bin




New Homes signage in the village: Email clerk with contact details for DWH.
Contact LCC & DWH with concerns.

Cllr Shepperson Clerk



25 The Green, Muller Property:
Apply to SKDC for an extension; arrange EGM for Wednesday July 19th.





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