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Minutes of the meeting held on Wednesday January 11th 2023 at 7.00pm in the Willoughby Gallery, Corby Glen.
Present: Cllrs Lamming (Chair), Andrew, Fowler, Harwood, & Walsingham.
In attendance: Cllrs Robins & Hill. 1 resident, 1 representative from Allison Homes, Mrs. S. Woodman (Parish Clerk).
Open Forum:
Car on the High Street: This is no longer taxed so will be removed soon.
Drains on Irnham Road: A resident has cleaned out some drains on Irnham Road. The issue is that the land drains straight onto the highway. Irnham Road flooded again around Christmas.
Bailey Drew Plaque: Cllr Lamming reported that Bailey’s mother is pleased about this. It will be installed when a suitable piece of backing wood has been located.
Deep Clean: Cllr Lamming reported that the Deep Clean team had been in the village recently and complimented them on the thoroughness of their work. Benches and ground area on the playground had been pressure washed. Clerk to email the council’s appreciation via Cllr Robins.
Potholes: Moreley’s lane is believed to be scheduled for re-surfacing in March 2023. Cllr Walsingham suggested the council carry out a yearly walk around the village noting the state of the potholes. Residents or Cllrs can report potholes or other highways defects and monitor reports on Lincs CC ‘Fix My Street’ website.
Thanks: Cllrs Lamming & Walsingham thanked those who assisted with the Christmas celebrations.
- Apologies for absence: Cllrs Clink, Cook, Evans & Silabon. Reasons given and accepted.
- District and County Councillors’ Reports:
Cllr Robins outlined SKDC’s financial position and future planning. SKDC’s move to new open plan offices above the cinema complex, as more staff work from home, is proving successful. The Customer Services Team has moved temporarily to the Arts centre and is now open Monday – Friday 9 – 5. Following the sad death of a child in Rochdale, SKDC’s Housing team are advising tenants on how to reduce condensation & therefore mould.
Council meetings can now be video streamed by the public or watched recorded. Groups within the SKDC area, including parish councils, are invited to apply for funding for community projects or events. A new S106 officer is to be appointed. Road names for the DWH development have been agreed.
Cllr Hill reported on LCC’s budget position. Adult social care is one of the County Council’s key issues. No increased funding for highways has been forthcoming from the government; LCC has therefore topped up the highways budget from its own funds. The 1st phase of the Grantham bypass is open. The whole is expected to be completed by 2025.
It has been agreed that contractors would provide 2 days volunteer labour to be allocated to communities by County Councillors; the local community would be expected to provide materials. The number of workers to be provided is to be confirmed. He asked the parish council to consider how it could make use of this urgently as the closing date is March 31st 2023.
- The minutes of the meeting of the Council held December 14th 2022 were amended as follows:
09/16 Neighbourhood Planning: The chairman thanked the Neighbourhood Planning group for all their hard work to get the document to this point. The Council agreed by a majority (4 in favour, 1 abstention) that the Neighbourhood Plan could be submitted to SKDC for its formal examination and consultation. The clerk was asked to communicate this to the group.
The minutes were then approved by a majority (3 for, 2 abstentions).
- Councillors’ Declarations of Interest:
- Review of Action Log: See log.
Parking on the Green: The clerk has contacted the resident who now no longer parks on The Green.
55/20 CSW: Although there is no bar to CSW operating during bad weather, in the interests of safety, the team has decided to pause operations when conditions are poor.
33/21: Anglian Water have made good the area just east of Sheep Fair field gateway on Tanners Lane and will return to complete when the weather improves. Cllrs to monitor.
S22/0731: On behalf of Allison Homes Mr Shepperson reported that no significant archaeology had been discovered.
15/22 Council Web site: Maintenance of the web site is to be added to the agenda for the next meeting. Cllr Harwood is still unable to access his new email address.
53/22 Speeding vehicles on the High Street: Cllr Lamming reported that Community Speed Watch is not authorised to monitor this area.
The clerk was requested to establish from Rowan Smith when the permanent 30mph signs, which Allison Homes has already paid for, will be installed.
- Clerk’s & Chairman’s reports on matters outstanding:
75/20 Superfast Broadband: Cllr Cook had reported that the checking of ducting had gone well and in general good progress is being made. There is believed to be an estimated completion date of April 2023.
12/22 Consider state of benches, bins, phone box, noticeboards & options to fix: No progress on phone box. Cllr Andrew to communicate details of the bench required, including a photo, to the clerk for her to order it. Clerk to keep Rowan Smith informed to confirm that no utilities are affected and enquire about re-painting the demarcation line. Could the labour offered by Cllr Hill be used to improve this area?
29/22 EV Charging in Corby Glen: When building is completed in c18 months’ time, the EV charging point there will no longer be needed. Mr Shepperd enquired whether it might be of interest to the council. Cllr Hill reported that LCC is gradually rolling out EV charging points around the county, but they will mainly be installed in urban areas.
Further discussion deferred until next meeting.
57/22 Community Congress: Allison Homes has offered £1,000 to support the Community and the Congress. The Chairman thanked Allison Homes for their generosity.
The chairman outlined various ideas for discussion at the congress which she felt would be of benefit to the village.
The clerk was asked to supply the March Hare & Lily’s with copies of the poster and ask Cllr Clink to advertise the event on NextDoor. All cllrs to respond to the NextDoor item, and as many as possible were asked to attend. Mr Shepperson kindly offered to print a large poster for the A board as Cllr Cook is not available.
09/16 Neighbourhood Planning: At the request of the Neighbourhood Planning Group the wording for the acceptance of the Plan by CGPC in the previous meeting’s minutes had been re-phrased.
- Matters to be resolved:
43/22 Footpath lights between Barleycroft Road and Pridmore: The clerk had contacted LCC to ask that they provide lighting as it is a public right of way and not owned by SKDC but is yet to receive a formal response. Cllr Hill considered it unlikely that the request would be accepted. However, if the lighting could be funded by the parish council (via S106 funds, for example), then acceptance was more likely. Cllr Hill agreed to look into the procedure for this and likely timescales.
The clerk was also asked awaiting a quote from Toby Kiely for disconnecting the current lights.
50/22 State of village pump: To be removed from the agenda.
46/22 Access across Village Green: No response to the clerk’s letter.
- Reports from:
Planning: to consider planning applications received prior to & after publication of the agenda:
Greens Working Group:
07/21 Playground Equipment Maintenance:
The new seats for the rocking horse have now been fixed. Thanks to Mr Kiely. Cllr Harwood has a spare.
Swing uprights: The opinion of the insurers and RoSPA was that metal uprights were unlikely to be satisfactory, and that any replacements would need to be installed by a qualified installer. The clerk is still waiting to hear from Miracle but has asked them to quote for installation of new uprights as well as supply.
- Payments and Accounts
(i) Bank balances – monthly update approved unanimously as set out below.
(ii) Invoices for payment – Councillors resolved unanimously to approve payments as set out in schedule below.
Opening Bank balance from 1st December 2022 |
£17,729.83 |
Income received on bank statement: |
Invoices cleared on bank statement: |
Closing Bank Balance 31st December 2022 |
£16,985.26 |
Payments to be authorised/cleared: |
Estimated remaining NatWest bank balance |
£15,740.98 |
Neighbourhood Plan Costs |
- Matters to be further discussed at this meeting:
19/22 Use of S106 funds from DWH development / residents’ consultation: Cllr Robins explained that agreement had been reached with DWH on a more equitable plan for the release of funding.
The chairman outlined a number of projects which would benefit from S106 funding. These included:
- Lighting for the Barleycroft – Pridmore footway
- PA system for the use of the Parish Council
- White ‘gates’ at entrances to the village to encourage traffic to slow down
- More sophisticated / additional Speed Indicator device/s
- Improvements to the pavements by the Woodhouse
- Improvements to the footpath by Morely’s Lane / St John’s Drive junction / crew yard area
- Improvements to assist pedestrians crossing the A151 near the Woodhouse
- Traffic calming measures on the A151 eg ‘Chicanes’
- Improvements and works to Market Place and up to Nisa
Public opinions will be sought at the Village Congress.
42/22 Consider repainting the milestone on the Bourne Road: Although Heritage England suggested that planning permission be sought, LCC had responded that the maintenance of milestones is a specialist operation which they undertake, and that this is unlikely to be until the next financial year.
54/22 Broken railings side of river bridge: Work is scheduled by LCC.
55/22 Cleaning of the dyke, Tanners Lane near Village Green: LCC report that this is the responsibility of the landowner and that they have contacted him about this matter. It was considered by councillors that in their experience the landowner is unlikely to respond. In the past the parish council has paid for the dyke to be cleared, but this was not without problems and the conclusion was that this time no further action should be taken.
56/22 Emergency Planning: To be discussed further at the next meeting.
59/22 Review Councillor Responsibilities: The current list was reviewed, and the clerk will update & re-issue. As elections in May could result in a change of councillors, in future this is to be reviewed in June.
- Next meeting:
The next regular meeting will take place at 7.00pm on Wednesday February 8th 2023 at the Willoughby Gallery.
Meeting closed at 8.56pm. Mrs. Sue Woodman – Parish Clerk
Action Log 11th January 2023
Ref |
Action |
Responsibility |
Date by |
O/F |
Village Pump: |
O/F |
Mr Bryan Lynch: New Year Honours – add to February Agenda |
Clerk |
1/2/23 |
O/F |
Deep Clean: Email the council’s appreciation via Cllr Robins. |
Clerk |
asap |
O/F |
Potholes: Check potholes / surface on Market Place |
Cllr Walsingham |
8/2/23 |
Consider how to make the best use of the offer form Cllr Hill of 2 days labour. Add to February agenda Confirm the number of men to be provided |
all |
8/2/23 |
07/21 |
Playground Equipment Maintenance Swing uprights: Chase Miracle for implications of metal legs and the cost of 2 new wooden legs (including fitting). |
Clerk |
33/21 |
Re-wilding / areas of grass to be cut & by whom / standard of grass cutting: Add to September 2023 agenda Monitor the area just east of Sheep Fair field gateway on Tanners Lane to ensure Anglian Water complete. |
all |
1/9/23 8/2/23 |
12/22 |
State of phone box: Liaise with Allison Homes re acrylic panel with design |
Cllr Andrew |
14/12/22 |
15/22 |
Council web site: |
Clerk |
29/22 |
EV Charging in Corby Glen: Send Cllrs details of options |
Cllr Silabon |
14/12/2214/12/2214/12/22 |
43/22 |
Lights not working between Barleycroft Road and Pridmore: |
46/22 |
Access across the Green: Compile an inventory of access arrangements for all properties bordering the Green, if necessary, via the Land Registry at a small charge (up to £50 total). . |
Clerk |
11/1/23 |
53/22 |
Establish from Rowan Smith when the permanent 30mph signs, which Allison Homes has already paid for, will be installed |
Clerk |
asap |
56/22 |
Emergency Planning: |
57/22 |
Community Congress: |
59/22 |
Review Councillor Responsibilities: Update & re-issue. |
Clerk |
8/2/23 |