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Draft Minutes of the meeting held on Wednesday February 8th 2023 at 7.00pm in the Willoughby Gallery, Corby Glen.
Present: Cllrs Lamming (Chair), Andrew, Cook (from 7.25pm), Evans, Fowler, & Walsingham.
In attendance: Cllrs Robins & Hill. 1 resident, Mrs. S. Woodman (Parish Clerk).
Open Forum:
The chairman notified the council of Cllr Silabon’s resignation for work reasons. Clerk to inform SKDC. With such a short time left before the May election, the council will not be co-opting to fill the vacancy.
Code of Conduct: Cllr Walsingham had attended a local meeting where scenarios were discussed. He will re-read the document and report back.
- Apologies for absence: Cllrs Clink & Harwood. Reasons given and accepted.
- District and County Councillors’ Reports:
Cllr Hill informed the council that the road through Rippingale, closed for the installation of a pipeline, is now temporarily open.
He was pleased to report that LCC have been awarded £7 million; Highways will benefit – both rural roads, pedestrian crossings and to help clear the backlog of TROs.
Cllr Hill drove round the village with Rowan Smith; they agreed that as part of ‘reactive’ work, potholes will be filled, and that the resurfacing of the High Street, Station Road and Moreley’s Lane will be planned, although this is unlikely to take place in the near future.
There have been discussions with the Primary School and the Road Safety Partnership concerning a solution to the problem of parking on Station Road, especially at the end of the school day. The difficulties have been highlighted by the nearby building work. Cllrs Fowler and Walsingham noted that vehicles are parking near the junction with the A151 and in places on The Green.
Cllr Hill reiterated his offer of 2 days labour.
- The minutes of the meeting of the Council held on January 11th 2023 were amended to note that Cllr Fowler had left the meeting at 7.50pm. The minutes were then approved unanimously.
55/22 It was noted that by the time this item was discussed, Cllr Fowler had left the meeting and the location of the land in question had thus been misunderstood.
- Councillors’ Declarations of Interest:
- Review of Action Log: See log.
- Clerk’s & Chairman’s reports on matters outstanding:
75/20 Superfast Broadband: Although good progress is being made, the team have been told to pull back until April as work relating to the new houses is complete.
12/22 Consider state of benches, bins, phone box, noticeboards & options to fix: LCC have no objections to the plans to enhance the phone box area – clerk to complete the form as requested. Clerk to purchase the agreed bench. Cllr Fowler will liaise with Alan re the internal structures.
It was Cllr Hill’s opinion that spot weedkilling with appropriate herbicide to clean up the area would be acceptable.
29/22 EV Charging in Corby Glen: To be covered in general discussions re the Market place in future.
57/22 Community Congress: Considered very successful. The first Warm Space meeting had taken place the previous Saturday, with 25 – 30 people attending. Cllr Lamming will continue to organise these for the rest of February in the hope that another volunteer will come forward thereafter.
The council is grateful for the donation of £1,000 from Allison Homes to support this project. The clerk will treat this as a separate fund.
15/21 CG Gardening Club update: There is demand to re-start the gardening Club – 16 people have already expressed a desire to join. A new treasurer is needed, and a decision as to venue – Ron Dawson Hall or CSR? Cllr Walsingham will handle publicity.
09/16 Neighbourhood Planning: No change.
- Matters to be resolved:
43/22 Footpath lights between Barleycroft Road and Pridmore: The clerk is still awaiting a quote from Toby Kiely for disconnecting the current lights. It is hoped that the S106 funding can be used to provide more permanent lights. Clerk to request a quote for streetlight/s from Cllr Hill.
46/22 Access across Village Green: No response. To be removed from the agenda
02/23 Consider how best to make use of Cllr Hill’s offer of 2 days labour: Cllr Hill confirmed this is 2 workers for 2 days, with the community providing / funding the materials (Cllr Hill to clarify). The council thanked Cllr Hill and accepted his offer. He will liaise with the clerk. The work will be scheduled during the next financial year
03/23 Maintenance of village web site: A retired local resident has offered 1 hour/week to maintain the web site on a voluntary basis. He is considered to have the relevant experience. It was agreed unanimously to accept the offer. Initially more time may be needed to bring the web site up to date. Cllr Cook will arrange appropriate training and access with Marcus.
05/23 Appoint internal Auditor: It was agreed unanimously to appoint Fiona Hatchman of Additions Accounting, who has acted as auditor in previous years, as the internal auditor at a rate of £90.
- Reports from:
Planning: to consider planning applications received prior to & after publication of the agenda:
S22/2480 re S20/0687 The Larches, Tanners’ Lane, Mr R Adcock, 1 dwelling (reserved matters): Cllr Fowler questioned why this application for detailed planning permission had been classified as ‘reserved matters’, a category which does not require comment from the Parish Council. Cllr Robins agreed to investigate.
S23/0187 Cllr Robins explained the background to this application from Allison Homes.
Greens Working Group:
07/21 Playground Equipment Maintenance:
Swing uprights: Miracle have quoted £1412+VAT for supply and delivery of new Legs, £1040+VAT for installation (therefore a total approaching £2,500) and £200+VAT for removal and disposal of existing legs. This significantly exceeds the budget for playground maintenance. It was agreed unanimously to disable the swings temporarily by removing the seats and to affix a notice explaining. The clerk was asked to inform the Primary School and Pre-school.
The clerk was requested to determine Miracle’s lead time.
Various options for funding the repair were discussed. Cllrs were requested to consider options for funding. It was agreed unanimously to accept the quote and proceed if funding became available.
The clerk was requested to contact the insurers and establish what constitutes a ‘qualified installer’.
- Payments and Accounts
(i) Bank balances – monthly update approved unanimously as set out below.
(ii) Invoices for payment – Councillors resolved unanimously to approve payments as set out in schedule below.
Opening Bank balance from 1st January 2023 |
£16,985.26 |
Income received on bank statement: |
Invoices cleared on bank statement: |
Closing Bank Balance 31st January 2023 |
£16,740.98 |
Payments to be authorised/cleared: |
Estimated remaining NatWest bank balance |
£15,938.81 |
Neighbourhood Plan Costs |
- Matters to be further discussed at this meeting:
19/22 Use of S106 funds from DWH development / residents’ consultation:
The list compiled previously (see last month’s minutes) needs to be agreed and prioritised (next meeting) and potentially costed.
54/22 Broken railings side of river bridge: Work is scheduled. Remove from agenda.
56/22 Emergency Planning: Cllrs to consider where in the village could be identified as a primary meeting point in an emergency – it would need to have full facilities. Clerk to determine expectations of LCC’s Emergency Planning request.
01/23 Mr Bryan Lynch – New Year Honours: Clerk to write to congratulate Mr Lynch on the Council’s behalf.
04/23 Celebration of King Charles III coronation: A meeting is scheduled for Saturday Feb 11th – to be chaired by Cllr Lamming if necessary. It was agreed unanimously that Cllr Cook should purchase an appropriate flag – budget £15.
06/23 Tree Survey: It was agreed unanimously to commission East Midlands Tree Surveys to carry out the tree survey for £510 as quoted, and to pay special attention to the tree by 21 Station Rd re crown uplift / broken branch.
07/23 Purchase & planting of Honeywood trees: These are now back in stock at an increased cost of £40 each. It was agreed by a majority (5 for, 1 abstention) to re-imburse Cllr Walsingham for his purchase of 2 trees.
08/23 Crown lift needed on the tree by 21 Station Rd – see 06/23
09/23 Dead sapling on Pridmore Rd update: Cllr Walsingham proposed removing the dead tree and replacing with a new flowering cherry – cost £10. Agreed by a majority (5 for, 1 abstention).
10/23 Honeywood Amelanchiers and bulbs update: Cllr Walsingham has planted the Honeywood trees and lots of bulbs. Cllr Lamming thanked him and all who helped him with the planting. Bulbs have been distributed for planting elsewhere in the village and Cllr Walsingham plans to plant more on Pridmore on Saturday. All help appreciated.
11/23 Empty plinth by War Memorial ideas: Deferred til next meeting.
12/23 Repairs to street lighting: Remove from agenda.
13/23 Reduction in PCSOs: The clerk was asked to bring this to the attention of the local MP.
14/23 Town & Parish Community Fund: To be discussed at next meeting.
15/23 Local Council Elections: All councillors will need to complete the paperwork for re-election in May.
- Next meeting:
The next regular meeting will take place at 7.00pm on Wednesday March 8th 2023 at the Willoughby Gallery.
Meeting closed at 9.00pm. Mrs. Sue Woodman – Parish Clerk
Action Log 8th February 2023
Ref |
Action |
Responsibility |
Date by |
O/F |
Village Pump: |
O/F |
Code of Conduct: Re-read and report back |
Cllr Walsingham |
8/3/23 |
O/F |
Resignation: Inform SKDC re Cllr Silabon’s resignation |
Clerk |
asap |
Labour: Consider how to make the best use of the offer form Cllr Hill of 2 days labour. |
all |
8/3/23 |
Refurbishment of the Market Place: Add to March agenda |
Clerk |
1/3/23 |
S22/ |
Reserved Matters: Establish why this application was classified as ‘reserved matters’, a category which does not require comment from the Parish Council. |
Cllr Robins |
8/3/23 |
07/21 |
Playground Equipment Maintenance |
Cllrs Evans & Walsingham |
asap |
12/22 |
Phone box: Liaise with Allison Homes re acrylic panel with design |
Cllr Andrew |
14/12/22 |
15/22 |
Council web site: Arrange appropriate training and access for Tony Miles |
Cllr Cook |
8/3/23 |
43/22 |
Lights not working between Barleycroft Road and Pridmore: |
19/22 |
Use of S106 funds: Consider list and priorities |
All |
8/3/23 |
46/22 |
Access across the Green: Compile an inventory of access arrangements for all properties bordering the Green, if necessary, via the Land Registry at a small charge (up to £50 total). . |
Clerk |
11/1/23 |
56/22 |
Emergency Planning: Consider where in the village could be identified as a primary meeting point in an emergency |
All |
8/3/23 8/3/23 |
57/22 |
Community Congress: Contact Mrs Woodman re advertising in the March Link |
Cllr Lamming |
15/2/23 |
59/22 |
Review Councillor Responsibilities: Change annual calendar to review in June in future. |
Clerk |
8/2/23 |
01/23 |
Mr Bryan Lynch – New Year Honours: Clerk to write to congratulate on the Council’s behalf |
Clerk |
8/3/23 |
04/23 |
Celebration of King Charles III coronation: Purchase an appropriate flag |
Cllr Cook |
8/3/23 |
13/23 |
Reduction in PCSOs: Contact local MP |
Clerk |
8/3/23 |
Appendix to Draft Minutes of the CGPC meeting held on Wednesday February 8th 2023
District Councillor’s Parish Update – February 2023
Voter ID and the May local elections
In May, local elections will be taking place across South Kesteven. There will be a big change this year with photo ID required to be able to vote at a polling station; but it’s important to note that postal voters are not affected.
Accepted forms of photo ID include a passport, driving licence, Blue Badge, Older Person’s bus pass, and identity cards with the Proof of Age Standards Scheme hologram. Most voters will already have an accepted form of ID – and those who haven’t can apply online or via SKDC.
The Council is making it as straightforward as possible for those who need to obtain ID so they can cast their vote. People can apply free either online at or through SKDC by completing a paper application form or applying in person.
SKDC administers the polls so our preparations are well under way. The elections are a massive undertaking for us, when every District Council seat across South Kesteven will be contested – that’s 56 seats across 30 wards, as well as those for town and parish councils.
For all the information on the May local elections, including how to register to vote, visit our website,
Garden waste
Fortnightly collections for the 2023-24 Garden Waste Collection Service scheme will start on Monday 3rd April, which means it is time to renew your service.
Last year more than 31,000 residents joined the scheme, and they are being contacted to remind them to renew their membership for the service, which is, of course, also available to new members.
Customers can renew or register [from Monday, 6th February] paying by card or direct debit at our website
It’s easy to join online – or by phone – and we are confident that for £2.13 per collection the service represents great value for money and saves residents time and trips to their local recycling centre.
New bin collection lorry for breast cancer awareness
You may have seen the amazing coverage of our new pink bin lorry, raising awareness of breast cancer and the importance of checking for symptoms.
It is already in service so you may have seen it out on its rounds sharing a message which can literally save lives.
The Council worked closely with our lorry supplier, Dennis Eagle, who were delighted to support such a good cause with a pink paint job on a freighter already on order for the refuse collection fleet.
The new vehicle was always scheduled for delivery to join our fleet, so there was no extra cost to the council for either the lorry or the pink paintwork.
It came about through our housing officer Rachael Bradley, working tirelessly to help other sufferers after being diagnosed with breast cancer at the start of the Covid pandemic in 2020. I am pleased to report she is now in remission.
SKToday magazine
Do keep an eye out for your next issue of SKToday, which is being delivered to every home in the district from the end of February onwards.
As well as useful information on Bank Holiday bin collections, there’s advice on how households can better cope with the cost of living, and features on some wonderful inspirational women of South Kesteven, our vital homelessness prevention work, an all the ins and outs of the Council Tax.
Parking payment change
SKDC-operated car parks have all been successfully upgraded to allow card and contactless payment. This means customers will be able to pay with cash or by card, as the previous phone and pay system is discontinued.
The new system allows faster, more convenient, transactions and less need for people to use coins, reducing queues and preventing people having to struggle for the correct change.
The ticket machines will still provide a paper ticket for display in the windscreen.
Cost of Living
I understand how important it is that we continue to support those most affected by rising energy and household prices. I am pleased that SKDC’s Cost of Living Task Force continues to make progress supporting residents across the District.
In the latest edition of SK Today, further information is included and provided a printed resource for every home in the District.
An additional leaflet will be distributed alongside Council Tax reminders, rent letters and tenancy sign-up packs, and alongside other letters issued by SKDC, while a copy is attached to this email.
There is also an online hub with information and guidance available via the SKDC website:
And finally, a plug for Stamford Arts Centre
For those of you who are fans of classical music, I am delighted to report that world-renowned artists will be performing at the historic and picturesque Stamford Arts Centre over the next few months – and what a fantastic venue it is for them.
The performances continue until April so there is plenty of time to attend the Arts Centre and witness this celebration of classical music in our District.
Our Arts Centre teams do a wonderful job in booking exciting programmes of entertainment so I would encourage you to give your support and experience events here.