Draft Minutes of the meeting held on Wednesday January 13th 2021 at 7.30pm using video conferencing.
Present: Cllrs Lamming (Chair), Collins, Cook, Fox, Muir & Walsingham
In attendance: Mrs. S. Woodman (Parish Clerk) 4 members of the public
Open Forum:
On behalf of the residents of Coronation Road social housing, Cllr Collins expressed thanks to the Council for intervening regarding the quality of their accommodation. It is anticipated that their windows will be renewed in April, although heating issues may take longer.
A resident asked for confirmation that speeding devices would require community funding (confirmed) and enquired why, if this was the case, the council had not applied for additional funding via an increase to the precept. The chairman responded that the Council had already found it necessary to apply for an increase to the precept of £1,000 to cater for increased costs, and had decided that a further increase was not justified.
The resident asked why a pre-planning application was on the agenda when the previous minutes stated that it was not council policy to comment on planning applications before they had been formally submitted to SKDC. The chairman explained that this enabled the council’s position to be documented and provide transparency.
1. Apologies for absence: Cllr Hargreaves. Reasons given & accepted.
2. District and County Councillors’ Reports: None
3. The minutes of the meeting of the Council held on Wednesday 9th December 2020 were approved unanimously and signed by the chairman as an accurate record.
4. Councillors’ Declarations of Interest: None declared
5. Review of Action Log:
40/20 Water Pump: Brian Walsingham will re-paint both pumps in the Spring when the weather is suitable.
6. Clerk’s & Chairman’s reports on matters outstanding:
39/20 War Memorial Restoration: Grant money now received by the council. The clerk had thanked the team on behalf of the council for their efforts. VAT will be reclaimed in due course.
51/20 Good Neighbours Scheme – extension of Covid support: Ian Astley had reported that although 2 volunteers had left the village, one new volunteer has joined the Group and all areas are still covered by at least 2 volunteers. Since Christmas the group has helped at least 4 neighbours to his knowledge, and perhaps more.
Christmas cards had been delivered to neighbours who have been helped, and their details and those interested in receiving help if a Good Neighbour Scheme were established, were registered on the database. The cards reminded recipients that the Group was still in operation to help them if needed.
78/20 Review signatories on bank account: Now completed.
75/20 Superfast Broadband: Cllr Cook reported that the target of 114 interested residents had been exceeded at 124. 40 Irnham residents had expressed an interest. He had had emails and a conference call with BT Openreach who confirm that the village will be added to the waiting list for superfast broadband to be available for every home in the village. It is hoped that this will be completed within 6 months. The chairman congratulated Cllr Cook and thanked him for his efforts.
Matters to be resolved:
55/20 Speeding on Bourne Road near school (includes 47, 58 &77): Indicative costs for equipment to support Community Speed Watch (CSW), for a Speed Indicator Device (SID) and for gates on entrance to the village had been provided to councillors. Currently the council has insufficient funds to afford this equipment.
A number of options were outlined and discussed. Funds have been allocated for an election in May; if not needed, these funds could potentially be put towards the purchase of equipment, but it is likely that additional funding will still need to be raised from the community.
Also, the council was doubtful that enough suitable volunteers would come forward to support a CSW initiative
(at least 3 people are needed per ’shift’).
It was agreed unanimously to review the situation again after the May election.
7. Reports from:
Planning: to consider planning applications received prior to & after publication of the agenda:
S19/2235 Larkfleet Homes: Revised plans for 68 new homes between Bourne & Swinstead Roads: Concern was expressed that the plans still do not include any single storey accommodation for older people. Also, how the green areas would be maintained in the long term. It was agreed that no objection would be raised (in favour 1, against 0, abstained 4) but the clerk would feed the above comments back to SKDC Planning.
S20/1783 W Wass 1 Station Road – Demolition of existing garage and the erection of new dwelling – amendment: The clerk read out the council’s objections to the original application. It was considered that the amendment does not address these concerns. The clerk will therefore re-state the council’s original objections.
Potential planning application 7 Station Road: It was re-iterated that it is council policy only to consider applications which have been formally submitted to SKDC.
Greens Working Group: Play equipment in good order. A parent had been warned that the equipment was slippery when frosty. Litter bins were full on New Year’s Eve.
8. Payments and Accounts
(i) Bank balances – monthly update approved as set out below
(ii) Invoices for payment – Councillors resolved unanimously to approve payments as set out in schedule below.
Opening Bank balance from 1st December 2020 | £11,507.81 | ||
Income received on bank statementWar Memorial Grant | £1,020.54 | ||
Invoices cleared on bank statementS. Woodman – clerk’s wagesS. Woodman – clerk’s expensesHMRC – clerk’s PAYECDPC – Community cleanerMCS grass cuttingS Woodman – Christmas Expenses | £243.55£16.45£61.00£149.73£144.00£170.00 | ||
Closing Bank Balance 30th December 2020 | £11,743.62 | ||
Cheques to be authorised/cleared:S. Woodman – clerk’s wagesS. Woodman – clerk’s expensesHMRC – clerk’s PAYECDPC – Community cleanerT Kiely – Strimming War Memorial 2020T Kiely – Cable Ties | £243.75£10.35£60.80£149.73£120.00£17.50 | ||
Estimated remaining NatWest bank balance(excluding Defibrillator, Play Equipment & War Memorial funds) | £11,141.49£10,865.48 | ||
Defibrillator FundTotal banked to date (inc. VAT refunds): Purchases to date (inc. VAT):Fund remaining: | £2,383.80 £2,412.88£249.86 | ||
Play Equipment FundTotal banked to date (inc. VAT refunds): Purchases to date (inc. VAT):Fund remaining: | £41,425.44£40,808.43£509.61 | ||
War Memorial FundTotal banked to date (inc. VAT refunds): GrantTotal Purchases to date (inc. VAT):Fund remaining: (pending VAT refund) | £1,850.00£1,020.54-£3,354.00-£483.46 | ||
Neighbourhood Plan Costs (to be repaid on receipt of grant funding)Costs to date | £504.79 | ||
9. Matters to be further discussed at this meeting:
27/20 Local Covid Response: Clerk to write a letter of thanks to Katie re Advent windows; Cllr Fox will also express the council’s thanks via social media.
73/20 Request for bench at the bottom of St John’s Drive: The Dyde family have decided that they would prefer to site the bench outside the Church Street Rooms and have been referred to Revd Buckman.
84/20 Ban use of Laxton’s Lane by motor vehicles & bicycles: It was resolved unanimously to apply to LCC for all vehicles, including cycles, to be banned from Laxton’s Lane from the top (by the Bourne Road) to the current garage access. Clerk and Cllr Walsingham to pursue.88/20 Review Flag Flying Schedule: As the Union Flag is now to be flown at most times, Cllr Cook proposed that a more robust flag be purchased. Also, the Pride flag should be added to the flag flying schedule. Agreed unanimously.89/20 Consider planting trees on the grass area on St. John’s Drive: Cllr Collins had obtained costs for silver birch trees from 2 suppliers. It was noted that mature trees are preferred to saplings. A local resident has offered to stand the cost. Rather than knock on doors under current circumstances, Cllr Collins agreed to draft a note to residents overlooking the area explaining the plan, which Cllr Cook will print and hand deliver. Cllrs Collins and Cllr Cook agreed to draw up a plan for the proposed location of the trees to be agreed and submitted to SKDC, at the same time asking whether any underground utilities would be impacted.Cllr Collins had received an email from a resident regarding a ‘food forest garden’ in the village, for which this grassed area was a potential candidate. SKDC’s requirement that it remain useable for ball games makes this land unsuitable, but Cllr Walsingham will discuss alternatives with the resident. Clerk to add to the agenda for the next meeting.02/21 Land in the centre of Musson’s Close: The owner of this land had contacted the chairman following the previous meeting and requested that the following be noted. He believes that illegal county council signs have been erected; that people are walking on private property; and that grass mowing from the right of way have been left on his land. He is in contact with someone from Melton with a view to planting with wildflowers and vegetables and is arranging a deep ploughing of the land. |
10. Next meeting:
The next meeting will take place at 7.30pm on Wednesday 10th February 2021, venue to be agreed depending upon the circumstances prevailing at the time.
Meeting closed at 8.42 pm. Mrs. Sue Woodman – Parish Clerk
Action Log 13th January 2021
Ref | Action | Responsibility | Date by |
07/20 | Activate new email addresses | All | 31/01/21 |
07/20 | Communicate councillors’ new email addresses to SKDC; update CG web site | Clerk Cllr Fox | 10/02/21 |
18/20 | Arrange for work on lights between Barleycroft / Pridmore | Cllrs Fox | 11/11/20 |
77/19 | Arrange for work to reduce wattage of bulbs in Gallery Lighting | Cllrs Fox | 11/11/20 |
43/20 | Laxton’s Lane: Contact LCC Highways and all vehicles be banned from Laxton’s Lane (except access) & appropriate signage erected | Cllr Walsingham / Clerk | 10/02/21 |
71/20 | Ascertain how many Parish Council contested elections have actually been held in SKDC recently | Cllr Robins | 09/12/20 |
55/20; 77/20 | Speeding in the village: Add to meeting agenda following May election | Clerk | 05/21 |
Planning: S19/2235: Feedback no objections + comments to SKDC Planning S20/1783: Feedback previous objections to SKDC PlanningPre-planning: Feedback re policy | Clerk Clerk Clerk | 14/01/21 27/01/21 10/02/21 | |
56/20 | Play equipment: Add to agenda for March 2021 | Clerk | 03/21 |
27/20 | Recognition of special contributions to the village eg Advent Windows: Letter of appreciation to Katie Appreciation on Social Media | Clerk Cllr Fox | 04/01/21 |
88/20 | Flag flying schedule: Publish explanation of Celebration of Life flag on the village web site.Add Pride flag to scheduleProcure new Union flag & a lock for the flagpole with 2 keys. | Clerk Clerk Cllr Cook | 10/02/21 10/02/21 10/02/21 |
89/20 | Trees on St John’s Drive Green: Communicate plan to local residents. Draw up plan of location & agree Share plan with SKDC and request permission (incl. location of utilities) | Cllr Collins / Cllr Cook Clerk | 10/02/21 10/02/21 |