Draft Minutes of the meeting held on Wednesday December 9th 2020 at 7.30pm using video conferencing.
Present: Cllrs Lamming (Chair), Collins, Cook, Fox, Hargreaves, Muir & Walsingham
In attendance: Cllr N Robins, Cllr M Hill, Mrs. S. Woodman (Parish Clerk) 4 members of the public
Open Forum:
A resident enquired about the Council’s response to planning application S20/1861, which amended a previous application. This had been received between meetings and as no councillor wished to comment, no meeting was held, and no comments were returned to SKDC. The resident also asked for confirmation that at the meeting to discuss speeding it had been stated that CGPC did not have the resources to pay for a SID so community fund raising would be required which was confirmed.
Another resident explained the situation regarding allegations of an illegal notice and dumped grass cutting on the land in the centre of Mussons Close. He stated that the injunction notice must legally be displayed and that when it had been removed, it had simply been re-instated. And that the grass cuttings had not recently been left by other residents.
Regarding the planning application concerning this land, the resident reminded the Council of the wording of the appeal decision regarding a previous application which referred to policy DE1 “significant harm to the landscape”. He believes that following the latest application, there is now a groundswell of opinion in the village to object to planning again. He further informed the council that the residents have appointed a solicitor who is awaiting a meeting with the head of SKDC’s legal team to discuss the matter, and that Lincoln Diocese are also taking a legal interest.
1. Apologies for absence: None.
2. District and County Councillors’ Reports:
County Council; The Covid situation continues to dominate LCC activities. The government are committed to reviewing the Tier Rating every 2 weeks based on current date. The next review is due next week. Although parts of Lincolnshire are rated high, S Holland & SKDC are low. One of the 5 criteria is hospital capacity. There is currently spare capacity in local hospitals, but staffing is an issue. It is hoped that at the next review the parts of Lincolnshire with lower ratings will be returned to Tier 2. 1,000 doses of the Astro-Zeneca vaccine have been received. Due to the stringent storage conditions, these are being administered in hospitals. It is hoped that the Oxford vaccine will be administered in GP surgeries, will may be released soon.
Various speed calming measures were discussed with Cllr Hill, including speed ‘bumps’ or ‘boxes’ and road markings, which he considered possible. He recommended an Archers Survey to verify the perception that traffic speeds have increased, and contact / meeting with the Road Safety Partnership, which he will look into.
LCC Highways have suggested that the No Vehicles sign on Laxtons Lane be removed as the sign is badly worn and technically the lane is not pedestrian only. Although theoretically wide enough for a (small) vehicle, it is used primarily by pedestrians and the Council would restrict vehicle access. Cllr Hill agreed to discuss options with Highways and request that the sign is not removed until this is resolved.
Cllr Hill reported that neighbourhood teams will be spending time in the village fixing potholes etc. Any problems should be reported to Cllr Hill to pass on to the team.
District Council: Cllr Robins reported that some tidying up of eg footpath edges had taken place. The council thanked Cllr Robins and asked that their appreciation be passed on to the team. Recruitment for the 5 vacant senior posts is ongoing. The management of leisure centres has been brought in house and transferred to LeisureSK. SKDC is continuing to support the re-opening of Grantham Hospital, which is currently undergoing judicial review. The response to the Covid situation is in line with that reported by Cllr Hill.
3. The minutes of the meeting of the Council held on Wednesday 11th November 2020 were approved unanimously and signed by the chairman as an accurate record.
4. Councillors’ Declarations of Interest: None declared
5. Review of Action Log:
82/20 Musson’s Close land – renewal of Asset of Community Value status: Application submitted; response awaited.
6. Clerk’s & Chairman’s reports on matters outstanding:
77/19 & 18/20 Lighting for Art Gallery (reduce wattage of bulbs) / Barleycroft: Scheduled.
39/20 War Memorial Restoration: Grant received by War Memorial Team. Awaiting release of funds from their bank account.
40/20 Water Pump: Permission to repaint the listed pump in the Market Place has been granted. It was formally agreed to ask Brian Walsingham to re-paint both pumps in the Spring when the weather is suitable at a cost of £180 (6 for, 1 abstention).
51/20 Good Neighbours Scheme: Ongoing.
78/20 Review signatories on bank account: Form completed and being processed by the bank.
55/20 Speeding on Bourne Road near school (includes 47, 58 &77): The proposed meeting with residents had taken place. Around 9 residents attended. Councillors have been provided with a summary of the meeting which will also be posted on the village web site. “Gates” and / or planters (planters require maintenance) at the entrance to the village were considered favourably. Costings for the various options and recommendations are required – Cllr Walsingham to pursue; clerk to contact Londonthorpe about their “gates”. See also County Councillor’s report.
Matters to be resolved:
79/20 Budget for 2021/2022: The new expense to pay the clerk £6/week for the use of her computer equipment, broadband etc was agreed unanimously. Concern was expressed about the possibility of legal fees regarding The Green at some future time – funds need to be available to allow for this contingency. The precept was last increased by £1,000 from £10,000 to £11,000 in 2013, 7 years ago and costs have risen significantly since then. After further debate, it was agreed unanimously that the precept be increased by £1,000 from £11,000 to £12,000 this year, and consideration be given to increasing it in future years on a more regular basis.
85/20 Confirm meeting dates for 2021: Confirmed as 2nd Wednesday of the month except August, when there is no meeting.
86/20 Confirm Christmas expenses: Christmas expenditure to a maximum of £310 was agreed (6 in favour;
1 abstention).
7. Reports from:
Planning: to consider planning applications received prior to & after publication of the agenda:
S20/1809 Mussons Close – 2 Traveller pitches & amenity block, fencing, vehicular access & hard standing:
It was agreed unanimously to object to the application on the same grounds as the objection to the previous application, namely that the land was intended to be green space and should remain so.
S20/2033 The Limes, Tanners Lane – Re-pollard 5 lime trees: No objection.
Potential planning application: It is council policy only to consider applications which have been formally submitted to SKDC.
Greens Working Group:
8. Payments and Accounts
(i) Bank balances – monthly update approved as set out below
(ii) Invoices for payment – Councillors resolved unanimously to approve payments as set out in schedule below.
Opening Bank balance from 1st November 2020 | £13,796.33 |
Income received on bank statement | |
Invoices cleared on bank statementS. Woodman – clerk’s wages (including back pay)S. Woodman – clerk’s expensesHMRC – clerk’s PAYECDPC – Community cleanerMCS grass cuttingSt John’s Church – churchyard upkeep donationBourne Skip HireBourne Skip HireD Couture – War Memorial RailingsMrs Lamming – Remembrance Day Wreath | £283.09£14.60£70.60£149.73£229.00£150.00£228.00£228.00£918.00£17.50 |
Closing Bank Balance 30th November 2020 | £11,507.81 |
Cheques to be authorised/cleared:S. Woodman – clerk’s wagesS. Woodman – clerk’s expensesHMRC – clerk’s PAYECDPC – Community cleanerMCS grass cutting | £243.55£16.45£61.00£149.73£144.00 |
Estimated remaining NatWest bank balance(excluding Defibrillator, Play Equipment & War Memorial funds) | £10,893.08£11,637.61 |
Defibrillator FundTotal banked to date (inc. VAT refunds): Purchases to date (inc. VAT):Fund remaining: | £2,383.80 £2,412.88£249.86 |
Play Equipment FundTotal banked to date (inc. VAT refunds): Purchases to date (inc. VAT):Fund remaining: | £41,425.44£40,808.43£509.61 |
War Memorial FundTotal banked to date (inc. VAT refunds): Purchases this month (inc. VAT)Total Purchases to date (inc. VAT):Fund remaining: (pending receipt of grant & VAT refund) | £1,850.00£918.00£3,354.00-£1,504.00 |
Neighbourhood Plan Costs (to be repaid on receipt of grant funding)Costs to date | £504.79 |
9. Matters to be further discussed at this meeting:
27/20 Local Covid Response: Consider how to recognise special efforts – clerk to add to January agenda.
61/20 Christmas Tree: Next year need better arrangements for clearing the Market Place of cars in preparation.
73/20 Review of Assets (re bench at the bottom of St John’s Drive): To be further considered outside the meeting.
83/20 Use for the phone box by the Co-op eg community pantry: The additional expense of moving the defibrillator is not considered justified at this time. The phone box has the potential to be used for alternative community projects.84/20 Ban use of Laxtons Lane by motor vehicles & bicycles: See District Councillor’s report.87/20 Annual Review of Policies: Policies had been reviewed by councillors outside the meeting and were considered up to date and fit for purpose. It was agreed unanimously that no changes were required.88/20 Review Flag Flying policy: Cllr Cook proposed that unless National protocols dictate otherwise, the Union Flag be flown at all times except:· St George’s Flag: St George’s Day (April);· Lincolnshire Flag: Lincolnshire Day (October);· Sheep Fair Flag: Sheep Fair Weekend;· ‘Lest we forget’ Flag: Remembrance / Armistice Day (November);· Christmas (Flag: Christmas period (December); · Village Flag: During summer holidays (July / August)· ‘Celebration of Life’ Flag: At half-mast on the day of the funeral of a local residentThe significance of the ‘Celebration of Life’ Flag is not well understood in the village and Cllr Lamming will clarify with David Fowler and publish an explanation on the village web site.The Council needs to be made aware of deaths in the village, and funeral dates so that the flag can be flown appropriately. Clerk to request Revd Buckman to let the council know of any he is made aware of. A better way of communicating between council members is required. It was suggested that a Whatsapp group be set up for this. A lock is needed to prevent interference with the flag. Cllr Cook to procure an appropriate lock with 2 keys. If Cllr Cook is not available to manage the flag, Cllrs Lamming or Muir are happy to stand in. A better quality and size Union flag is required. Cllr Cook to research.All the above was agreed unanimously.89/20 Consider planting trees on the grass area on St. John’s Drive: A group of silver birches would complement this area, perhaps surrounding the proposed memorial bench, but the question of the cost of maintenance would need to be resolved, and neighbouring residents consulted – Cllr Collins is happy to do the latter. It is believed that SKDC own the land as they cut the grass. Cllr Robins agreed to consult SKDC for their views & establish whether utilities run underneath. Cllr Collins to investigate the cost of trees. Clerk to determine the proposed siting for the bench in memory of Mrs Dyde. |
10. Next meeting:
The next meeting will take place at 7.30pm on Wednesday 13th January 2021, venue to be agreed depending upon the circumstances prevailing at the time.
Meeting closed at 9.30 pm. Mrs. Sue Woodman – Parish Clerk
Action Log 9th December 2020
Ref | Action | Responsibility | Date by |
07/20 | Activate new email addresses | All | 13/01/21 |
07/20 | Communicate councillors’ new email addresses to SKDC; update CG web site | Clerk Cllr Fox | 10/02/21 |
18/20 | Arrange for work on lights between Barleycroft / Pridmore | Cllrs Fox | 11/11/20 |
77/19 | Arrange for work to reduce wattage of bulbs in Gallery Lighting | Cllrs Fox | 11/11/20 |
40/20 | Water pumps: Confirm acceptance of quote from Mr Brian Walsingham – to be actioned in the Spring | Clerk | 13/01/21 |
43/20 | Laxton’s Lane: discuss options with Highways and request that the sign is not removed until this is resolvedSend recent correspondence to Cllr Hill | Cllr Hill Cllr Walsingham | 13/01/21 |
71/20 | Ascertain how many Parish Council contested elections have actually been held in SKDC recently | Cllr Robins | 09/12/20 |
55/20; 77/20 | Speeding in the village: Send Summary of meeting to Cllrs Hill & Robins Forward previous correspondence to Cllr Hill Contact Road Safety Partnership Investigate speed reduction options with Highways etcContact Londonthorpe PC to enquire about their ‘gates’Get estimated costs and recommendations for the various options | Clerk Cllr Walsingham Cllr Hill Cllr Hill Clerk Cllr Walsingham | 13/01/21 |
Report any potholes etc to Cllr Hill to pass on to the neighbourhood team | all | asap | |
Planning: S20/1809: Feedback objections to SKDC Planning S20/2033: Feedback ‘no comment’ to SKDC Planning | Clerk Clerk | 21/12/20 15/12/20 | |
56/20 | Play equipment: Add to agenda for March 2021 | Clerk | 03/21 |
73/20 | Bench at the bottom of St John’s Drive: Ascertain exact location on St John’s Drive requested by the family; Confirm ownership of land at the bottom of St Johns with the Bibby’s | Clerk Cllr Walsingham | 13/01/21 |
73/20 | Ascertain ownership of land at the bottom of St John’s Drive | Cllr Robins | |
86/20 | Christmas Expenses: Confirm method of donation with Mrs Simpson Distribute as agreed | Clerk; Cllrs Cook, Lamming & Fox | 13/01/21 |
27/20 | Recognition of special contributions to the village eg Advent Windows: Add to January agenda | Clerk | 04/01/21 |
88/20 | Flag flying schedule: Clarify the significance of the ‘Celebration of Life’ Flag with David Fowler Publish explanation on the village web site.Request Revd Buckman make the council aware of deaths / funerals of village residentsSet up Whatsapp GroupProcure an appropriate lock for the flagpole with 2 keys. | Cllr Lamming Cllr Fox Clerk Cllr Fox Cllr Cook | 13/01/21 |
89/20 | Trees on St John’s Drive Green: Consult SKDC for their views & establish whether utilities run underneath. Investigate the cost of trees. Determine the proposed siting for the bench in memory of Mrs Dyde. | Cllr Robins Cllr Collins Clerk | 13/01/21 |