Draft Minutes of the meeting held on Wednesday February 9th 2021 at 7.30pm using video conferencing.
Present: Cllrs Lamming (Chair), Collins, Cook, Fox, Hargreaves & Walsingham
In attendance: Mrs. S. Woodman (Parish Clerk) 1 member of the public
Open Forum:
Mrs Woodman & Cllr Walsingham reported a meeting between themselves & Cllr Hargreaves and Emilie Nunn & Simon Hollingsworth on behalf of SKDC regarding forthcoming proposed Po-up Arts events. The events are planned for Tuesday April 13th 2021, and are expected to be a number of small low key events of short duration at different places throughout the village. More detail at the next meeting.
A member of the public reported on the Larkfleet Homes Planning Application: The ‘Pedestrian Crossing’ across the A151 will simply be a dropped kerb; the Section 106 allocated funds will be given into the stewardship of the Parish Council to be spent for the benefit of the village; the application has been approved by SKDC, although the clerk has not been formally informed of this.
Cllr Collins reported that various grit bins are empty, which she has logged on Fix my Street. It was confirmed that the grit is provided by LCC at no charge to the Parish Council for use on village roads / footpaths, but not for private property.
1. Apologies for absence: Cllr Muir. Reasons given & accepted.
2. District and County Councillors’ Reports: None
3. The minutes of the meeting of the Council held on Wednesday 13th January 2021 were approved unanimously and signed by the chairman as an accurate record.
4. Councillors’ Declarations of Interest: None declared
5. Review of Action Log:
77/19 18/20 Lights between Barleycroft & Pridmore / Reduce wattage of bulbs in Gallery Lighting: Cllr Fox has been unable to contact the firm which provided the quote; the other firm which quoted has now ceased trading. Cllr Fox will continue to try to contact the electricians.
84/20 Laxton’s Lane: Clerk had contacted LCC Highways and requested that all vehicles be banned from Laxton’s Lane (except access). The request has been logged but the process has not yet started owing to other priorities. It is hoped that LCC Highways will be able to make a start on it in the next few months.
27/20 Recognition of special contributions to the village: Clerk has sent the letter of appreciation.
6. Clerk’s & Chairman’s reports on matters outstanding:
51/20 Good Neighbours Scheme – extension of Covid support: Ian Astley had nothing particular to report. The scheme appears to be working.
75/20 Superfast Broadband: Cllr Cook reported that although all requirements have been completed and all criteria met, he has been unable to contact anyone to confirm the current situation. Funding ceases on Feb 19th; applications will be considered between Feb 19th & March 31st. A new funding stream targeting rural communities will then be instigated; however, there are postcode exclusions, of which Corby Glen is one. Cllr Cook will continue to try to ascertain the position, and contact all those who signed up and explain the situation.
09/16 Neighbourhood Planning: Although the plan is supported by the Parish Council, and councillors are among the members, the Parish Council is not directly involved in the plan’s production.
The purpose of the plan and its place within the local planning policies was clarified. An updated draft plan is being worked on – copy to be circulated to councillors. More people are needed and a Zoom meeting to be called to move forward. Anyone interested should contact Cllr Walsingham, the group’s temporary secretary.
Once the document is completed, it must be signed off by the Parish Council and then verified by a referendum before being forwarded to SKDC and added to the planning framework.
Matters to be resolved:
04/21 Review Councillor Responsibilities: The responsibilities list previously circulated was reviewed. An updated list will be issued.
05/21 Appoint internal auditor: Fiona Hatchman of Additions Accounting who acted as auditor last year is happy to continue. It was agreed unanimously that she be appointed auditor for this year.
7. Reports from:
Planning: to consider planning applications received prior to & after publication of the agenda:
PL/0006/21: To vary condition 2 of planning permission S16/0441 to retain mobile classroom for a further five years, Corby Glen Primary School, Station Road, Corby Glen. No objection.
Greens Working Group: The equipment was last checked in January. The working group will agree responsibilities between themselves.
8. Payments and Accounts
(i) Bank balances – monthly update approved as set out below
(ii) Invoices for payment – Councillors resolved unanimously to approve payments as set out in schedule below.
Opening Bank balance from 1st January 2021 | £11,743.62 | ||
Income received on bank statement | |||
Invoices cleared on bank statement S. Woodman – clerk’s wages S. Woodman – clerk’s expenses HMRC – clerk’s PAYE CDPC – Community cleaner T Kiely – Strimming War Memorial 2020 T Kiely – Cable Ties Cllr Cook – Christmas expenses Oakwick Arborists – tree work as per report | £243.75 £10.35 £60.80 £149.73 £120.00 £17.50 £50.00 £780.00 | ||
Closing Bank Balance 31st January 2021 | £10,311.49 | ||
Cheques to be authorised/cleared: Mrs T Lamming – Christmas Expenses S. Woodman – clerk’s wages S. Woodman – clerk’s expenses HMRC – clerk’s PAYE CDPC – Community cleaner Mrs M Cooper – Barleycroft Lighting | £85.50 £243.55 £8.40 £61.00 £149.73 £100.00 | ||
Estimated remaining NatWest bank balance(excluding Defibrillator, Play Equipment & War Memorial funds) | £9,663.31 £9,387.30 | ||
Defibrillator FundTotal banked to date (inc. VAT refunds): Purchases to date (inc. VAT):Fund remaining: | £2,383.80 £2,412.88£249.86 | ||
Play Equipment FundTotal banked to date (inc. VAT refunds): Purchases to date (inc. VAT):Fund remaining: | £41,425.44£40,808.43£509.61 | ||
War Memorial FundTotal banked to date (inc. VAT refunds): GrantTotal Purchases to date (inc. VAT):Fund remaining: (pending VAT refund) | £1,850.00£1,020.54-£3,354.00-£483.46 | ||
Neighbourhood Plan Costs (to be repaid on receipt of grant funding)Costs to date | £504.79 | ||
9. Matters to be further discussed at this meeting:
27/20 Local Covid Response: Nothing to report.
89/20 Consider planting trees on the grass area on St. John’s Drive: Cllr Collins thanked Cllr Cook for his assistance, especially in designing and producing the leaflet which was circulated to affected residents. There has been mixed feedback. Although it is known that no Western Power cables cross the area, concern remains as to whether other services may – especially as there are manhole covers in the centre.In the first instance Cllr Cook will contact a local resident who works for Anglian Water. If he is unable to help, then LCC will be requested to undertake a search. It is appreciated that there may be a charge for this service.The trees are kindly being funded by a local resident, but would be maintained by the council – added to those inspected regularly. The trunks will need washing down each winter to retain their whiteness.It is recognised that agreement is needed as a matter of urgency to ensure the trees are planted whilst dormant. Matter to be agreed at the next meeting. |
03/21 Consider a Food Forest Garden for the village: Cllr Walsingham had discussed with the resident at the same time that issues concerning the litter in and around Tanners Lane were raised. He had referred her to the Green Gym initiative, but Dominic Fieldhouse is no longer in post. It was considered that more business planning would be needed to take the idea forward.06/21 Consider skip/s for March: With the potential need to fund an election in May, the expense of skip/s was a concern. It was agreed that 1 small general purpose skip should be ordered for Saturday April 17th 2021 (5 for; 1 against). Laminated notices for car windscreens requesting to leave the Market Place clear would be useful. |
10. Next meeting:
The next meeting will take place at 7.30pm on Wednesday 10th March 2021, venue to be agreed depending upon the circumstances prevailing at the time.
Meeting closed at 8.23 pm. Mrs. Sue Woodman – Parish Clerk
Action Log 9th February 2021
Ref | Action | Responsibility | Date by |
09/16 | Neighbourhood Planning: Draft plan to be circulated to councillors | Clerk | 10/03/21 |
07/20 | Activate new email addresses – assistance to be provided by Cllr Fox | All / Cllr Fox | 10/03/21 |
07/20 | Communicate councillors’ new email addresses to SKDC; update CG web site | Clerk Cllr Fox | 07/04/21 |
18/20 | Arrange for work on lights between Barleycroft / Pridmore | Cllrs Fox | 11/11/20 |
77/19 | Arrange for work to reduce wattage of bulbs in Gallery Lighting | Cllrs Fox | 11/11/20 |
71/20 | Ascertain how many Parish Council contested elections have actually been held in SKDC recently | Cllr Robins | 09/12/20 |
55/20; 77/20 | Speeding in the village: Add to meeting agenda following May election | Clerk | 05/21 |
56/20 | Play equipment: Add to agenda for March 2021 | Clerk | 03/21 |
88/20 | Flag flying schedule: Procure a lock for the flagpole with 2 keys. | Cllr Cook | 10/02/21 |
89/20 | Trees on St John’s Drive Green: Contact resident re Anglian Water services crossing the area | Cllr Cook | 10/03/21 |
75/20 | Superfast Broadband: Contact all those who signed up and explain the situation. Leave on March agenda | Cllr Cook Clerk | 10/03/21 03/21 |
04/21 | Review Councillor Responsibilities: Issue updated list. | Clerk | 10/03/21 |
05/21 | Appoint internal auditor: Notify Fiona Hatchman of Additions Accounting that she is appointed auditor for this year | Clerk | 10/03/21 |
06/21 | Skip: Order for April 17th Remind 2 days before | Clerk Clerk | 10/03/21 15/04/21 |