Draft Minutes of the meeting held on Wednesday March 9th 2021 at 7.30pm using video conferencing.
Present: Cllrs Lamming (Chair), Collins, Hargreaves & Walsingham
In attendance: Mrs. S. Woodman (Parish Clerk) 2 residents
Open Forum:
A resident enquired about the VAT refund amount quoted in the accounts for the War Memorial Fund. This had been incorrectly shown as the whole VAT refund, not just that attributable to the War Memorial Fund. Corrected in the accounts attached to these minutes.
It was noted that the scrub in the ‘lane’ opposite the school has been cut, but it is not known by whom.
There is concern about the increased volume of litter and dog poo in the village, but it is not clear what action is currently possible. Maybe when lockdown is easing, some communication to alert people might be considered.
Cllr Walsingham reported that the Ron Dawson Hall committee is considering a village open day in their field (or in the hall if wet) to mark the end of lockdown, possibly a Sunday in August. More information to follow. Anyone willing / able to help should contact Cllr Walsingham.
A resident reported that election information was now available on SKDC web site.
It is hoped that meetings can return to face to face from May.
1. Apologies for absence: Cllrs Cook & Fox. Reasons given & accepted.
2. District and County Councillors’ Reports: None
3. The minutes of the meeting of the Council held on Wednesday February 9th 2021 were approved unanimously and signed by the chairman as an accurate record.
4. Councillors’ Declarations of Interest: None declared
5. Review of Action Log:
07/20 Email Addresses: Has proved complex to implement. To wait until everyone can sit down together with Tom.
6. Clerk’s & Chairman’s reports on matters outstanding:
75/20 Superfast Broadband: Cllr Cook had reported that progress is being made, although some issues are still being encountered.
01/21 Pop up Arts events: Date now re-scheduled to 4th June.
09/16 Neighbourhood Planning: Draft plan to be discussed next month.
Matters to be resolved:
09/21 Approve purchase of more poo bags: Current cost for 2,000 is £41 (£38.45 previous year). Agreed unanimously.
13/21 Consider closure of War Memorial Fund: Currently a surplus of £75.54. There are no known on-going costs. Clerk to approach Mr Green & Mr Honeywood to offer to return the money, or alternatively, purchase Remembrance Day related item/s (eg new plastic poppies for lamp posts).
7. Reports from:
Planning: to consider planning applications received prior to & after publication of the agenda:
S21/0326 2 Station Road – Extension / hard standing: Although it was recognised that this is a highways issue, concern was expressed regarding the poor visibility (because of parked cars) on emerging from the parking area onto an already congested road – potentially in reverse as there is no turning circle, especially as the entrance is very close to the corner. Clerk to feed concerns back to SKDC, although the Council does not wish to raise an objection.
S21/0290 7 Station Road – 2 new dwellings on site of bungalow: Concern was expressed about the potential pollution from wood burners. Concern was further expressed regarding the size and height of the proposed dwellings, especially the rear one. Also increased traffic on an already congested Station Road (although the applicant has stated all deliveries will be outside school start / end times). The council objects to the application
(i) from a highways perspective, (ii) because of the scale of the dwellings and ( iii) their being out of keeping with the surroundings, and (iv) the potential pollution from wood burners. (4 in favour, 1 abstention)
Greens Working Group: Cllr Collins had remarked on the increased litter. She is emptying the small bin by the play area every other day. Clerk to request orange rubbish bags from SKDC. Cllr Walsingham offered to help emptying. Cllr Lamming will provide Cllr Collins with the bin key, and an additional spare key will be purchased when possible.
8. Payments and Accounts
(i) Bank balances – monthly update approved as set out below
(ii) Invoices for payment – Councillors resolved unanimously to approve payments as set out in schedule below.
Opening Bank balance from 1st February 2021 | £10,311.49 | ||
Income received on bank statement VAT Refund | £878.57 | ||
Invoices cleared on bank statement Mrs T Lamming – Christmas Expenses S. Woodman – clerk’s wages S. Woodman – clerk’s expenses HMRC – clerk’s PAYE CDPC – Community cleaner Mrs M Cooper – Barleycroft Lighting | £85.50 £243.55 £8.40 £61.00 £149.73 £100.00 | ||
Closing Bank Balance 28th February 2021 | £10,541.88 | ||
Cheques to be authorised/cleared: S. Woodman – clerk’s wages S. Woodman – clerk’s expenses HMRC – clerk’s PAYE CDPC – Community cleaner LALC subscription | £243.55 £4.00 £61.00 £149.73 £272.57 | ||
Estimated remaining NatWest bank balance(excluding Defibrillator, Play Equipment & War Memorial funds) | £9,811.43 (£9,706.87) | ||
Defibrillator FundTotal banked to date (inc. VAT refunds): Purchases to date (inc. VAT):Fund remaining: | £2,383.80 £2,412.88£249.86 | ||
Play Equipment FundTotal banked to date (inc. VAT refunds): Purchases to date (inc. VAT):Fund remaining: | £41,425.44£40,808.43£509.61 | ||
War Memorial FundBalanceGrantVAT RefundTotal banked to date (inc. VAT refunds): Total Purchases to date (inc. VAT):Fund remaining: (pending VAT refund) | £1,850.00£1,020.54£559.00£3,429.54£3,354.00£75.54 | ||
Neighbourhood Plan Costs (to be repaid on receipt of grant funding)Costs to date | £504.79 | ||
9. Matters to be further discussed at this meeting:
89/20 Consider planting trees on the grass area on St. John’s Drive: The plans of utilities provided by Cllrs Collins & Cook were considered, as were comments from 3 residents. It was agreed that 4 silver birch saplings be purchased from Dunsby nurseries and the nursery commissioned to plant them. Locations to avoid the water pipes (line can be deduced from the manhole covers), avoid proximity to the resident who raised an objection and to not inhibit ball games. (4 in favour, 1 abstention). Councillors will meet at the site immediately before planting to agree and mark final locations.07/21 Playground Equipment Maintenance, especially rocking horse and play tower: Rocking Horse – wooden wedges on foot plate were rotten but have been removed by an unknown person. Considered surplus to requirements. Play Tower: Very sturdy. Cost of replacing with similar likely to be prohibitive, but attention needed on corroded areas, paintwork, rope ladder and woodwork. Cllr Cook had previously investigated. Discussion deferred until next meeting when Cllr Cook can be present.08/21 Election update: Information now of SKDC web site. Clerk had received communication from SKDC Elections Officer & had requested & received 3 election packs in line with 3 potential candidates who presented themselves when the vacancies arose. Clerk to email potential candidates & inform them packs are available.10/21 Review Risk Management: Had been reviewed by councillors before the meeting. It was agreed unanimously that no changes were required.11/21 Review GDPR Policies: Had been reviewed by councillors before the meeting. It was agreed unanimously that no changes were required.12/21 SKDC Planning Policy consultation – Review Statement of Community Involvement. This was considered a very useful, if lengthy document. No comments were made. |
10. Next meeting:
The next meeting will take place at 7.30pm on Wednesday 14th April 2021, venue to be agreed depending upon the circumstances prevailing at the time.
Meeting closed at 8.43 pm. Mrs. Sue Woodman – Parish Clerk
Action Log 9th March 2021
Ref | Action | Responsibility | Date by |
07/20 | Activate new email addresses – assistance to be provided by Cllr Fox (to be deferred until meeting in person is possible) | All / Cllr Fox | |
07/20 | Communicate councillors’ new email addresses to SKDC; update CG web site | Clerk Cllr Fox | |
18/20 | Arrange for work on lights between Barleycroft / Pridmore | Cllrs Fox | 11/11/20 |
77/19 | Arrange for work to reduce wattage of bulbs in Gallery Lighting | Cllrs Fox | 11/11/20 |
71/20 | Ascertain how many Parish Council contested elections have actually been held in SKDC recently | Cllr Robins | 09/12/20 |
55/20; 77/20 | Speeding in the village: Add to meeting agenda following May election | Clerk | 05/21 |
88/20 | Flag flying schedule: Procure a lock for the flagpole with 2 keys. | Cllr Cook | 10/02/21 |
89/20 | Trees on St John’s Drive Green: Arrange to purchase 4 silver birch trees from Dunsby nursery & for the nursery to plant them. Inform SKDC Cllrs to meet on site beforehand to agree final positions Add to PC Tree Assets List when planted | Cllr Collins Clerk All Clerk | 14/04/21 |
75/20 | Superfast Broadband: Leave on April agenda | Clerk | 04/21 |
06/21 | Skip: Ordered for April 17th – Remind 2 days before | Clerk | 15/04/21 |
09/21 | Poo bags: Purchase 2,000 for £41 | Clerk | 15/04/21 |
13/21 | War Memorial Fund: Contact Mr Green & Mr Honeywood to offer to return the money / purchase Remembrance Day related item/s | Clerk | 15/04/21 |
S21/ 0326 | 2 Station Road – Extension / hard standing: No objection. Feed back concerns regarding poor visibility on emerging from the parking area to SKDC. | Clerk | 25/03/21 |
S21/ 0290 | 7 Station Road – Communicate to SKDC Planning the Council’s objections from a highways perspective, because of the scale of the dwellings and their being out of keeping with the surroundings, and the potential pollution from wood burners. | Clerk | 10/03/21 |
Greens | Litter Bin: Request orange rubbish bags for Cllr Collins from SKDC; Provide Cllr Collins with the key to the litter bin. Purchase an additional spare key when possible. | Clerk Cllr Lamming | 15/04/21 asap |