Minutes of the Extraordinary Meeting held on Monday November 22nd 2021 at 7.30pm in the Church Street Rooms, Corby Glen.
Present: Cllrs Lamming (Chair), Clink, Cook, Evans, Hargreaves & Walsingham (Vice Chair),.
In attendance: Cllr Robins, Mrs S Woodman (Parish Clerk) & 1 resident.
- Apologies for absence: Cllr Fox. Apologies received and accepted.
- Councillors Declarations of Interest: none noted.
- To consider Planning Application S21/1841 (David Wilson Homes – 199 dwellings).
The following points were raised during the discussion:
- The developer proposes to use a different provider for the underground gas supply to that currently used by other developments within the village. It would be beneficial if all developments used the same provider to facilitate economies of scale.
- There is concern that the through road between the A151 and Swinstead Road could become a ‘rat run’, encouraging additional non-residents traffic. It is unclear why a through road is required? Would a single access onto the A151 not be preferable?
- The analysis of traffic conditions referred to by the developer fails to address the impact of 200+ extra vehicles on other roads in the village eg Moreley’s Lane, Church Street, St John’s Drive, Market Place, Tanner’s Lane and the High Street, or the extra pressure on the already difficult A151 / Swinstead Road / Moreley’s Lane junction.
- The concern of existing residents for the traffic situation in the village is evidenced by the experience of the Community Speed Watch: when the Parish Council asked for volunteers to support this initiative, 20 people came forward straight away.
- Will all dwellings be fitted with electric car charging points as is expected to be mandated by the government?
- The developer plans to deal with excess water via a pipe to the West Glen. But this river already floods during high rainfall, so the additional water would potentially exacerbate an existing problem rather than solving it. It is hoped that Anglian Water will consider this issue in their assessment.
- Councillors would like clarity on where the funds required under Section 106 will be allocated locally ie in the village. It was considered short sighted that no additional funds are currently allocated to the Primary School. Although numbers are lower at the moment, peaks and troughs are typical in schools, and numbers could well increase naturally.
- With no additional retail outlet, concern was expressed that the current congestion in the High Street caused by traffic visiting existing retail outlets will be exacerbated.
- The process whereby roads and open spaces are adopted by the District Council was discussed. It was considered imperative that the adoption process is agreed up front, that early adoption is encouraged, and that provision is made for the situation where the developer goes into liquidation. If the green spaces remain with the developer, then there need to be measures to ensure the land cannot be sold on for private profit and will be maintained in perpetuity. It is believed that as the land is designated by SKDC for development under the Local Plan, that they should adopt, manage and maintain the green space.
- Given that only 2 parking spaces are provided per house, the width of the road was of concern. Visitors’ cars will of necessity be parked on the road. Will there still be room for eg refuse vehicles, delivery and emergency vehicles to access the site? Especially with the number of small cul-de-sacs within the development.
- It appears that safe pedestrian access from the David Wilson Homes development to the village is dependent upon residents walking through the Larkfleet development then out onto the A151. This was not considered acceptable. The developer should provide a safe footpath along the A151 on the same side as the development until it meets with an existing footpath and provide funding for improved pedestrian access within the village centre (Moreley’s Lane, Church Street, Market Place etc).
- The cycle path provided does not appear to join up with anything and is therefore potentially of limited use as a means of transport.
- It was considered that aesthetically the development should reflect the character of the existing village, with a mixture of dressed & undressed stone and ‘interesting’ brick. And follow the new SKDC Design Guide which is about to be approved.
- It was considered that the developer had paid lip service to Community Standard Involvement by issuing a leaflet earlier in the year relating to the outline planning application and including 3 closed questions on the response. The developer subsequently refused to hold a public meeting, which then organised by the District Councillor. The SKDC Planning officer, who was present at the meeting is currently collating responses.
- The District Councillor agreed to arrange an informal meeting between councillors and the relevant planning officer at the earliest opportunity.
After discussion, it was resolved unanimously to respond as follows:
Response from Corby Glen Parish Council to Planning Application S21/1841 David Wilson Homes
The effect of a development of this size on the Corby Glen community should not be underestimated. It is regarded as the most significant change to the fabric of Corby Glen in the long history of our community.
Corby Glen Parish Council and many residents of our village strongly object to how the developer has engaged the scheme with the community. Given the size of this development in relation to the size of the existing community, the Parish Council considers David Wilson Homes’ Standard Community Involvement to have been risible, limited as it was to three closed questions only.
Whilst the difficulties posed by the Covid pandemic are appreciated, it is no surprise that the response from the community to the questionnaire, which was only related to the outline planning application, was limited. The open meeting arranged by the District Councillor elicited more than twice the number of responses.
During the consultation the developer’s response to the comments previously raised, proves the developer does not understand or is interested in the community and the people who will be affected by this significant development and has not taken the time to engage and listen to the several major concerns.
The Council is seriously concerned about the hazard posed by traffic entering and leaving the development on both the A151 and Swinstead Road, and if a through road really is essential, the Council believes that the best way to mitigate this hazard is for roundabouts to be provided at each junction, which would have the additional effect of slowing down traffic on the main road.
The traffic survey quoted by the developer takes no account of the community’s actual experience and concern, or the impact of the additional traffic (potentially an extra 400 cars) on other roads in the village.
In particular, we are concerned about vehicular access and egress routes to the stores in and around the High Street. Frequently the centre of the village is already unnavigable at peak times and the lack of adequate parking regularly forces cars to pull up on pavements or to park across resident’s driveways around the NISA shop.
An increase of over 50% of homes poses an unconscionable increase to this issue faced by villagers every day. We can think of no better example than this of the impact of zero face time spent between developer and community, resulting in a poor day to day understanding of the community shared experience.
It is imperative that safe pedestrian and cycle access is provided between the development and the main village, and that further assessment for both the centre of the village and other amenities such as schools, community centres and health care is carried out.
Better integration with the rest of the village would be achieved by the character of the new buildings reflecting the look and feel of the existing village and the essential requirement for the developer to take account of the newly published SKDC Design Guide.
Given the scale of the development, the inadequate engagement by the developer and the significance of the direct and indirect impact on the wider community of Corby Glen we request SKDC’s support in requiring the developer to properly engage with community concerns through a formal public meeting.
We also seek LCC / SKDC assurance that the concerns above are addressed as conditional requirements in any planning approval and in particular our long-standing concerns regarding traffic, pedestrian safety and access to the village and the sympathetic design of the new housing.
We wish to receive early notification of the date of the development control committee meeting that will discuss this application and wish to take full advantage of the opportunity to express these views in person to the committee members.
- To consider arrangements for activities in the Market Square on Christmas Eve.
This year the Christmas Tree Fund have made no arrangements for the village to gather in the Market Place on Christmas Eve, as had been the tradition in the past (although there will be a Crib Service in the Church at 3.00pm). The Parish Council would like the tradition to continue.
Unfortunately, the Corby Choristers are unable to perform on Christmas Eve. It was agreed that the Parish Council would arrange an informal gathering with mulled wine and mince pies (and request donations) to sing well known carols.
Actions were agreed as follows:
Explain plans to Revd Stephen | Cllr Walsingham (emailed 23/11_ |
Talk to Fighting Cocks (Ian) | Cllr Walsingham (To be discussed further) |
Individual Lights | Cllr Evans |
Large light | Cllr Clink |
Song sheet with well-known carols | Cllr Clink |
Spotify Play List | Cllr Clink |
PA System – Rob Lynch | Cllr Clink |
Mince Pies: Talk to NISA re donating | Cllr Clink |
Mulled Wine | Cllr Lamming (To be discussed further) |
Print 1 large (for A Board) & 6 x A4 posters | Cllr Cook |
- To consider Planning Application S21/2178 (2 Church Street – Tree work):
No objections.
- 45/21 Planting Trees (5 Honeywood Trees)
It was agreed unanimously that Cllr Walsingham should purchase 5 Honeywood trees for the sum of £65 to be planted on The Green near the bench / war memorial.
The meeting closed at 9.25pm.
Mrs. S. Woodman – Parish Clerk