Parish Council Minutes|


Draft Minutes of the Extraordinary Meeting held on Monday March 21st 2022 at 7.30pm at the Willoughby Gallery, Corby Glen.

Present: Cllrs Lamming (Chair), Andrew, Cook, Evans, Harwood, Silabon & Walsingham (Vice Chair),

In attendance: Cllr Robins, Mrs S Woodman (Parish Clerk) & 1 resident.

  1. Apologies for absence: Cllr Clink. Apologies received and accepted.
  2. Councillors Declarations of Interest:  none noted.

The Chairman thanked all for attending.

3. To consider the council’s response to S21/1841 (David Wilson Homes – 199 dwellings)

Councillors had read and considered the extensive Planning Committee Report.

The following points were deemed the most significant:

  • The need for a footpath on the South side of the A151 connecting the development directly to the doctors’ surgery and secondary school without the need to cross the A151 twice.
  • The importance of enhanced traffic calming measures on both the A151 and Swinstead Road eg white gates, possibly a Speed Indicator Device (SID).
  • It was noted that some areas defined in the report as ‘open space’ are not in the public domain – eg Charles Read School playing fields, Ron Dawson Hall playing field.
  • It was agreed that the Street Hierarchy was weak – ref 5.31 (l) – and with most properties having tandem parking, there would be significant on-street parking.
  • The council continues to be disappointed with the lack of engagement between the developer and the community.
  • Arrangements for drainage and sewerage were a major concern, as the Glen already floods in times of heavy rain, so is additional water draining into it will make matters worse.
  • The ‘Travel Plan’ is flawed and inadequate, given the relative isolation of the community from large conurbations. Although an additional bus stop in the village is welcomed, the bus service itself is meagre.
  • It is crucial that the provision of S106 funds is a condition of planning permission, and that roads and green spaces are adopted promptly by the relevant authority.
  • It is likewise crucial that the proposals in the document are converted into firm commitment.

Cllrs Lamming and Silabon will represent the council at the SKDC planning meeting on
March 24th 2022.

As Cllr Clink was unable to attend the meeting, he had sent his comments electronically. These were read out by Cllr Evans and will be noted by Cllr Lamming in her response to the Planning Committee.

The meeting closed at 8.19pm.

Mrs. S. Woodman – Parish Clerk

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