Draft Minutes of the meeting held on Wednesday March 9th 2022 at 7.30pm in the Church Street Rooms, Corby Glen.
Present: Cllrs Walsingham (Chair) Andrew, Clink & Evans
In attendance: Cllr Robins, Mrs. S. Woodman (Parish Clerk) & 4 residents.
In the absence of the chairman, Cllr Walsingham, the vice-chairman, chaired the meeting
Open Forum:
A resident raised queries concerning the draft minutes of the previous meeting and noted that the date of the next meeting was incorrect. This was amended by the clerk before submitting the minutes for approval.
A resident queried the way the S106 Aspirations list had been developed. It was further suggested that a SID Speed camera could be added to this list.
Councillors are happy to that the Ukrainian flag be flown and gratefully accepted the offer of a Swinstead resident to purchase one.
Materials for circulation amongst councillors which are not urgent can be brought to the meeting.
The clerk was requested to ask the Sheep Fair Committee to arrange for the removal of the straw from the gateway off the Green to enable the grass to grow.
The chairman welcomed contributions from all for the rest of the meeting.
- Apologies for absence: Cllrs Lamming, Cook & Silabon. Reasons noted and accepted.
- District and County Councillors’ Reports: Cllr Robins reported on SKDC budgetary matters, notably the necessary increase in charges such as Council Tax and Green Bins. He also outlined ongoing negotiations with David Wilson Homes & Allison Homes concerning footpath/s connecting the developments to the village. The reasons for the Primary School being allocated no S106 funding were reviewed.
- The minutes of the meeting of the Council held on Wednesday February 9th 2022 had been amended by the clerk for the date of the next meeting to read Wednesday April 13th. The minutes were then approved unanimously and signed by the chairman as an accurate record.
- Councillors’ Declarations of Interest: None.
- Review of Action Log:
07/20 New Email addresses: As Mr Fox is no longer a member of the council, the matter of IT support will be discussed further outside the meeting and a proposal submitted. It was noted that with more residents, the Parish Council could include more councillors, and might need to consider appointing an assistant clerk.
46/21 Queen’s Platinum Jubilee: Cllr Lamming has arranged for a Road Closure for the Market Place for Sunday
June 5th from 11.00am to 8.00pm.
01/22 Christmas Tree Lights: Cllr Cook to report at the next meeting.
- Clerk’s & Chairman’s reports on matters outstanding:
75/20 Superfast Broadband: Email report from Cllr Cook: Deadline of March 2nd has passed with no further communication. Still chasing.
25/21 Fighting Cocks – Asset of Community Value: No communication. Clerk to chase.
55/20 Speeding in the village: Sessions continuing. Further monitoring sessions planned. More volunteers are required to enable to better rota to be set up.
03/22 Flag flying on the event of a villager’s death: Adding form to web site to be investigated – see 07/20 re IT support. Additionally, residents made aware via the Link, PC Notice Board, CSR Notice Board &, if possible, the Church Notice Board.
09/16 Neighbourhood Planning: Now mid-way through consultation. Cllr Clink thanked Mr Wakerley for all his hard work and commitment in developing, editing, and publishing the Plan. Although the initial meeting was poorly attended, it is hoped that the next one will be better. Some responses have been received both on-line via the web site and by paper form.
Cllr Clink outlined next steps leading to the referendum process which will be handled by SKDC, and at their expense. This is likely to take place late summer, early autumn, and extensive publicity will be vital.
It was stressed that the Neighbourhood Plan has been developed on behalf of the Parish Council and councillors will be required to endorse it. Councillors should therefore be sure to read it and provide feedback by March 21st 2022.
- Matters to be resolved:
07/22 Review Councillor roles & responsibilities: Reviewed. Revised list to be issued. Responsibilities for Remembrance Day to be reviewed nearer the time. The chairman stressed the importance of sharing duties amongst all councillors.
Cllrs thanked Mr Fowler from removing the wreaths from the war memorial.
08/22 Councillor Vacancy: No election had been requested; the Council was therefore free to fill the 2 vacancies by co-option. Mr Harwood and Mr Cowee had put their names forward and attended the meeting. They were formally co-opted. The council welcomed the new councillors who were from this point free to take part in the meeting. They were lent a copy of the Good Councillors Guide.
- Reports from:
Planning: to consider planning applications received prior to & after publication of the agenda:
S22/0455 Mr C Smith, The Paddock, application for outline permission for one 4 bedroom dwelling. It was noted that the traffic exiting onto the Swinstead Road in addition to the Allison & DWH developments could contribute to slowing down traffic along this road. The council agreed that it did not wish to comment (5 for, 1 abstention).
S21/1841 David Wilson Homes (DWH) Development: The ‘Wish List’ of S106 aspirations will be reviewed at the next meeting when it is hoped the full council will be present.
Greens Working Group:
07/21 Playground Equipment Maintenance (notably the state of the seesaw): Miracle Play are awaiting a part for the Swayfield play equipment so they can carry out the work on both in the same visit.
47/21 Notifying CGPC of issues with play equipment: Procedure ratified (3 for, 3 abstentions).
10/22 Clarify responsibilities of Greens Working Group: Cllr Walsingham will meet with the group to explain. what is required.
- Payments and Accounts
(i) Bank balances – monthly update approved as set out below (5 for, 2 abstentions).
(ii) Invoices for payment – Councillors resolved to approve payments as set out in schedule below (5 for, 2 abstentions).
(Cllr Walsingham queried the necessity for CGPC paying for the Gallery Lighting. It was explained that this was a historical arrangement.)
Opening Bank balance from 1st February 2022 | £16,002.58 | ||
Income received on bank statement: VAT Refund | £226.57 | ||
Invoices cleared on bank statement S. Woodman – clerk’s wages S. Woodman – clerk’s expenses HMRC – clerk’s PAYE CDPC – Community cleaner Cllr Lamming – Christmas Expenses Nhd Plan – Clive Keble Consulting | £243.55 £26.00 £61.00 £152.26 £88.00 £1,369.00 | ||
Closing Bank Balance 28th February 2022 | £14,289.34 | ||
Cheques to be authorised/cleared: S. Woodman – clerk’s wages S. Woodman – clerk’s expenses HMRC – clerk’s PAYE CDPC – Community cleaner LALC Subscription Willoughby Memorial Trust – Gallery Lighting M Cooper – Barleycroft footpath lighting Cllr Clink re Nhd Plan – Printing Nhd Plan – CSR –3 sessions CGPC Meetings – CSR –6 sessions | £243.55 £26.00 £61.00 £152.26 £275.52 £72.16 £100 £124.90 £56.25 £86.25 | ||
Estimated remaining NatWest bank balance (excluding Neighbourhood Plan Funds) | £13,091.45 (£11,534.90) | ||
Neighbourhood Plan Costs Previous costs to date Grant Previous costs against grant VAT Refund New costs against grant Grant remaining: | [£504.79] £7,279.00 £5,544.25 £3.20 £56.25 £1,556.80 | ||
- Matters to be further discussed at this meeting:
33/21 Re-wilding / areas of grass to be cut & by whom / standard of grass cutting: Ongoing. Information received from LCC; quote from MCS for cutting LCC areas. Both shared with councillors. Still awaiting similar for SKDC. Mowing needs to continue to avoid flowering plants.
55/21 Review 3 year Grass Contract: Clerk to renew the current contract (already agreed at the meeting of October 2021) with the proviso that areas may be added / subtracted during the life of the contract.
51/21 Discuss options for digitising the History Society’s archive to prevent deterioration: An aspiration within the Neighbourhood Plan. The problem is not digitising but where to store the artefacts securely. This is not something the council can provide. Cllr Walsingham will discuss options directly with the History Society.
The possibility of linking old photos to QR codes sited around the village as per a Town Trail was discussed.
54/21 Review Publication Scheme / Available Information: All possible information as per Publication Scheme to be made available on the Web Site. Agreed (5 for, 1 abstention).
59/21 Consider how younger people can be involved in the village: It is recognised that there is nothing in the village for young adults. Councillors were asked to consider & submit ideas. Item to be combined with 67/21.
46/21 Queen’s Platinum Jubilee: It was agreed unanimously to purchase the special Jubilee flag, and to arrange for the design & purchase of a banner to be displayed by the beacon publicising the events in the village over the Jubilee weekend. The banner should include the official logo. Clerk to be informed of any activities arranged for this weekend so they can be included in the programme. The provision of live music will be considered, and hay bales to be procured.
Further, the possibility of a Fly Past is to be requested.
The possibility of S137 funding is to be investigated.
67/21 Consider using the July or Sept meeting to agree arrangements for village events: All community groups to be involved. Cllrs to notify the clerk of any community groups they are aware of for her to co-ordinate. It was noted that since Covid, many residents are more reluctant to get involved in community groups. The Ron Dawson Committee is also looking to involve the community more.
To be considered further at the next meeting.
01/22 Consider replacing Christmas Tree Lights: Deferred to next meeting.
05/22 Reason for new footbridge (rear of St John’s Drive): LCC have constructed a wooden bridge over a small dyke on a route which is not a recognised footpath. The reason for this expense is unclear. Deferred to a meeting when Cllr Hill is present.
09/22 Consider creating a local health concern group: Deferred to next meeting.
11/22 Mud on road – Tanner’s Lane: Reported by a resident. Clerk to inform resident that this is not part of the remit of the Parish Council, and he should approach LCC with his concerns.
- Next meeting:
The next regular meeting will take place at 7.30pm on Wednesday April 13th 2022 at the Willoughby Gallery.
Meeting closed at 8.52pm. Mrs. Sue Woodman – Parish Clerk
Action Log 9th March 2022
Ref | Action | Responsibility | Date by |
09/16 | Neighbourhood Planning: Provide Feedback | All | 21/3/22 |
07/20 | Activate new email addresses (cllrName@corbyglen.com): IT support to be followed up outside the meeting | Cllr Walsingham / Mr Fox | 13/4/21 |
07/21 | Playground: Fix a rubber covering to the bottom edges of the rocking horse Continue to chase for a date for work to be undertaken. | ? Clerk | 10/11/21 9/3/22 |
25/21 | Fighting Cocks – Asset of Community Value: Chase for update. | Clerk | 13/4/22 |
46/21 | Queen’s Platinum Jubilee: Purchase the special Jubilee flag Arrange for the design & purchase of a banner with official logo Inform clerk of any activities arranged for the Jubilee weekend so they can be included in the programme Request a Fly Past Investigate the possibility of S137 funding | Cllrs Clink & Andrew Cllr Clink All Cllrs Clink & Andrew Clerk | 13/4/22 13/4/22 13/4/22 13/4/22 13/4/22 |
51/21 | History Society’s archive: Discuss options for where to store the materials securely directly with the History Society. | Cllr Walsingham | 13/4/22 |
55/21 | Review 3 year Grass Contract: Renew current contract with the proviso that areas may be added / subtracted during the life of the contract. | Clerk | 13/4/22 |
01/22 | Consider replacing Christmas Tree Lights: Research options, including battery or solar powered. | Cllr Cook | 13/4/22 |
03/22 | Flag flying on the event of a villager’s death: Discuss options for IT support with Mr Fox Publicise to residents via the Link | Cllr Walsingham Mrs Woodman | 13/4/22 13/4/22 |
07/22 | Review Councillor roles & responsibilities: Issue revised list | Clerk | 13/4/22 |
10/22 | Clarify responsibilities of Greens Working Group: Meet with the group to explain what is required. | Cllr Walsingham Greens working Gp | 13/4/22 |
11/22 | Mud on road – Tanner’s Lane: Inform resident that this is not part of the remit of the Parish Council, and he should approach LCC with his concerns. | Clerk | 13/4/22 |
O/F | Arrange purchase of Ukrainian flag by Swinstead resident | Clerk | asap |
Open Forum | Ask the Sheep Fair Committee to arrange for the removal of the straw from the gateway off the Green | Clerk | 13/4/22 |
Open Forum | Discuss the maintenance situation regarding the roads in Corby Glen with Highways & report back | Cllr Hill | 9/3/22 |