Parish Council Minutes|


Draft Minutes of the meeting held on Wednesday December 8th 2021 at 7.30pm in the Church Street Rooms, Corby Glen.

Present: Cllrs Lamming (Chair), Cook, Fox, Hargreaves & Walsingham

In attendance: Cllr Hill, 1 prospective councillor, 1 resident, 1 member of the public, Mrs. S. Woodman (Parish Clerk).

Open Forum:

Michael Thompson explained the background to planning application S21/2303, the proposed Millfield development of 3 ‘Live / work’ dwellings and offered to answer any queries from councillors.

A resident asked whether any councillor had made private representation regarding S21/ 1841 David Wilson Homes planning application. Councillors’ actions as private individuals are not a matter for public comment.

The resident commented on the minutes of the recent EGM.

The resident commented on item 59/21, considering that the item should relate to all, not just ‘young people’. Pleasingly, the council currently contains members from a younger age group than has been the case in the past, and the community is already engaging with the council. In this item they wished to focus specifically on how to engage the younger community.

  1. Apologies for absence: Cllrs Clink, Evans. Reasons noted and accepted.
  2. District and County Councillors’ Reports:
    Cllr Hill explained the pending legislative changes, notably to cap payments for social care and the anticipated effect on the social care sector. The changes appear to ignore the specific problems faced by rural areas, especially regarding waste collections. Last year the Department for Transport had reduced the Highways Maintenance budget by 25%, and to date this has not been re-instated. LCC will be asking Parish Councils for their support in lobbying the government to re-instate the much-needed funds.
  3. The minutes of the meeting of the Council held Wednesday 10th November 2021 and the EGMs held on Wednesday 27th October 2021 and Monday 22nd November 2021to were approved unanimously and signed by the chairman as an accurate record.
  • Councillors’ Declarations of Interest: None.
  • Review of Action Log:
  • Clerk’s & Chairman’s reports on matters outstanding:

75/20 Superfast Broadband: Cllr Cook reported that the decision re broadband had been deferred again but is again due to be taken imminently. If it is deferred yet again, then escalation will be required. The chairman thanked Cllr Cook for his persistence.

84/20 Laxton’s Lane – Traffic Restriction Order: All work now completed. Thanks to all involved.

24/21 Sale of Musson’s Close Land (Asset of Community Value): Cllr Clink was not available to provide an update.

25/21 Fighting Cocks – Asset of Community Value: Cllr Clink was not available to provide an update.

55/20 Speeding in the village: 3 further people have been CSW trained last week on the 6th December and the group are waiting for clarity that the volunteers have send back their indemnity forms. Cllr Lamming thanked everyone who has attended the training so far. 4 monitoring sessions have taken place during which 331, 227, 286 & 320 vehicles were recorded per hour’s session, and 4, 4 ,2 a& 6 vehicles detected speeding. It is believed that the presence of the CSW team is changing behaviours.  It is hoped that next year the monitoring can be extended to other areas in the village.  More publicity and more trained people are needed. Results of monitoring sessions to be publicised in The Link.

44/21 Consider re-design of village web site: Web site set up. To be removed from future agendas.

09/16 Neighbourhood Planning: No report.

  • Matters to be resolved:

56/21 Budget for 2022 – 2023: Councillors had been provided with a revised budget. Given that the content of the skips goes to landfill and is not recycled, Cllrs decided that in future skips would not be provided, and that the item can be removed from the budget. However, for residents without cars, the PC will discuss further possibilities to help to take rubbish to local recycling centres. With that amendment the budget was accepted unanimously, and after some discussion, it was further agreed unanimously that a precept of £13,000 should be applied for.

64/21 Christmas Expenses: A total Christmas expenditure of £325 was agreed unanimously.

The chairman thanked all who had helped with the Christmas Tree this year but stressed that more people are needed in future.
It would be advantageous to replace the existing Christmas Tree lights with lights which are less heavy as this would allow for trees with less sturdy tops. The existing lights should be measured when they are removed. To be discussed further at the next meeting.

65/21 Arrangements for Christmas Eve: Preparations for the festivities to start at 5.30pm; festivities to start at 5.45pm to allow for Christmas Tree Fund present deliveries from 6.00pm.

The March Hare & Lilys Lavendar have been asked to provide mince pies; the Fighting Cocks will supply Mulled wine & hot chocolate on the evening. Cllr Clink has approached NISA who are also happy to support – Cllr Clink to provide details. Cllr Clink to arrange music and carol song sheets.
It was agreed unanimously that Cllr Evans be asked to purchase 100 key ring lights at a cost of £1 each for use on Christmas Eve and the future. Cllr Walsingham will follow up surface issues in the Market Place with Highways.

A road closure was applied for however was a late submission however traffic entering the square will be monitored by councillors in hi-vis jackets into the Market Place

  • Reports from: 

Planning: to consider planning applications received prior to & after publication of the agenda:

S21/1841 David Wilson Homes (DWH) Development: Councillors reported on the meeting with the Planning Officer the previous evening, also attended by Cllrs Hill & Robins. The consensus was that the dictates of the local plan plus national legislation effectively severely restrict the influence the Parish Council have on the development. Councillors had also been made aware of a document from LCC Highways dated 2 December 2021 outlining the Highways requirements, which falls woefully short of what councillors consider appropriate for the safety of the new and continuing safety of existing residents.

Cllr Hill explained the position of the County Council, the regulations which govern it and the formulae which must be applied when determining certain requirements e.g. highways.

However, because of the size of this development in relation to the size of the current village (currently around 450 homes, this development would add a further 199 houses, and other developments in the pipeline a further 66 + 25 making a total of 95 new houses, thus almost doubling the size of the village), it is strongly felt that moral and ethical considerations should be taken into account.

For this reason, it was recommended that the Parish Council should contest the Highways submission.
Cllr Walsingham agreed to draft a response to be circulated to councillors for their input.

It is understood that the developer will be required to install a footpath between the end of the footpath through the adjacent Larkfleet development and the current footpath outside the doctors’ surgery which would allow pedestrians from the DWH development to cross the road safely at the existing zebra crossing. Although it had been suggested that the two developers could work together on this, they have so far declined.

Many residents have expressed their concerns privately to councillors regarding this development, the emphasis being on traffic and retail issues, and the impact of additional traffic visiting the retail outlets on the Hight street.

It was noted that because the primary school is currently under strength, none of the S106 funding can be so allocated. The council are encouraged to document their requirements, both regarding the development itself and the allocation of the S106 funds, by putting forward costed projects which will benefit the community as a result of the impact of the new development.

S21/1210 Development off Swinstead Road – Nottingham Community Housing Association (25 dwellings): As with the previous application, there is concern about drainage issues with this development. The clerk was requested to ask for an extension so that Cllr Robins could be consulted on this and a related application (S21/2299), which had been listed on the latest Weekly Planning List, requesting the S106 requirement be waived.

S21/2303 Millfield, adjacent 29 The Green (3 Live/Work dwellings): See also Open Forum. The clerk was requested to feed back comments re sustainability which had been noted in respect of other planning applications. No objections

Greens Working Group:

07/21 Playground Equipment Maintenance (notably the state of the seesaw):
Amy Roberts had contacted the MD of Miracle Play. They will now repair the seesaw at no cost, although there is a lead time of 6 weeks (not including the Christmas break). Amy was thanked for her help in this matter.  There is a quote of £310 + VAT from Miracle Play to re-stain the swing uprights and re-set the post.  The council agreed unanimously to accept this quote and requested that the clerk contact Miracle Play and arrange for the work to be carried out.

47/21 Notifying CGPC of issues with play equipment: To be ratified at the next meeting.

  • Payments and Accounts

(i) Bank balances – monthly update approved as set out below

(ii) Invoices for payment – Councillors resolved unanimously to approve payments as set out in schedule below.

Opening Bank balance from 1st November 2021£20,190.43
Income received on bank statement:
Community Cleaner Grant
Invoices cleared on bank statement
S. Woodman – clerk’s wages
S. Woodman –  clerk’s expenses
HMRC – clerk’s PAYE
CDPC – Community cleaner
MCS – Grass Cutting
Mrs Woodman – Emergency Box
Mrs Woodman – Hazard Tape
Mrs Woodman – Hazard Tape
Mrs Woodman – Remembrance Poppies
Bourne Skip Hire
Church Street Rooms re Neighbourhood Plan
Clive Keble Consulting – re Neighbourhood Plan
Cllr Lamming – CSW expenses_1
Cllr Lamming – CSW expenses_2

Closing Bank Balance 30th November 2021£18,488.82
Cheques to be authorised/cleared:
S. Woodman – clerk’s wages
S. Woodman – clerk’s expenses
HMRC – clerk’s PAYE
CDPC – Community cleaner
MCS – Dead Tree Removal
S. Woodman – Stationery
MCS – Strimming
A Luscombe – Christmas Tree

Estimated remaining NatWest bank balance
(excluding Neighbourhood Plan Funds)
Neighbourhood Plan Costs
Previous costs to date
Previous costs against grant
Grant remaining:

  1. Matters to be further discussed at this meeting:

33/21 Re-wilding / areas of grass to be cut & by whom / standard of grass cutting:
To be discussed at the next regular meeting.

51/21 Discuss options for digitising the History Society’s archive to prevent deterioration:   To be discussed at the next regular meeting

54/21 Review Publication Scheme / Available Information:  To be discussed at the next regular meeting

55/21 Review 3 year Grass Contract: The Council considered 3 quotes obtained by the clerk.
Areas currently cut by CGPC: It was agreed unanimously that this contract to be awarded to MCS, who currently maintain it on the Council’s behalf and is the cheapest quote.
Areas currently cut by SKDC: Awaiting information from Cllr Robins as to whether the funds currently spent by SKDC on grass cutting would be transferred to the Parish Council if it were to take on the responsibility.

59/21 Consider how younger people can be involved in the village and how momentum from Sheep Fair can be maintained:  To be discussed at the next regular meeting

62/21 Co-option of new councillors: 2 candidates had come forward: Mrs Katy Andrew & Mrs Maria Silabon

Mrs Andrew was present and introduced herself to the council, giving her background and reasons for standing.
It was resolved unanimously that Mrs Katy Andrew be formally co-opted onto the council and she and the clerk signed the Acceptance of Office. The council welcomes Mrs Andrew to Corby Glen Parish Council

Mrs Silabon was prevented from attending by work commitments but had previously presented a resume of her background and reasons for joining the council.  It was resolved unanimously that Mrs Maria Silabon be formally co-opted onto the council and that she and the clerk should sign the Acceptance of Office as soon as convenient. The Council looks forward to welcoming Mrs Silabon at the next meeting.

46/21 Queen’s Platinum Jubilee: A meeting had taken place attended by Cllr Walsingham and 7 other residents. A further meeting is planned for January. The council welcomes members of the community taking the initiative to bring the community together in this matter and is very happy to support their endeavours.

63/21 Request to plant trees on land in Walsingham Drive:  To be discussed at the next regular meeting.

66/21 Ownership of Flogas tank:  To be discussed at the next regular meeting.

67/21 Consider using the July or Sept meeting to agree arrangements for village events:  To be discussed at the next regular meeting.

  1. Next meeting:

The next regular meeting will take place at 7.30pm on Wednesday January 12th at the Willoughby Gallery.

Meeting closed at 9.44pm.                                                                                                            Mrs. Sue Woodman – Parish Clerk

Action Log 8th December 2021

RefActionResponsibilityDate by
07/20Activate new email addresses ( – assistance to be provided by Cllr FoxAll / Cllr Fox08/12/21
07/20Communicate councillors’ new email addresses to SKDC;
update CG web site
Cllr Fox
Fix a rubber covering to the bottom edges of the rocking horse
Accept Miracle’s quote & arrange for work.


24/21Sale of Musson’s Close Land: Forward related emails to the clerkCllr Clink12/01/22
25/21Fighting Cocks – Asset of Community Value: Register on behalf of the Parish Council.Cllr Clink
Consider leaving grass in some green areas un-mowed to encourage wildlife / Quality of the grass cutting:
Accept quote from MCS for work currently arranged by CGPC


56/21Budget 2022-23: Revise budget to remove skips.
Apply for precept of £13,000.
64/21Christmas Expenses: Notify councillors of expenses required.
Action as per list
Christmas Tree lights:
Measure existing lights
Add to next meeting agenda
Clerk & Cllrs
Cllr Fox
65/21Christmas Eve: Communicate details of NISA’s offer to councillors
Follow up Highways issues in the Market Place
Purchase 100 key ring lights
Arrange music and carol song sheets
Bring hi-vis jackets to wear when controlling traffic entering the square
Cllr Clink
Cllr Walsingham
Cllr Evans
Cllr Clink
S21/1841David Wilson Homes: Draft a response Highways’ submission
Provide input to Cllr Walsingham’s response
Provide a copy of the EGM minutes re DWH to Cllr Hill
Cllr Walsingham
All Cllr
Development off Swinstead Road: Request an extension to the deadline for comments of 10th December 2021Clerk09/12//21
55/20CSW: Send indemnity form to Cllr Hargraves
Publicise results in The Link
Cllr Lamming
Mrs Woodman

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