Parish Council Minutes|


Draft Minutes of the meeting held on Wednesday January 12th 2022 at 7.30pm in the Church Street Rooms, Corby Glen.

Present: Cllrs Lamming (Chair), Andrew, Clink, Cook, Evans, Silabon & Walsingham

In attendance: Cllr Hill, 3 residents, Mrs. S. Woodman (Parish Clerk).

Open Forum:

The Chairman notified the council of Cllr Hargreaves’s resignation.  Clerk to inform SKDC and follow procedure to fill vacancy.

A resident reported his disappointment at the patchy way the Big Clean up had been carried out – in contrast to Swinstead. Only a small part of the village appeared to have been covered and many areas which would have benefitted appeared not to have been done.

A councillor contrasted the re-tarmacking of Belton Lane in Grantham with the parlous state of Tanners Lane, which has been waiting for 3 years for its kerbs and resurfacing works to be completed. Cllr Hill explained the pro-active and re-active approaches LCC take to Highways maintenance, and will look into the situation regarding the roads in Corby Glen.  It was discussed to report potholes on fix my street

Cllr Walsingham reported that he is now part of the Market Cross Surgery Patient Participation Group (PPG) and wonders whether anyone who attends the other surgery would like to apply to join the other PPG . He asks, given the issues being reported by residents, whether Cllrs or others would like to look into creating a local health concern group. The aim would be to facilitate the representation of residents’ concerns to the appropriate bodies, local or regional etc. Cllrs to express their interest to him before next meeting. Residents concerns include diagnostic issues, ambulance waiting times and local service provision.

  • Apologies for absence: Cllr Fox. Reasons noted and accepted.
  • District and County Councillors’ Reports:
    Cllr Hill reported various issues with NHS Services, notably delays in the ambulance service, primarily caused by ambulances queueing up at hospitals for their patients to be taken in; inadequate social care arrangements for elderly patients leaving hospital. LCC supports the Fire Service which provides First Responders. A new Falls Service aims to handle those suffering from a fall and minimise their need to be taken to hospital. However, the structure is not considered cohesive and needs a complete re-think.

Despite a rise of 3% in Council Tax this year, the county remains low in the league table. A significant increase has been seen in the need for adult, children and special needs care

As reported at the previous meeting, the government is proposing to cut funding for Highways maintenance by 25% for a second year (and possible subsequent 3 years). LCC is joining a campaign to object to these cuts, which are not sustainable. Cards were handed out explaining the situation and asking for support via lobbying local MPs.

  • The minutes of the meeting of the Council held on Wednesday December 8th 2021 were approved unanimously and signed by the chairman as an accurate record.
  • Councillors’ Declarations of Interest: None.
  • Review of Action Log:

64/21 Christmas Expenses: The chairman checked that all Christmas expenses have been submitted.

65/21 Christmas Eve: The chairman thanked everyone for their contributions in making Christmas Eve in the Market Place such a success – an estimated 100 people joined in. Clerk to write and thank staff at Lily’s, the March Hare, NISA and the Fighting Cocks, plus Mr Lynch, whose compering was especially appreciated. The event raised £90.88 for the Playground fund. She also thanked Trevor & Shaun Kiely and Steve for their assistance with the Christmas Tree. Clerk to bank and allocate to Playground fund.

  • Clerk’s & Chairman’s reports on matters outstanding:

75/20 Superfast Broadband: Cllr Cook reported that despite repeated chasing, no response has been received, and although he is aware unofficially that the scheme has been approved, no official confirmation has been received.

24/21 Sale of Musson’s Close Land (Asset of Community Value): No recent activity. Remove from Agenda.

25/21 Fighting Cocks – Asset of Community Value: No progress.

55/20 Speeding in the village: 4 further people have been CSW trained last week, making the total trained now 9. No further monitoring sessions have taken place, but some are anticipated soon. Cllr Lamming to add the new members on the CSW WhatsApp group.

09/16 Neighbourhood Planning: Cllr Clink thanked everyone involved, especially Jon Wakerley, for their hard work and reported that the plan is still on track for a referendum at the end of March.

  • Matters to be resolved:

04/22 Review signatories on the bank account: The clerk will update the bank account signatories to remove retiring councillors and add the new councillors.

  • Reports from: 

Planning: to consider planning applications received prior to & after publication of the agenda:

S21/1210 & S21/2099 Development off Swinstead Road:
Nottingham Community Housing Association (25 dwellings): It was agreed unanimously that despite the fact that this development is social housing, the Council objects to the developer’s request that the S106 requirement be waived.

This application goes before the committee on January 20th 2022. Cllr Lamming will speak on behalf of the Council.

S21/1841 David Wilson Homes (DWH) Development:
Cllr Hill discussed some of the S106 issues and recommended that CGPC list their suggestions for how the money could best be used to benefit the community, and discussed issues relating to the Primary School. He will establish whether highways improvements can be considered, bearing in in mind the impact of the additional traffic on the existing village, and whether there are any plans to extend street lighting along with the 30mph limit. Councillors were asked to document their own ‘Wish List’ and send it to the Clerk by COP Friday Jan 14th for collating.

Cllr Hill also agreed to consult Cllr Robins as to the anticipated timescales.

The clerk reported her communication from the planning officer as to the main changes from the previous application. Essentially cosmetic plus the footpath along the A151 is now shown on the plan.

The council still has some concerns regarding the suitability of the drainage arrangements.

Cllr Lamming read out statements which she and Cllr Walsingham had developed and which had been circulated to councillors previously. She requested a meeting with representatives of Highways, ideally on site, to discuss options to minimise the impact of additional traffic leaving and joining the A151 and Swinstead Road and to consider footpaths in the village generally. Cllr Hill agreed to arrange this.

S22/0015 Mr Beaton 67 High Street – Tree work: No objections.

Greens Working Group:

Cllrs Collins and Muir are no longer councillors; Cllr Walsingham resigned from the Greens Working Group. Cllrs Evans, Andrew and Silabon will take over as the new committee.

07/21 Playground Equipment Maintenance (notably the state of the seesaw): The Clerk had requested Miracle Play to carry out the work agreed at the previous meeting, but despite requesting it, had not received an estimated date.

47/21 Notifying CGPC of issues with play equipment: To be ratified at the next meeting.

  1. Payments and Accounts

(i) Bank balances – monthly update approved as set out below

(ii) Invoices for payment – Councillors resolved unanimously to approve payments as set out in schedule below.

Opening Bank balance from 1st December 2021£18,488.82
Income received on bank statement: 
Invoices cleared on bank statement
S. Woodman – clerk’s wages
S. Woodman – clerk’s expenses
HMRC – clerk’s PAYE
CDPC – Community cleaner
MCS – Dead Tree Removal
S. Woodman – Stationery
MCS – Strimming
A Luscombe – Christmas Tree

Closing Bank Balance 31st December 2021£17,686.21
Cheques to be authorised/cleared:
R Adcock – Leaf clearing S. Woodman – clerk’s wages
S. Woodman – clerk’s expenses
HMRC – clerk’s PAYE
CDPC – Community cleaner
Cllr Evans – Christmas Expenses
Cllr Walsingham – Christmas Expenses
S. Woodman – Christmas Expenses
Clive Keble Consulting – re Neighbourhood Plan

Estimated remaining NatWest bank balance
(excluding Neighbourhood Plan Funds)
Neighbourhood Plan Costs
Previous costs to date
Previous costs against grant
New costs against grant
Grant remaining:

  • Matters to be further discussed at this meeting:

33/21 Re-wilding / areas of grass to be cut & by whom / standard of grass cutting:
To be discussed at the next regular meeting.

51/21 Discuss options for digitising the History Society’s archive to prevent deterioration:   To be discussed at the next regular meeting

54/21 Review Publication Scheme / Available Information:  To be discussed at the next regular meeting

55/21 Review 3 year Grass Contract: Awaiting response from Cllr Robins as to whether the money currently spent by SKDC in maintaining public areas would be released to CGPC if they were to take on its maintenance.

59/21 Consider how younger people can be involved in the village and how momentum from Sheep Fair can be maintained:  To be discussed at the next regular meeting

46/21 Queen’s Platinum Jubilee: The Corby Glen beacon is scheduled for beacon lighting at 9.45pm. A resident had left a statement regarding proposed celebrations which the clerk read out. This requested that the arrangements should be under the aegis of CGPC in order to be covered by their insurance and reclaim any VAT incurred.

The Council is happy for this to come under their umbrella, assuming that one of the councillors will be on the committee, and that arrangements will be made primarily by the community itself.

63/21 Request to plant trees on land in Walsingham Drive:  Clerk to inform the resident that the land is not the responsibility of CGPC, and advise her to consult SKDC and LCC and confirm that her neighbours have no objections.

66/21 Ownership of Flogas tank:  Related to DWH development. To be removed from the agenda.

67/21 Consider using the July or Sept meeting to agree arrangements for village events:  To be discussed at the next regular meeting.

01/22 Consider replacing Christmas Tree Lights: As requested at the previous meeting, the lights were measured. Cllr Cook described the responsibility and health & safety issues involved in erecting and dismantling a real Christmas Tree. A totally compliant methodology was likely to be prohibitively expensive. He suggested that an artificial tree would not pose the same issues. The real tree costs in total around £250 each year; an artificial tree could be purchased for £500. Cllr Cook will undertake further research.

The electricity supply was discussed. A resident reported that some years ago the residents of the Market Place were asked to allow a socket to be placed near the war memorial with a feed off their supply. They all refused. Various alternatives were discussed. As the Market Place is due to be re-surfaced in the near future, laying a cable could be re-considered then. Alternatively, a battery or solar powered tree might be possible.

02/22 Flood Mitigation: CGPC does not believe that it is the Parish Council’s responsibility and does not wish to apply for sandbags. Clerk to inform SKDC accordingly.

03/22 Flag flying on the event of a villager’s death: Cllr Cook believes that the protocol for flag flying in the event of a villager’s death is not well understood and is not always appropriate, especially in the case of the death of a young person. Additionally, offence is sometimes caused unintentionally when the Council is not informed, and the flag is therefore not flown as it should be.

He proposed firstly that the Council’s web site should make clear that it is the responsibility of the relatives to inform the Council through an official channel, which would be provided on the web site, and secondly that the family be given the option for the Village Flag to be flown at half mast, or the Celebration of Life Flag to be flown at full mast.

There was some concern that this is a difficult time for families and notifying the Council would place an additional burden. It was suggested that residents could be informed of the process with notices in the Church & doctors’ surgeries.

Cllr Cook’s proposals were agreed unanimously. Clerk to draft appropriate wording and pass to Cllr Cook for verification.

Next meeting:

The next regular meeting will take place at 7.30pm on Wednesday February 9th at the Willoughby Gallery.

Meeting closed at 9.44pm.                                                                                                            Mrs. Sue Woodman – Parish Clerk

Action Log 12th January 2022

RefActionResponsibilityDate by
07/20Activate new email addresses ( – assistance to be provided by Cllr FoxAll / Cllr Fox08/12/21
07/20Communicate councillors’ new email addresses to SKDC;
update CG web site
Cllr Fox
Fix a rubber covering to the bottom edges of the rocking horse
Date for work to be undertaken.


25/21Fighting Cocks – Asset of Community Value: Register on behalf of the Parish Council.Cllr Clink
55/20Speeding in the village: Update the WhatsApp group for CSW volunteers.Cllr Lamming9/2/22
63/21Request to plant trees on land in Walsingham Drive:  Inform resident that the land is not the responsibility of CGPC, advise consult SKDC & LCC and confirm neighbours have no objections.Clerk9/2/22
65/21Christmas Eve: Thank you letter to Lily’s, March Hare, NISA, Fighting Cocks & Rob Lynch for their support.
Bank donations and allocate to Playground fund.


01/22Consider replacing Christmas Tree Lights: Research options, including battery or solar powered.Cllr Cook9/2/22
02/22Flood Mitigation: Inform SKDC that CGPC does not wish to apply for sandbags.Clerk9/2/22
03/22Flag flying on the event of a villager’s death: Draft suitable wording & pass to Cllr Gook for verification
Add to CGPC web site.
Cllr Cook
Cllr Fox
04/22Signatories on the bank account: Remove retiring councillors and add new councillors.Clerk9/2/22
S21/1841David Wilson Homes: Establish whether highways improvements can be considered for S106 funding
Determine whether there are any plans to extend street lighting along with the 30mph limit.
Consult Cllr Robins as to the anticipated timescales & report back
Arrange meeting on site with Highways team
Document own ‘Wish List’ and send it to ClerkCollate wish List
Cllr Hill

Cllr Hill

Cllr Hill
Cllr Hill


Development off Swinstead Road: Provide response to SKDC
Arrange for Cllr Lamming to speak at the Planning Meeting
O/FInform SKDC of Cllr Hargreaves resignationClerk9/2/22
Open ForumDiscuss the maintenance situation regarding the roads in Corby Glen with Highways & report backCllr Hill9/2/22
Open ForumContact Cllr Walsingham with issues relating to NHS services in general
Add to February agenda to allow the Council to consider appropriate action
O/FLobby MP re proposed Highways Maintenance funding cut in support of LCCAll9/2/22

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