The Corby Glen Neighbourhood Plan has now been submitted. The plan can be viewed by clicking here
The Corby Glen Neighbourhood Plan is an important planning document which will shape the future of our community over the next decade and beyond. It is relevant to all parishioners and those who value our long history, heritage and sense of community. The Localism Act, 2011 provided parish councils with the ability to have a vital say in shaping the future of their communities through a Neighbourhood plan. To take advantage of this opportunity your Parish Council set up a Neighbourhood Plan Steering Committee, which comprised volunteers from the local community.
By preparing the Neighbourhood Plan the Parish Council is taking the opportunity to influence the type, scale and design of development that takes place within our parish. After much hard work and public consultation by the Steering Committee, and taking into consideration feedback received from both the community and external consultees, our visions for the Parish are summarised as follows:
To ensure that Corby Glen (including Birkholme) remains a thriving village which can meet the future needs of its residents, in terms of housing, economic growth and communal facilities.
To protect the architectural heritage, community assets and rural setting of the village, such that it provides an attractive, healthy and sustainable environment in which to live, work and visit.
With these visions in mind, this Neighbourhood Plan presents a series of planning policies which have local context and cover a range of elements that are relevant to our village, including the design and location of new buildings, the preservation of our traditional heritage (buildings and community spaces), the conservation of our landscape and countryside, our community facilities, and so on. Our village will inevitably have to grow and we are about to see a substantial new development on the outskirts of the village. It is intended that this Neighbourhood Plan will ensure developers create a sympathetic blend between traditional and more modern building styles, through promoting robust design standards and the use of sensitive infilling within the existing village. Whilst our Neighbourhood Plan gives us an opportunity to shape the future of our village, it is important to understand that it has to be consistent with overarching planning frameworks, and is primarily concerned with the built environment.
On a community level, Corby Glen has a number of community assets that could be put to better use to promote the sporting, cultural and educational requirements of our residents. Furthermore, we aim to protect and enhance the areas of open space that the Parish currently enjoys, noting that we are currently below the required provision in overall area of open space per capita. It is vital that we make the most of such places for recreation and community events and ensure that there is good access and facilities for people with more limited mobility.
Our goal in producing this Neighbourhood Plan has been to ensure that Corby Glen remains a pleasant, inclusive community to live in, with good built facilities, as well as access to the protected countryside that surrounds the Parish. We thank all the residents as well as external stakeholders who have helped us towards this goal by providing their comments and feedback as we have progressed the Plan.
Corby Glen Neighbourhood Plan Steering Committee – September 2022