Parish Council Minutes|

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Minutes of Corby Glen Annual Parish meeting held on
Wednesday 8th May 2024 at 7.00pm in the Willoughby Gallery

Present: Cllrs Lamming (Chair), Ellam, Harty, Mardling, Shepperson & Walsingham.

In attendance: Mrs. S. Woodman (Parish Clerk), 9 Residents

Apologies for absence:  Cllrs Cook, Evans & Harwood

1.     The minutes of the Annual Parish meeting held on Tuesday May 10th 2023 were approved by a majority (3 for, 3 abstentions – cllrs not present)

2.     Chairman’s Report:
The council, over the last year have built upon the previous years projects, councillors work on particular projects of interest and I would like to thank the councillors who have sponsored new areas whilst still delivering on previous responsibilities e.g. Greens committee and S106 process.

·       The Neighbourhood Plan was ratified by the village’s referendum in January.  I and the council thank the NP committee for their tenacious nature to see the NP plan in place for the village.

·       We have, after several years of effort had Superfast broadband implemented in the village late last year

·       CSW continues to run in the village with a small group of volunteers, if anyone would like to volunteer, please do not hesitate to contact me.

·       The telephone box library looks lovely and thank you to Katie & Liz for all her work

·       High Street, Market Place, Station Road & Moreleys Lane have been resurfaced

·       PA system has been purchased for the Council

·       Council task Christmas tree, leaf clearing & remembrance Sunday

·       We welcome new villagers into our community


I am proud to chair this group of councillors, who are enthusiastic and have a genuine interest in the village and to improve the community for the whole parish


3.     Residents’ Items:

(i)              A resident expressed his disappointment that the waste skips had not been re-instated. Cllr Lamming explained the rationale behind the council’s decision. Help is available for residents unable to access the recycling centre.

(ii)            A resident expressed his disapproval of the increase in the precept. In the light of increased costs, this was necessary for the council to continue to provide the services to the village.

(iii)           The issue of an overflowing bin was raised. To be added to the agenda for the next meeting.

(iv)           The position of the Corby Glen Community Group was discussed. Lottery funding is still awaited.

(v)            The grass round the war memorial has not been cut and the memorial itself is in need of some attention. The grass has in the past been looked after by a resident and his daughter. Cllr Shepperson offered to strim at the weekend.

(vi)           A resident thanked the council for the resurfacing of the roads in the village but queried why the wite lines in the Market Place had not been re-instated. The council is considering a revised layout ang is awaiting a meeting with LCC Highways ant their designer/s. The outlining of the footpath along the road is needed urgently.

(vii)          The impact of the recent SKDC Local Plan was discussed. The council acknowledged the intervention of the Neighbourhood Planning Group and apologised for the delay in bringing the need to respond to residents’ attention.

(viii)         The matter of sewerage disposal from the new developments was discussed at length. The smell on Swinstead Road from the sewer, and the sewerage seepage into new residents’ houses is totally unacceptable. Residents elsewhere in the village are also affected. Both residents and the council have raised this with SKDC and Anglian Water without any satisfactory outcome or clear explanation.

It was agreed unanimously that a public meeting should be called to discuss the matter, the whole village to be invited – date set for June 11th at the Ron Dawson Hall, if available. (clerk to contact). Cllr Ellam agreed to research and co-ordinate – all 3 developments to be contacted. Anglian Water & SKDC to be invited to the meeting.

Cllr Shepperson will discuss further with one of the affected residents who has been in communication with Anglian Water.

(ix)           A resident raised the issue of the footpath which runs behind Walsingham Drive and acts as a ‘seasonal stream’ – it is very overgrown which is causing flooding during rainy periods. The resident was advised to report on Fix my Street.

The meeting closed at 7.42pm.



Minutes of the Annual Meeting of Corby Glen Parish Council held on
Wednesday 8th May 2024 at 7.42pm in the Willoughby Gallery

Present: Cllrs Lamming (Chair), Ellam, Harty, Mardling, Shepperson & Walsingham.

In attendance: Mrs. S. Woodman (Parish Clerk), 9 Residents

Apologies for absence:  Cllrs Cook, Evans & Harwood


1.     Election of the Chair and Vice Chair of the Parish Council:

The following nominations were received: Cllr Lamming as Chairman, Cllr Walsingham as Vice-Chair. The nominations were approved and agreed unanimously.

2.     The minutes of the Annual Meeting of the Parish Council held on Tuesday May 10th 2023were approved by a majority (3 for, 3 abstentions – cllrs not present).


The meeting closed at 7. 49pm


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