Draft Minutes of the meeting held on Tuesday September 27th 2022 at 7.30pm in the Willoughby Gallery, Corby Glen.
Present: Cllrs Lamming (Chair), Andrew, Harwood & Walsingham. Quorate.
In attendance: 1 resident. The chairman agreed that the resident could contribute throughout.
Open Forum:
Road Treatment: Th resident expressed concern about selective road treatments in the county, noting how a gated road at Belton can get treatment but we are still waiting on that for Church Street, even with all the new developments. The criteria for work – use versus area – was discussed. Councillors suggested asking the Clerk to email LCC but the resident advised that he can write to LCC or the MP on his own behalf.
Agenda: Councillors felt that the scrutiny of agenda items before meetings was causing confusion about which items were to be included; the item marked * below was therefore included in open forum. At future meetings councillors are to be allowed to explain agenda items briefly (1 minute) in the order of the agenda rather than be involved in debate at other times.
* Concern about tree growth in hedge between junior school and play area had been included on the agenda at the request of a resident – Clerk to email the school, Cllr Walsingham to provide Clerk with photo.
There is concern about dangerous driving involving children on Green – witnesses to call Police if seen in future.
Access over The Green: The letter from a resident concerning access over Green for works was discussed. Chairman to reply requesting clarification and the matter to be discussed fully at the next meeting (12/10/ 22) to enable a response to resident by end of week following the meeting.
1. Apologies for absence: Cllr Clink, Cook, Evans, Fowler & Silabon. Mrs. S. Woodman (Parish Clerk). Reasons noted and accepted.
2. District and County Councillors’ Reports:
3. The minutes of the meeting of the Council held on Wednesday July 13th 2022 were discussed. A councillor had been unhappy about the recording in previous minutes of an item associated with the procurement of the website. The chairman had discussed the matter with the councillor, but no alternative wording had been suggested. After further discussion, it was agreed unanimously that the recording was accurate. The minutes were approved unanimously.
4. Councillors’ Declarations of Interest: None.
5. Review of Action Log: See log.
6. Clerk’s & Chairman’s reports on matters outstanding:
75/20 Superfast Broadband: The vouchers have been issued; 180K of 215K have been validated. Residents are to be reminded that they need to validate their vouchers.
25/21 Fighting Cocks – Asset of Community Value: Registration accepted.
55/20 Community Speed Watch: More signs are needed. It was agreed unanimously that £20 be spent on new signs. Cllr Walsingham is still investigating why the reflective signs on tripods are needed given that other CSWs do not use them. Cllr Lamming reported that more volunteers are needed. Cllr Walsingham will message out on Nextdoor.
26/22 Clerk’s appraisal: Carried out.
42/22 Update on Village Congress: Owing to the postponement due to national mourning, the Village Congress will now be combined with the church meeting on October 13th 2022 at 7.30pm. Despite messaging about the postponement, some 10 residents attended Church Street Rooms. They were met by Chairman and Vice Chairman and some discussion took place; the residents’ matters of interest were logged.
It is important that by joining with the Church, matters of interest to the Parish Council are not lost.
The Parish Council is happy to support the Church with arrangements for Armistice Day – to be added to the agenda for the October meeting, including leaf clearing.
The Christmas Tree Fund will need attendance at their meeting on Sept 29th and help afterwards – Cllr Walsingham to add a message to Nextdoor.
09/16 Neighbourhood Planning: Cllr Walsingham reported that as of last meeting, progress was being made and the Plan is on track for a referendum in May 2023.
7. Matters to be resolved:
15/22 New Web site: The new Parish Council website https://corbyglen.com/ is now live and being tweaked.
The difficulties councillors are experiencing with the new email addresses were acknowledged and councillors requested to attempt to resolve. The Chairman explained that hosting option will require payment of £203.88 + VAT. This was agreed unanimously. Councillors were requested to select a photograph for their biographical note.
41/22 Agree Road Names for DWH developments: After discussion the following list was agreed unanimously:
Hamo*, Goodrich, Nichols, Houghton, Matsell, Palmer, Honeywood, Whitmarsh, Bird, Abbott, Willerton, Story.
* Note: Hamo – spelling follows that on the Sheep Fair Web Site: “Grant to Hamo Pecche and his heirs of a weekly market on Thursday at his Manor of Coreby and of a yearly fair there on the Vigil, the Feast and the Morrow of the Feast of the Assumption.”
Clerk to add an agenda item early in 2023 to agree a reserve list for future use from other suggestions.
8. Reports from:
Planning: to consider planning applications received prior to & after publication of the agenda:
S22/0731 Allison Homes S22/1574 re footpath: No comment.
S21/1841 David Wilson Homes Development (199 dwellings) – S22/1574 – Footpath: No comment.
Greens Working Group:
36/22 Report of annual playground inspection: RoSPA had issued a 43-page report. The issues can be divided into the majority of odd jobs, and the important issue that the 2 swing uprights are feared rotten.
For the majority of odd jobs, Cllr Harwood suggested speaking to a resident to see if they can help.
It was considered that the issue of the swing uprights should be covered by warranty – Clerk to contact Amy Roberts for advice.
07/21 Playground Equipment Maintenance
9. Payments and Accounts
(i) Bank balances – monthly update approved unanimously as set out below.
(ii) Invoices for payment – Councillors resolved unanimously to approve payments as set out in schedule below.
Opening Bank balance from 1st July 2022 |
£21,440.47 |
Income received on bank statement: |
Invoices cleared on bank statement S. Woodman – clerk’s wages |
£247.70 |
Closing Bank Balance 31st August 2022 |
£21,937.74 |
Cheques to be authorised/cleared: |
Estimated remaining NatWest bank balance |
£19,387.55 |
Neighbourhood Plan Costs |
10. Matters to be further discussed at this meeting:
05/22 Reason for new footbridge (rear of St John’s Drive): To remain on the agenda until Cllr Hill available for comment. It was mentioned that there may be more metal kissing gates to be installed around the village. The Resident expressed concern about horse riding on public footpaths.
12/22 Consider the state of benches, bins, phone box, noticeboards & options to fix: After some discussion Cllr Andrew was requested to procure the phone box decals. It was agreed unanimously that the Council should make a contribution of £100 to Liz Partridge for the artwork.
Cllr Andrew to contact the neighbouring resident to determine the situation concerning the broken glass in the phone box.
Cllrs Lamming & Harwood offered to fund one new composite bench each. Bench cleaning to be deferred – to be put on agenda March 2023 and message to go out for village volunteers at this time.
17/22 Repair of Speed Record Panel on the Green: Now repaired.
19/22 Use of S106 funds from DWH development / residents’ consultation: Discussion deferred.
25/22 Deer problem/s: To be removed from future agendas.
29/22 EV Charging in Corby Glen: Deferred. To be moved to ‘Matters to be Resolved’ section on future agendas.
30/22 Cut around base of lime tree on Village Green: To be removed from future agendas, but Clerk to include twice yearly removal in next grass cutting contract. Cllr Walsingham suggest a tarpaulin skirt, but following discussion, it was concluded that this would not make a difference.
31/22 Paint walking person sign on footpath across Market Place and outside Church Street Rooms:
The clerk has contacted Rowan Smith and requested.
32/22 Refresh paintwork speed limit and slow signs on A151: As per previous item.
33/22 Repaint beacon: Deferred, but it was considered that a resident might undertake this in conjunction with other local work.
33/21 Re-wilding / areas of grass to be cut & by whom / standard of grass cutting: It was agreed unanimously to keep a watching brief on how Village Hall gets on. To be removed from the next agenda but re-instated in September 2023
It was agreed that for the time being the council will not plant more bulbs. If individuals wish to do this themselves, then they should notify the council. To be reconsidered in Sept 2023. Councillors will be requested to photograph the existing bulbs to keep record of their location and for the website.
Cllr Walsingham to make residents of the Green south kerb aware of bee orchids growing on the LCC verge, and to be mindful of their mowing.
Clerk to contact the utility company concerning the lack of care in repairing the area just east of Sheep Fair field gateway on Tanners Lane.
35/22 Glass in telephone box: See 12/22.
37/22 Maintenance of private hedges in the village: A request to residents has already been published in The Link. In future, residents are to be requested to report issues. Clerk to point future concerns to LCC via FixMyStreet.
38/22 State of the hedge and sycamore bordering the Green / primary school playing field: See Open Forum.
39/22 Consider a Car Boot idea to help supporting RDMH: Deferred. To be raised at the Village Congress.
40/22 Consider a plaque for Bailey Drew on the defib: It was agreed unanimously to fund a plaque to the value of £50. Clerk to procure, to liaise with the resident for wording and to speak to property owner regarding where the plaque is to be placed.
42/22 Consider repainting the milestone on the Bourne Road: Deferred
43/22 Three lights not working between Barleycroft Road and Pridmore: Clerk to get 3 quotes with view to procuring investigation and electric testing. Clerk to enquire whether SKDC or LCC can take on responsibility of lighting of public right of way.
44/22 Protection of recently planted trees: A resident’s kind offer to mulch was gratefully accepted. It was agreed unanimously to fund this up to £50.
11. Next meeting:
The next regular meeting will take place at 7.30pm on Wednesday November 9th 2022 at the Willoughby Gallery.
Meeting closed at 9.15pm. Mrs. Sue Woodman – Parish Clerk
Action Log 27th September 2022
Ref |
Action |
Responsibility |
Date by |
O/F |
Quality of pothole fixes: |
O/F |
Access across the Green: Add to agenda 12/11/22 |
Clerk |
7/10/22 |
55/20 |
Community Speed Watch: Order signs up to £20 |
Clerk |
9/11/22 |
75/20 |
Superfast Broadband: Remind residents of the need to validate vouchers. |
Cllrs |
asap |
S22/0731 |
Alison Homes: |
07/21 |
Playground Equipment Maintenance |
33/21 |
Re-wilding / areas of grass to be cut & by whom / standard of grass cutting: Add to September 2023 agenda Make residents of the Green south kerb aware of bee orchids growing on the LCC verge, and to be mindful of their mowing. Contact the utility company concerning the lack of care in repairing the area just east of Sheep Fair field gateway on Tanners Lane. |
Cllr Walsingham
1/9/23 9/11/22 9/11/22 |
67/21 |
Village Congress: Contact organisations & advise new arrangements. |
Clerk |
Asap |
04/22 |
Review Signatories on Bank Account: Continue to chase |
Cllr Lamming |
9/11/22 |
05/22 |
Reason for new footbridge (rear of St John’s Drive): Investigate the matter further and establish the source of the complaints and the veracity of the landowner consultation |
Cllr Hill |
11/5/22 |
12/22 |
State of phone box: |
13/22 |
State of Trees, (especially trees by beacon, new trees, future trees): |
15/22 |
Council web site: |
29/22 |
EV Charging in Corby Glen: Send Cllrs details of options |
Cllr Silabon |
14/9/22 |
30/22 |
Basal growth round lime tree on Village Green: Accept the quote of £60 for cutting down the basal growth & arrange for work. |
Cllr Fowler |
14/9/22 |
35/22 |
Phone Box: Enquire whether planning permission is needed to put stickered designs in the phone box. |
36/22 |
Report of annual playground inspection: Contact Amy Roberts for advice re the issue of the swing uprights |
Clerk |
asap |
38/22 |
State of the hedge and sycamore bordering the Green / primary school playing field: Contact school to establish ownership |
40/22 |
Consider a plaque for Bailey Drew on the defib: |
41/22 |
Agree Road Names for DWH developments: Communicate road names to developer. |
Clerk |
Asap |
43/22 |
Lights not working between Barleycroft Road and Pridmore: Photograph lights affected |
Cllr Walsingham |
Asap |
44/22 |
Protection of recently planted trees: Communicate with resident. |
Cllr Lamming |
9/11/22 |