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Draft Minutes of the meeting held on Wed February 14th 2024 at 7.00pm in the Willoughby Memorial Gallery, Corby Glen.
Present: Cllrs Lamming (Chair), Walsingham, Cook, Evans, Harty, Harwood, Mardling & Shepperson.
In attendance: Cllrs Hill & Robins (part time); 2 residents, Mrs. S. Woodman (Parish Clerk).
Open Forum:
A resident requested clarification of the proposed bus stop in the Market Place mentioned in the previous minutes.
The issue with drainage in the village, especially Irnham Road / Tanners Lane and Bourne Road, was discussed. Cllr Hill reported that the promised jetting of the drainage on Irnham Road would take place next week and apologised for the delay. Bourne Road also needs to be done. Additional resources have now been allocated (finance to fund more / better jetting equipment). The drains should now be jetted every 2 years. There is an issue with a drain crossing Irnham Road which was capped by Anglian Water some time ago. Cllr Lamming asked Cllr Hill to keep the Parish Council informed.
Recent rain has again washed chippings down St John’s Drive. Cllr Hill to raise with Highways and request the return of the sweeper.
A resident provided a more detailed design for a possible metal Christmas Tree.
The potential need for additional warning signs on the bend at Corby Birkholme to be added to next month’s agenda.
A resident reported issues with the road signs on the A151 approaching the village from Bourne.
The clerk reported that the Church Street Rooms are considering an Open Day in the Spring to welcome new residents and would be glad of the Council’s support.
- Apologies for absence: Cllr Ellam. Reasons given and accepted.
- District and County Councillors’ Reports:
Cllr Hill gave the Council the option of omitting the Market Place from the planned resurfacing and considering a more sympathetic surface. The council decided by a majority (6 for, 1 abstention) that the resurfacing should go ahead.
See also Open Forum.
Cllr Robins reported that the purple-lidded bins for recycling paper had been a success. Monthly report to follow.
- The minutes of the meeting of the Council held on Wednesday January 10th 2024 were approved by a majority
(5 for, 2 abstentions). - Councillors’ Declarations of Interest:
- Review of Action Log:
O/F Cllr Lamming reported that the Ron Dawson Hall committee now has new people – issue resolved.
12/22 Cllr Evans reported that the phone box area is clear of weeds.
24/01/02 If necessary, clerk to request 30mph signs delivered to Grantham Police Station for collection.
24/01/14 Bourne Festivals of Wheels has been cancelled.
- Clerk’s & Chairman’s reports on matters outstanding:
01 Trees – new / maintenance – update: Epicormic growth has been cut back and the tree re-inspected. A revised report has been received.
02 Neighbourhood Planning: Updates had been provided from SKDC and the Neighbourhood Plan Group. The Plan “now holds ‘very significant’ weight in the decision-making process for (relevant) planning applications” and is expected to be formally ‘made’ at the next full meeting of SKDC. There are still funds available form the grant. Cllr Lamming requested that 2 bound hard copies be provided for the Parish Council, and copies for the Willoughby Library & the Local History Society’s archive. The chairman thanked the group for all their hard work & achievement.
- Matters to be resolved:
03 Use of S106 funds / Process for application for S106 Funds: Cllrs Evans & Harwood showed the council a decision chart for the application process. Applications to be assessed against the criteria defined in the council’s Grants & Donations policy. It was suggested that a separate meeting be called to discuss this issue, and a sub-committee formed to take the matter forward. Local organisations need to be made aware of the funds and how to apply.
Notification had been received of a contribution of £16,740 received by SKDC for play equipment in Corby Glen from the planning application for the Nottingham Housing association development. The clerk provided Cllrs with a copy of the application form. Cllrs Evans, Harwood & Cook to research options.
04 Emergency Planning: No progress.
05 Leaflet with useful contacts: Cllr Shepperson has developed a design. He will share a draft with Cllrs. He anticipated a cost of £500 to print enough to circulate to all households and spares for new residents.
Cllrs were requested to consider a group photo for inclusion in the leaflet and the web site.
06 Issues associated with the new housing development: The clerk had received a response from Anglian Water concerning the unpleasant smell on Swinstead Road. An affected resident had notified Anglian that their response was unacceptable. The council will maintain a watching brief.
07 Benches: Survey / Updated list; Procedure for recording dedications for benches & trees: Aawait Cllr Ellam’s return.
08 Consider a resident’s request to add the St John’s grass area to the grass cutting schedule: Response recived from SKDC – still under discussion. SKDC cut 7 times/ year. Clerk progressing.
09 Agree funding for repairs to flagpole: The council voted unanimously to allocate Cllr Cook a budget of £50 to purchase new ropes and weights.
10 Consider and authorise appropriate action regarding lights Barleycroft / Pridmore footpath: The interim solution of solar lights along the Barleycroft / Pridmore footpath is currently mainly working – but a long-term solution needs to be sought. This should be the responsibility of LCC Highways – this is a public right of way & lighting is needed for the public’s safety. Cllr Cook to provide Cllr Walsingham with a Risk Assessment Template.
Cllr Walsingham to raise the responsibility with LCC Highways. This is in addition to the already noted trip hazard.
11 Consider appropriate action re the state of village footpaths, especially Morley’s Lane & Church St: Clerk to request LCC Highways to re-surface local footpaths at the same time as the roads.
12 Consider process for layout changes to Market Place parking: Cllrs had met with Design Officers to discuss the parking layout for the Market Place. No better solution than the present was found, given the need to maintain access to surrounding properties and maximise the number of parking spaces.
The Clerk had responded to the notification re bus stop ‘near Fighting Cocks’ to question necessity, given this is a conservation area, and request exact proposed location, but had not received a reply.
13 Consider what action can be taken re the persistent flooding of Tanner’s Lane / Irnham Rd: See Open Forum.
Sand and sandbags have been delivered to Cllr Harwood’s barn. Cllrs to meet on Sunday Feb 18th at 10.00am (with shovels) to fill 20 sandbags to be prepared in case of further flooding.
Cllr Cook had shared details of inflatable flood barriers.
14 Agree way forward regarding Christmas Tree Lights and authorise expenditure: The design for a metal tree proposed by a resident had been costed at an estimated £2,000. Alternatives were discussed. Cllr Cook showed Cllrs 2 possibilities with lights which would not require a physical tree. Costed options are to be brought to the next meeting and a decision made.
The issue of power remains. Batteries would need rechanging every 48 hours, so not a realistic option. Would a conduit under the Market Place to residents’ houses be possible? Cllr Lamming to discuss with LCC Highways.
- Reports from:
Planning: to consider planning applications received prior to & after publication of the agenda:
Greens Working Group:
15 Playground Equipment Maintenance: Cllr Cook has fitted the new rope and connector to the clamber net on the toddler tower.
- Payments and Accounts
(i) Bank balances – monthly update approved unanimously as set out below.
(ii) Invoices for payment – Councillors resolved unanimously to approve payments as set out in schedule below.
Opening Bank balance from 1st January 2024 |
£15,916.27 |
Income received on bank statement: |
Invoices cleared on bank statement: |
Closing Bank Balance 31st January 2024 |
£14,847.49 |
Payments to be authorised/cleared: |
Estimated remaining NatWest bank balance |
12,730.72 |
Neighbourhood Plan Costs |
Community Support Fund (Allison Homes) |
Phone Box Area Fund (NISA) |
- Matters to be further discussed at this meeting:
15 Consider and approve action regarding bollards along Tanners Lane / The Green (Horsepool):
15 bollards are believed to be missing following the recent floods. Clerk to contact LCC Highways & request that they replace them – like for like.
16 Agree participation in Parish Council Engagement Session on Road Safety: Cllr Shepperson agreed to attend on the Council’s behalf.
17 Consider publishing data from the recent Archers Survey on the web site: The Council is happy for the results of the survey to be published on the web site. Clerk to arrange.
18 Consider nominating a councillor to attend the Police Engagement Session: Cllr Shepperson agreed to attend on the Council’s behalf.
19 Consider request from CG Bowls club for financial support: The council voted unanimously to award the Bowls Club £100 to support their Community Pro-Am tournament in May.
20 Appoint internal auditor: It was agreed unanimously to re-appoint Fiona Hatchman of Additions Accounting as the Council’s internal auditor at a fee of £90.
21 Consider response to LCC Budget and Council Tax Proposal 2024/25): No response to be made.
22 Consider options for Clerk’s email storage: It was agreed unanimously to fund the clerk additional email storage at a cost of £1.99/month, as this was considered reasonable by the Council’s technical support advisor.
- Next meeting:
The next regular meeting will take place on Wed 13th March 2024 at 7.00pm in the Willoughby Gallery, Corby Glen.
Meeting closed at 8.47pm. Mrs. Sue Woodman – Parish Clerk
Action Log 14th February
Ref |
Action |
Responsibility |
Date by |
O/F |
Barleycroft – Pridmore footpath: Send photos to Cllr Hill & LCC Highways |
Cllr Walsingham |
13/03/24 |
O/F |
Speed Indicator Missing: Raise with LCC |
Clerk |
14/02/24 |
O/F |
Location of 30mph sign on A151: Raise again with LCC Highways – ‘New Road Layout’. |
Cllr Lamming |
13/03/24 |
O/F |
Add the potential need for additional warning signs on the bend at Corby Birkholme to next month’s agenda. |
Clerk |
13/03/24 |
57/22 |
Arrange re-cementing of village pump |
Cllr Lamming |
12/9/23 |
28/23 |
War Memorial, replace missing letters: Progress funding application |
Clerk |
14/12/23 |
24/02/02 |
Neighbourhood Planning: Request 2 bound hard copies for the Parish Council, and copies for the Willoughby Library and the Local History Society’s archive |
Clerk |
13/03/24 |
24/02/03 |
S106 funds: |
23/02/05 |
Leaflet with map of village with street names: |
24/02/08 |
Consider a resident’s request to add the St John’s grass area to the grass cutting schedule: Chase SKDC again to determine funds available if CGPC were to take on responsibility. |
Cllr Robins |
10/01/24 |
24/02/09 |
Flagpole: Purchase new ropes and weights – budget £50 |
Cllr Cook |
14/02/24 |
24/02/10 |
Barleycroft / Pridmore footpath lights: |
24/02/11 |
State of village footpaths, Request LCC Highways to re-surface local footpaths at the same time as the roads |
Clerk |
13/03/24 |
24/02/12 |
Consider layout changes to Market Place parking: |
24/02/13 |
Flooding: |
24/01/19 |
Playground Equipment Maintenance: Investigate the insurance position. |
Cllr Ellam |
8/11/23 |
24/01/22 |
Christmas Tree – Consider option for future years |
all |
13/03/24 |
24/02/15 |
Bollards along Tanners Lane / Horsepool:. Contact LCC Highways & request replace 15 bollards missing after the recent floods them – like for like |
Clerk |
13/03/24 |
24/02/17 |
Data from the recent Archers Survey: Arrange for the results of the survey to be published on the web site. |
Clerk |
13/03/24 |
24/02/19 |
Request from CG Bowls club for financial support: Notify Bowls Club secretary of award of £100 to support their event |
Clerk |
13/03/24 |
24/02/20 |
Appoint internal auditor: Notify Fiona Hatchman of Additions Accounting of appointment as the Council’s internal auditor |
Clerk |
13/03/24 |
24/02/22 |
Clerk’s email storage: Purchase more email storage |
Clerk |
13/03/24 |