Parish Council Minutes|

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Draft Minutes of the meeting held on Wed April 10th 2024 at 7.00pm in the Willoughby Memorial Gallery, Corby Glen.

Present: Cllrs Lamming (Chair), Walsingham, Cook, Harty, Harwood, Mardling & Shepperson.

In attendance: 1 resident, Mrs. S. Woodman (Parish Clerk).

Open Forum:

The involvement of the Parish Council in the application process for the S106 money was discussed.

It was suggested that the forthcoming meeting re SKDC’s Draft Local Plan be promoted on the council’s web site.

Cllr Lamming praised the professionalism of the workmen doing the recent resurfacing and requested the clerk to communicate this to Cllr Hill and LCC Highways.

The drains on Irnham Road are still blocked. Clerk to remind Cllr Hill.

The clerk reported an offer to sweep the roads – to be accepted asap.

Cllr Lamming reminded Cllrs of the Community Meeting on April 27th.

  1. Apologies for absence: Cllr Evans & Ellam. Reasons given and accepted.
  2. District and County Councillors’ Reports: Not in attendance.
  3. The minutes of the meeting of the Council held on Wednesday March 13th 2024 were approved unanimously.
  4. Councillors’ Declarations of Interest:
  5. Review of Action Log:

Speed Indicator Missing: Still being investigated by LCC / LRSP

28/23 War memorial repairs: A response to the funding application is expected shortly.

24/02/15 Bollards along Tanners Lane / Horsepool: LCC Highways have added to schedule. The clerk was requested to remind LCC Highways.

  1. Clerk’s & Chairman’s reports on matters outstanding:

01 Meeting with MP re Full Fibre rollout: Cllrs Walsingham & Lamming attended. The meeting was felt to be a PR exercise; the problems encountered by the village were not recognised. A response to the articles in the Grantham Journal & Stamford Mercury was considered.

02 Neighbourhood Planning: Completed. No further updates. To remove from the agenda

  1. Matters to be resolved:

03 Use of S106 funds / Process for application for S106 Funds: The chairman commented on a resident’s Facebook post, which was considered out of context. She would have preferred the resident to have discussed the matter with Cllr/s before posting.

Discussions were considered too detailed to be included in regular council meetings. A sub-group will meet to review suggestions from the community and make recommendations to the council. Cllr Harwood will facilitate; all Cllrs are welcome; the clerk will attend. The group’s first task will be to define their Terms of Reference and review criteria – to be ratified by the full council. Decisions will be made by the full council.

Contrary to their assertion, SKDC had not informed the Ron Dawson Hall committee of the availability of funds. The council was reminded that the Ron Dawson Memorial Hall is not named as the Village Hall, their constitution and charity commission titles do not have village hall in the title.

The clerk was requested to forward to SKDC the email exchange between the then Cllr Fowler and SKDC in January 2021 re the Parish Council’s role in the application process.

04 Emergency Planning: Cllrs Mardling & Hardy will report back after the training course.

05 Leaflet with useful contacts: A resident has provided contacts for graphic designs / drawings & layout. Draft expected for council approval at May meeting.

06 Issues associated with the new housing development: The resident continues to chase Anglian Water for a response to the unpleasant smell on Swinstead Road.

07 Consider a resident’s request to add the St John’s grass area to the grass cutting schedule: Still awaiting response from SKDC regarding funding if CGPC undertake. Clerk to continue to chase – cc Cllr Robins.

08 Consider process for layout changes to Market Place parking: It is anticipated that no markings will be done initially after the resurfacing as Highways are working up the proposal submitted by a resident.

09 Consider what action can be taken re the persistent flooding of Tanner’s Lane / Irnham Rd: Clerk to remind Cllr Hill & LCC Highways that drain cleaning is still to be completed.

10 Agree way forward regarding Christmas Tree Lights and authorise expenditure: Cllr Cook progressing. The number of lights to be purchased was discussed – probably initially the lower number as more can be added.

The state of the Buttercross was discussed. Cllr Cook to contact Historic England and enquire re available funding. Clerk to add to May agenda as a separate item.

11 Consider the need for additional warning signs on the bend at Corby Birkholme: Cllr Walsingham to provide clerk with draft of email requesting for details of the process to request additional signage.

12 Consider how to recognise the D-Day Anniversary in June: Cllr Harwood has assembled a team, including a representative from the Fire Station. He is just missing the lighting ‘wand’.

13 Request from Mrs Dawson to donate a tree for The Green in memory of the Dawson brothers: The tree specialist had suggested an English Oak. No particular location on The Green was identified. It was suggested that an oak tree be planted on the NHA development, near the Ron Dawson Memorial Hall, dedicated to the brothers.  Clerk to liaise with NHA and confirm acceptability with Mrs Dawson.

14 Consider iDig offer of free trees: It was agreed that the village would benefit from more trees, but watering during dry summer had been an issue in the past. None of the iDig packages were deemed entirely suitable. Cllr Walsingham to contact & request a Mix and Match. Surplus could be donated to residents.

15 Consider comments to feed back to SKDC on the Draft Local Plan: No comments re Corby Glen made so far. Cllr Walsingham read out a circular drafted by the Neighbourhood Plan group alerting residents to the plan and its implications, and encouraging them to view the plan & make comments. The Parish Council is happy to join in this initiative. As the closing date is imminent (25th April) posters will also be displayed around the village. A budget of £60 for publicity was agreed for leaflets.

It was agreed that Cllr Lamming would prepare a response from CGPC & circulate to Cllrs by email for approval.

  1. Reports from:

Planning: to consider planning applications received prior to & after publication of the agenda:

S24/0512 – Mrs Fowler – 16 High St – New detached houseNo objections

S23/2092 – Mr Simmons – Cedars Barn, High St. – Change of use – residential to office – No objections.

Greens Working Group:

11 Playground Equipment Maintenance: 5 options for the replacement of the Toddler Tower had been provided at the last meeting. Cllrs had considered and consulted children. It was agreed that option 1 (Wicksteed) was preferred. Cllr Cook to proceed on this basis – check with Wicksteed if planning permission necessary – contact the clerk if any doubt for her to check with SKDC.

  1. Payments and Accounts

(i) Bank balances – monthly update approved unanimously as set out below.

(ii) Invoices for payment – Councillors resolved unanimously to approve payments as set out in schedule below.

Opening Bank balance from 1st March 2024


Income received on bank statement:
VAT Refund


Invoices cleared on bank statement:
S. Woodman – clerk’s wages
S. Woodman – clerk’s expenses
HMRC – clerk’s PAYE
CDPC – Community cleaner
M Sanderson – Web site maintenance
Mrs Woodman – Additional Email storage – 12 months subscription
CG Bowls Club – Pro-Am Competition support
Cllr Cook – Flag accessories
M Sanderson – Web site – Neighbourhood Plan
Printing – Neighbourhood Plan


Closing Bank Balance 31st March 2024


Payments to be authorised/cleared:
S. Woodman – clerk’s wages
S. Woodman – clerk’s expenses
HMRC – clerk’s PAYE
CDPC – Community cleaner
M Sanderson – Web site maintenance
MCS – Grass Cutting
Groundwork – Repay unused Neighbourhood Plan Grant


Estimated remaining NatWest bank balance
(excluding all Funds)




Neighbourhood Plan Costs
Grant received
Previous costs
New costs against grant
Grant remaining:




Community Support Fund (Allison Homes)
Donation received
Previous costs
VAT Refund
Remaining: (Note: VAT Refund of £101.24 to be claimed)





Phone Box Area Fund (NISA)
Donation received + VAT Refunds
Previous costs
New costs



  1. Matters to be further discussed at this meeting:

17 Agree a budget for tree tags: Cllr Walsingham is mapping the existing trees, based on the Tree Inspection Report. A budget of £60 was agreed to purchase new tags and re-number the trees.

18 Agree response to letter from Market Cross Surgery: Request regular updates.

19 Agree appropriate action regarding deterioration of kerbs. No action

20 Consider purchasing Speed Indicator Devices (SIDs) for the A151: Cover with S106

21 Consider the condition of signs / posts, and agree whether to ask LCC for their inspection policy or to inspect and report on Fix my Street: Clerk to ask LCC Highways for its inspection policy.

  1. Next meeting:

The next regular meeting will take place on Wed 8th May 2024 at7.30pm, (or following the conclusion of the Annual Parish Meeting and Annual meeting of the Parish Council), in the Willoughby Gallery, Corby Glen.

Meeting closed at 9.05pm.                                                                                                            Mrs. Sue Woodman – Parish Clerk


Action Log 10th April




Date by


Barleycroft – Pridmore footpath: Prompt Cllr Hill & LCC Highways re trip hazard; Investigate

Cllr Hill



Speed Indicator Missing: Chase LCC – again




Resurfacing: Communicate praise for workmen to Cllr Hill & LCC Highways




Drains on Irnham Road: Remind Cllr Hill & LCC Highways cleaning still incomplete




Road Sweeping: Accept offer asap




Village pump: Arrange re-cementing

Cllr Lamming



War Memorial, replace missing letters: Progress funding application




S106 funds:
Provide details of traffic calming measures used elsewhere
Determine how long the funds remain available

Define ToR & Assessment Criteria;
Investigate & cost options for other S106 funds

Check if planning permission necessary
Apply for S106 funds for selected Toddler Tower

Forward email re CGPC role in S106 application process to SKDC

Cllr Robins
Cllr Robins

Cllr Harwood +
S106 Group

Cllr Cook / clerk







Leaflet with map of village with street names:
Send draft to clerk
Share draft with Cllrs
Consider a group photo for the leaflet & web site

Cllr Shepperson



Consider a resident’s request to add the St John’s grass area to the grass cutting schedule: Chase SKDC again to determine funds available if CGPC were to take on responsibility.
Remind Cllr Robins / Kier about re-instating the surface

Cllr Robins





Barleycroft / Pridmore footpath lights:
Investigate options and attempt to establish responsibility
Provide a Risk Assessment.
Remind Cllr Hill / Highways of responsibility

Cllr Robins
Cllr Cook



Consider layout changes to Market Place parking:
Chase response to email questioning the necessity for bus stop ‘near Fighting Cocks’ & requesting exact location.




Arrange for all drains, dykes and gullies in the area & Bourne Road to be jetted
Remind Cllr Hill that although 2 drains have been cleared on Irnham Rd, 2 are still blocked and investigation of the whole problem is needed

Cllr Hill



Playground Equipment Maintenance: Investigate the insurance position.

Cllr Ellam



Christmas Tree: Progress design
Contact Historic England + enquire re available funding
Add restoration of war memorial to May agenda

Cllr Cook
Cllr Cook



Bollards along Tanners Lane / Horsepool: Chase LCC Highways




Donation of a tree in memory of the Dawson brothers:
Confirm acceptability of location on NHA site with NHA & Mrs Dawson




iDig offer of free trees: Contact iDig for other options.

Cllr Walsingham



SKDC Draft Local Plan: Prepare, print & deliver circular
Prepare & display posters.

Prepare response from CGPC & circulate to Cllrs by email

Cllr Walsingham / Cllr Cook / all

Cllr Lamming




Meet MP re Full Fibre rollout: Respond to newspaper article

Cllr Cook



Signage at Corby Birkholme bend: Provide clerk with draft of request for details of the process to request additional signage

Cllr Walsingham



Tree Tags: Map trees & purchase new tags (budget £60)

Cllr Walsingham



Market Cross Surgery Letter: Respond ‘yes’ to updates




State of road signs / posts: Establish LCC Highways inspection policy




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