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Draft Minutes of the meeting held on Wednesday October 11th 2023 at 7.00pm in the Willoughby Gallery, Corby Glen.
Present: Cllrs Lamming (Chair), Ellam, Evans & Harty & Shepperson.
In attendance: 3 residents, Mrs. S. Woodman (Parish Clerk).
Open Forum:
A resident reported that although LCC Highways had claimed responsibility for re-painting the milestones, 12 months on this has still not been done. Clerk to follow up.
The results from the Community Speed Watch (CSW) were requested. Cllr Lamming read out the statistics. These will be published on the council web site and in The Link and included on the planned leaflet. CSW monitoring is continuing on a weekly basis; this could be increased if more volunteers were available.
A resident enquired whether the 30mph signs and / or red ‘stripes’ could be painted on the road near the new 30 limit by the new developments. Cllr Lamming to discuss during her walkabout with Rowan Smith. Also, repeater signs are needed where there are no street lights.
A second resident asked whether solar panels for the roof of the Ron Dawson Hall could be included as a project for the S106 money.
The state of the lights for the Christmas Tree was discussed. They are believed to contain a fault. Currently being examined and PAT tested.
The resident had reported trees / shrubs overhanging the footpath in 15 places to LCC Highways. LCC believe these to be the responsibility of the householder; they agreed tocontact 2 householders. After extensive travel both within and outside the county, the resident also believed that the roads in Lincolnshire are the worst he had encountered. Additionally, speed calming measures are more in evidence elsewhere.
He further complained about the standard of workmanship in re-instating verges etc when they have been dug up for underground work. Cllr Evans reported that this was especially bad in the grass area on St John’s Drive where the contractor had without permission erected their compound, and nearby verges. Cllr Evans to provide clerk with photos; clerk to contact the construction company, Kier. The problem has been exacerbated by SKDC’s failure to cut the grass in a timely fashion. Cllr Evans to raise this with District Cllr Robins
Cllr Ellam shared the concern from a local resident who suffers from Parkinson’s. His mobility around the village is seriously impeded by the state of the roads particularly down St John’s Drive and Moreley’s Lane. Cllr Lamming to share with Rowan Smith.
- Apologies for absence: Cllrs Cook, Harwood & Walsingham. Reasons given and accepted.
- District and County Councillors’ Reports: None
- The minutes of the meeting of the Council held on Wednesday Sept 13th 2023 were approved by a majority (2 for,
3 abstentions – councillors not in attendance). - Councillors’ Declarations of Interest:
- Review of Action Log:
As agreed, Cllr Harwood has donated the funds for one of the benches.
- Clerk’s & Chairman’s reports on matters outstanding:
75/20 Superfast Broadband: Some problems still being experienced.
12/22 Consider state of benches, bins, phone box, noticeboards & options to fix:
Phone Box Area: Light in phone box now fixed and cork board installed. Now complete
Benches: All new benches now installed.
57/22 Community Congress: An application for £10,000 Lottery Funding is in progress.
52/23 CSW: See Open Forum
09/16 Neighbourhood Planning: The council unanimously approved the feedback provided by the Neighbourhood Planning Team as per the email from Jon Wakerley (2/10/23).
The council was happy to approve unanimously the application for further funding which is in currently being prepared. It further thanked Mr Wakerley and the committee for their hard work on behalf of the village.
- Matters to be resolved:
28/23 War Memorial, replacement of missing letters: The clerk had completed a pre-application for a grant from the War Memorials Trust. The option of locking the gates was considered but not thought necessary as it is believed the damage to the letters may have been caused accidentally by the placing of the wreaths. In future, wreaths are not to be propped up against the plinth.
51/23 Trees – new / maintenance: Potential locations for the 2 saplings from the historic ‘Kett’s Oak’ were discussed. It was felt that somewhere within the new developments would be appropriate.
Cllr Shepperson to discuss with Allison Homes; clerk to contact DWH.
Cllr Evans had trimmed back the epicormic growth from the lime tree; however, John Wilcockson required the growth be cut back to the trunk, although the council had previously been advised that this might damage the tree. The clerk had obtained a quote for £350 to do this.
Cllr Evans to discuss directly with John Wilcockson and undertake work required.
58/23 Arrangements for Remembrance Day: Cllr Lamming still has the wreath from last year. As it is still in good condition, it was agreed unanimously to re-use the wreath and instruct the clerk to donate £20 to the Royal British Legion instead of buying a new wreath. Clerk to make Revd Buckman and Julie at Lily’s aware. Cllr Lamming will lay the wreath on behalf of the council.
PA System: see 31/23 below.
Leaf Clearing: Clerk to request use of ride on mower from Mr Adcock, use of tractor & trailer from Mr Brian Walsingham, road sweeper during previous week. All available councillors to meet on The Green at on
Saturday Nov 11th at 10.00am with suitable tools for leaf clearing.
Traffic Management: Cllr Evans + any other available councillor – wear hi viz jacket to control traffic.
48/23 Clerk’s appraisal: This was undertaken recently by Cllrs Lamming and Walsingham. Councillors and residents were requested to speak loudly and clearly to assist the clerk.
Councillors were requested to respond to communications – a non-response will be taken as agreement. Wording will attempt to make clear how a non-response will be interpreted.
The National wage increase for 2023-24 has not yet been announced; it will be backdated to April 2023.
The clerk had requested support with budget preparation. Cllr Shepperson will assist.
The clerk described a spreadsheet developed by another clerk which would assist her and might be available to purchase. To be evaluated when available.
She requested authorisation to attend a LALC training course covering powers, duties & policies and costing £65. Agreed unanimously.
The chairman thanked the clerk for her work.
62/23 Councillor Vacancy: The period during which an election can be called has passed and no election has been requested. The council are therefore able to fill the vacancy be co-option. Clerk to request interested parties to submit details by October 27th and meet councillors Lamming, Evans & Shepperson on Thursday Nov 2nd in the Willoughby Gallery. Clerk to book with Bryan Lynch.
- Reports from:
Planning: to consider planning applications received prior to & after publication of the agenda:
S23/1091 Nottingham Housing association / Modus Partnerships: Cllr Ellam is increasingly concerned that although the developer is failing to comply with the pre-inhabiting conditions and is thus in breach of planning regulations, yet SKDC Enforcement are taking no steps. He will continue to progress this with Cllr Robins.
Greens Working Group:
07/21 Playground Equipment Maintenance
Cllr Shepperson has carried out all the required inspections. There is still a significant amount of painting required – Cllr Lamming has some paint. 7 items remain to be actioned, 3 of which relate to the Toddler Tower. 6 items are non-compliant with current regulations, but there is no effective action which can be taken.
Cllr Ellam will investigate the insurance position (clerk to forward policy and add Insurance to next month’s agenda).
- Payments and Accounts
(i) Bank balances – monthly update approved unanimously as set out below.
(ii) Invoices for payment – Councillors resolved unanimously to approve payments as set out in schedule below.
Opening Bank balance from 1st September 2023 |
£18,373.59 |
Income received on bank statement: |
Invoices cleared on bank statement: |
Closing Bank Balance 30th September 2023 |
£18,128.38 |
Payments to be authorised/cleared: |
Estimated remaining NatWest bank balance |
£16,808.32 |
Community Support Fund (Allison Homes) |
Phone Box Area Fund (NISA) |
- Matters to be further discussed at this meeting:
19/22 Use of S106 funds from DWH development – including village gates / speed devices: Cllrs Shepperson, Cook & Evans to progress
56/22 Emergency Planning: Not discussed.
14/23 Town & Parish Community Fund: Cllr Harty reported on the SKDC Funding Workshop which she attended. She understands that the project to install electricity in the Market Place could be funded up to £5,000, with 20% being match funded. She is progressing this. Clerk to chase for a new quote.
A new set of Christmas Lights might be included in the application. Cllr Ellam agreed to investigate options.
17/23 Refurbishment of Market Place: Now covered under 31/23.
29/23 Leaflet with useful contacts (Anglian Water, Electric board etc.) & map of village with street names: Cllr Shepperson to follow up getting quotes. Could be funded by Community Congress – see 57/22
31/23 Consider the purchase of a PA system for the Parish Council: The clerk provided details of a PA system which had been recommended by Revd Buckman. The clerk was requested to determine the spec of Rob Lynch’s system for comparison. Cllr Ellam agreed to evaluate options. The council unanimously voted a budget of up to £600, to be paid out of the Community Congress Fund, as the PA System would be for the benefit of the whole village.
Ideally the system should be purchased before Remembrance Day, but clerk to determine whether Rob Lynch’s system could be borrowed if not.
37/23 Funding for current work streams: See 14/23
38/23 Issues associated with the new housing estates and how to minimise any disruption: Cllr Ellam progressing with Cllr Robins.
53/23 Christmas Tree – Risk Assessment & procurement: Clerk to verify that Cllr Cook can purchase the tree and has arrangements in hand. Mr Trevor Kiely agreed to help. Clerk to contact Aidrian Baines to arrange help with collection & installation.
54/23 Identification of ‘at risk’ residents – cf recent water issues: In order to be recognised as ‘at risk’, residents must individually contact both Anglian Water and National Grid and request being added to their ‘At Risk’ registers. National Grid had provided leaflets for distribution. Clerk to obtain enough leaflets for all households (600) and similar from Anglian Water, if available.
55/23 Signage in the village: Cllr Lamming to raise ‘unofficial?’ brown signs with Rowan Smith during walkabout.
56/23 Walkabout with LCC Highways: The walkabout is scheduled for Monday October 16th at 2.00pm. Any councillor wishing to join should meet in the Market Place. Councillors to notify Cllr Lamming in good time of issues they wish to be raised.
57/23 Tubby Asher Memorial Bench: The bench near the war memorial was dedicated to ‘Tubby’ Asher. Brian Walsingham is believed to have the plaque. Clerk to check and request replacing plaque on new bench.
59/23 Process for application for S106 Funds: Item to be merged with 19/22
60/23 Parking / car maintenance on pavement: SKDC tenant – Cllr Lamming will discuss with Cllr Robins
61/23 Procedure for recording dedications for benches & trees: Cllr Ellam agreed to review the benches in the village against the list, confirm their condition and record any dedication. Memorial benches not owned by GGPC to be added on the list, also tree in memory of Sam Smith.
63/23 Land ownership investigation – deferred.
64/23 Attendance at on-line Police Engagement event in December: Cllr Shepperon to attend on behalf of the Council.
- Next meeting:
The next regular meeting will take place on Wed 8th November 2023 at 7.00pm in the Willoughby Gallery, Corby Glen.
Meeting closed at 8.50pm. Mrs. Sue Woodman – Parish Clerk
Action Log 11th October 2023
Ref |
Action |
Responsibility |
Date by |
O/F |
Milestones: Follow up painting with LCC Highways |
Clerk |
8/11/23 |
O/F |
State of grass area on St John’s Drive: Provide clerk with photos; |
Cllr Evans |
8/11/23 |
07/21 |
Playground Equipment Maintenance: Forward insurance policy to Cllr Ellam; Investigate the insurance position |
Clerk |
8/11/23 |
12/22 |
Phone box Area: Remove weeds |
Cllr Evans |
8/11/23 |
19/22 |
Use of S106 funds: |
Cllr Shepperson |
57/22 |
Community Congress: Investigate additional funding |
Cllr Lamming |
12/9/23 |
43/22 |
Lights not working between Barleycroft Road and Pridmore: |
14/23 |
Town & Parish Community Fund: Chase National Grid for new quote |
Clerk |
8/11/23 |
28/23 |
War Memorial, letters missing: Follow up Pre-application. |
Clerk |
8/11/23 |
29/23 |
Leaflet with map of village with street names: |
31/23 |
Consider the purchase of a PA system for the Parish Council: |
38/23 |
Issues associated with the new housing estates and how to minimise any disruption: Obtain response from SKDC |
Cllr Robins |
11/10/23 |
51/23 |
Trees – new / maintenance: Epicormic Growth: Provide Cllr Evans with John Wilcockson’s contact details |
Clerk |
8/11/23 |
52/23 |
CSW – Update: Provide CSW statistics |
Cllr Lamming |
8/11/23 |
53/23 |
Christmas Tree – Risk Assessment & procurement: Verify that Cllr Cook can purchase the tree and has arrangements in hand. |
Clerk / Cllr Cook |
8/11/23 |
54/23 |
Identification of ‘at risk’ residents: Request more leaflets from National Grid |
Clerk |
8/11/23 |
55/23 |
Signage in the village: Raise ‘unofficial?’ brown signs with Rowan Smith during walkabout. |
Cllr Lamming |
16/10/23 |
56/23 |
Walkabout with LCC Highways: Items to be raised: · Share concern of local resident re road surface · 2 lights out on pedestrian crossing; · Old de-restricted sign on exit from village on Swinstead Road to be removed. · Can 30mph signs and / or red ‘stripes’ painted on the road near the new 30 limit by the new developments? · Repeater signs where no street lights · Standard of workmanship in re-instating verges etc when they have been dug up for underground work · ‘unofficial?’ brown signs Notify Cllr Lamming of any further issues to be raised at walkabout |
Cllr Lamming All |
16/10/23 15/10/23 |
57/23 |
Tubby Asher Memorial Bench: Check with Brian Walsingham re plaque and request replacing on new bench. |
Clerk |
15/10/23 |
58/23 |
Remembrance Day: Donate £20 to the Royal British Legion |
Clerk |
8/11/12 |
60/23 |
Parking / car maintenance on pavement: Discuss with Cllr Robins |
Cllr Lamming |
8/11/23 |
61/23 |
Procedure for recording dedications for benches & trees: Review benches against list, confirm condition and record any dedication; add memorial benches not owned by GGPC + tree in memory of Sam Smith. |
Cllr Ellam |
8/11/23 |
62/23 |
Councillor Vacancy: Advertise vacancy on noticeboard and web site, requesting interested parties to submit details by October 27th |
Clerk |
asap |