Parish Council Minutes|


Minutes of the meeting held on Wednesday June 10th 2020 at 7.30pm using video conferencing.

Present: Cllrs Lamming (Chair), Collins, Fowler, Fox, Muir, Parker & Walsingham

In attendance: Mrs. S. Woodman (Parish Clerk).

Open Forum: It was reported that there are plans to downgrade Grantham A&E and remove acute medicine from June 22 until at least March next year as a temporary measure, replacing the A&E unit with an urgent treatment centre.

It was also reported that The Wild Orange is not expected to re-open, and the March Hare is considering applying for a change of use for those premises.

1.     Apologies for absence: Cllrs Cook & Hargreaves. Reasons given, apologies accepted.

2.     District Councillor / Police Report: None.

3.     The minutes of the meeting of the Council held on 13th May 2020 were approved & signed by the chairman as an accurate record. 6 for, 1 abstention.

4.     Councillors’ Declarations of Interest: None.

5.     Review of Action Log:
As agreed at the previous meeting, a notice stating that the playground was currently unavailable in line with government regulations had been posted on Next Door. It was agreed that no physical notices were to be posted in the playground itself.

See updated log below.

6.     Clerk’s & Chairman’s reports on matters outstanding:

77/19 Lighting for Art Gallery (reduce wattage of bulbs): 2 quotes now received. It was suggested that reducing the wattage of the Gallery floodlights to 30 watts might prove inadequate illumination. Cllrs Fox & Fowler to meet and resolve. A budget of £400 + VAT was approved unanimously.

39/20 War Memorial Restoration: Clerk had contacted Damon Green to request an update, but none yet received from Hirst & co. As 2020 is the 100 year anniversary of the erection of the war memorial, it is crucial that this work is completed before November this year. Clerk to chase further.

09/16 Neighbourhood Planning: No further meetings to date. A Zoom meeting may be arranged. Cllr Fox agreed to assist with technical meeting issues if required.

7.     Matters to be resolved:

32/20 To consider approving the Annual Return for year ended March 31st 2020
Paperwork had been circulated previously.
32/20/01 The Annual Governance Statement 2019/20 was approved unanimously and signed by the clerk /RFO.
32/20/02 The Accounting Statements 2019/20 was approved unanimously and signed by the clerk /RFO.
32/20/03 The Exemption Certificate 2019/20 was approved unanimously and signed by the clerk /RFO.

The chairman was present but because of the remote nature of the meeting, in accordance with LALC advice, she will sign the documents outside of the meeting.

8.     Reports from:  

Planning: to consider planning applications received prior to and after the publication of the agenda – None.

Greens Working Group: It was reported that a significant amount of litter is being left in and around the Glen.

9.     Payments and Accounts

(i)  Bank balances – monthly update approved as set out below.

(ii) Invoices for payment – Councillors resolved to approve payments as set out in schedule below. The clerk informed the council that since the agenda had been published a late payment request had been received for the annual subscription to the Lincolnshire Fieldpaths Association – £5, and that the Community Cleaner grant of £454.44 had been received.

Opening Bank balance from 1st May 2020£21,996.11
Income received on bank statement   
Invoices cleared on bank statementHMRC – clerk’s PAYES. Woodman – clerk’s wagesS. Woodman – clerk’s expensesCDPC – Community cleanerMCS grass cuttingMrs S Glover – Community Care Leaflet printingAnnual InsuranceData Protection Renewal (previous payment cancelled)Cllr Fox re Easyspace renewal (2 years)  £59.20£237.16£13.72£149.73£229.00£45.00£897.36£40.00£54.50
Closing Bank Balance 31st May 2020£20,270.44
Cheques to be authorised/cleared:Zoom License (1 year)S. Woodman – clerk’s wagesS. Woodman – clerk’s expensesHMRC – clerk’s PAYECDPC – Community cleanerMCS grass cuttingAdditions Accounting (Audit)Lincs Fieldpaths Association (Annual Subscription)  £78.40£237.16£23.70£59.20£149.73£289.00£80.00£5.00
Estimated remaining NatWest bank balance(excluding Defibrillator, Play Equipment & War Memorial funds)£19,348.25£16,143.64
Defibrillator FundTotal banked to date (inc. VAT refunds):        
Purchases to date (inc. VAT):Fund remaining:
Play Equipment FundTotal banked to date (inc. VAT refunds):        
Purchases to date (inc. VAT):Fund remaining:
War Memorial FundTotal banked to date (inc. VAT refunds):
Purchases to date (inc. VAT):Fund remaining:
Neighbourhood Plan Costs (to be repaid on receipt of grant funding)Costs to dateTotal:£494.79£494.79

10.   Matters to be further discussed at this meeting:

27/20 Corona Virus:
The clerk reported an update on the Corby Community Care Scheme from Ian Astley (see appendix).

SKDC had issued 2 certificates of appreciation which had been presented to Mr Astley and his group of volunteers and Mrs Sue Glover for her work with the community.

83/19 Flag usage: Deferred til next meeting as Cllr Cook unable to be present

37/20 Process for review of draft agenda / minutes by councillors:
Although it is important that the meaning of agenda items is clear, it was considered that lengthy descriptions are not required and that this might disincentivise people from raising issues. It was discussed that in future agenda items should be explicit, but not extend to more than 1 line / sentence.
Review of draft minutes / agenda: Councillors were reminded to review these documents as speedily as possible and avoid lengthy email debate.

38/20 ‘Bulls in field’ signs in fields crossed by public footpaths: Cllr Fox had circulated details of the signage and animals (bullocks) present in the field crossed by the footpath between Tanner Lane and the B1176. It was believed that no regulations are being broken by the land owner. Cllr Fox to respond to the resident who raised the issue.

40/20 Re-painting water pumps in the Market Place & by the Co-op: These are looking shabby, and it is not known when they were last painted. Clerk to establish whether they belong to the Parish or, as ‘Street Furniture’, to LCC Highways. If to Highways, to request refurbishment; if to the Parish, to determine whether Planning Permission is required for their refurbishment (it is understood that the pump in the Market Place is Grade 2 Listed), and to obtain quotes for this work.

During the walkabout with Rowan Smith it had been suggested that the blue signs next to the pump in the Market Place should be replaced with arrows on the road, but this has not yet happened and it is appreciated that currently Highways have other priorities.

11.   Next meeting:

The next meeting will take place at 7.30pm on Wednesday 8th July 2020 by video conference. A link to the conference will be provided to residents via the village web site.

Meeting closed at 8.24 pm.                                                                                                           Mrs. Sue Woodman – Parish Clerk

Action Log 10th June 2020

RefActionResponsibilityDate by
88/19Add link to LCC’s ‘Fix my street’ to the web siteCllr Fox18/03/20
07/20Communicate new email addresses for councillors to themselves plus clerkCllr Fox18/03/20
07/20Communicate councillors’ new email addresses to SKDCClerk 
08/20Investigate incidence of road accidents on A151Cllr Hill18/03/20
18/20Consider quotes for lights between Barleycroft / Pridmore and arrange accordinglyCllrs Fox / Fowler08/07/20
70/19Contact residents of Adcock’s Close, advise options & assist in adoption if appropriateCllr Robins14/05/20
77/19Consider quotes for reducing wattage of bulbs in Gallery Lighting and arrange accordinglyCllrs Fox / Fowler08/07/20
83/19Demonstrate flags at next meetingCllr Cook08/07/20
38/20Respond to the resident who raised the issue regarding ‘Bulls in field’ signs in fields crossed by public footpathsCllr Fox08/07/20
39/20Chase War Memorial RestorationClerk08/07/20
40/20Establish whether the water pumps in the Market Place & by the Co-op belong to the Parish or, as ‘Street Furniture’ to LCC Highways.If to Highways, request refurbishment; if to the Parish, determine whether Planning Permission is required for their refurbishment, and obtain quotes for this work.Clerk08/07/20

Appendix To Parish Council Minutes 10th June 2020 – Corby Community Care – Update Report

There has been no change to the volunteer membership, and no additional bureaucratic requirements from the District or County Councils.  There is a steady rate of support being provided across the village, and we have even helped a lady in Ingoldsby with one request for support (I am trying to find out for her what support there is from within Ingoldsby). A few of our volunteers have returned to work and are less available to help, but this has not affected our ability as a group, given the number of volunteers who are still able to help full time.

Ian Astley 8th June 2020

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