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Draft Minutes of the Extraordinary Meeting held on Wednesday July 19th 2023 at 7.30pm at the Willoughby Gallery, Corby Glen.
Present: Cllrs Lamming (Chair), Cook, Evans, Harty, Harwood, Shepperson & Walsingham
In attendance: Cllr Robins, Mrs S Woodman (Parish Clerk) & 8 residents.
- Apologies for absence: Cllrs Ellam & Clink. Apologies received and accepted.
- Councillors Declarations of Interest: none noted.
- To consider the council’s response to S23/1704 (Muller Development – 10 houses)
The Chairman thanked all for attending and was asked to clarify the application.
The following points were raised:
- Residents expressed particular concern about road safety, with the potential for 20 + cars entering and exiting daily and the access road for the development being very close to an existing junction with the A151. The problem was potentially exacerbated by the proximity of the playground and therefore children crossing the road.
- Residents queried the need for further housing, especially large 4 – 5 bedroom houses, whilst with an aging population, there is a greater need for 2 bedroom bungalows. Cllr Robins explained that as the application is ‘outline’; the type of dwellings would be confirmed at the detailed application stage.
- The legitimate grounds for the Parish Council to object were outlined.
- Cllr Robins explained that further development in Bourne will be resisted because of the expansion which has already taken place. He believes that the same logic should be applied to Corby Glen which has experienced an even greater increase.
- It was noted that the site is not allocated for development on either SKDC’s local plan or the Corby Glen Neighbourhood Plan, which is currently in the process of gaining approval.
- There was further concern that the spine road layout opens up the possibility of future development into nearby field/s.
- The area at the bottom of Tanner’s Lane floods frequently; although drainage will be installed, building on the proposed site is likely to exacerbate this problem by reducing the amount of land which can absorb heavy rain.
- Concern was expressed about even more loss of pasture in the area.
- It was questioned whether the site could be viewed as ‘infill’. Cllr Robins reassured the meeting that it site has no building on 3 sides so could not be viewed as a ‘gap’.
- It is not known whether LCC Highways will have an opportunity to comment on the application.
- A public right of way runs alongside the site. There was concern about its preservation and future ownership, and as gardens border the pathway, also about the upkeep of the surface / boundary hedge.
- If SKDC refuse the application, the next steps would depend on the reason for refusal.
The clerk was instructed to respond to SKDC in accordance with the points raised at the meeting.
The meeting closed at 8.07pm.
Mrs. S. Woodman – Parish Clerk