Parish Council Minutes|

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Draft Minutes of the meeting held on Wed Dec 13th 2023 at 7.00pm in the Willoughby Memorial Gallery, Corby Glen.

Present: Cllrs Walsingham (Chair), Cook, Ellam, Evans, Harty, Harwood, Mardling & Shepperson.

In attendance: Cllrs Hill & Robins, 5 residents, Mrs. S. Woodman (Parish Clerk).

Open Forum:

A resident asked about the of the Community Congress. Constitution and funding were discussed. Cllr Lamming is leading this and was not present.

It was reported that the Tanners Lane road sign is missing. It was confirmed that this is a LCC matter.

A resident expressed concern that without more support from the village, the Ron Dawson Memorial Hall will close, especially given rising electricity costs. Both committee members and helpers are needed. Cllr Walsingham will discuss with Cllr Lamming. He requested all to help where possible, and ask around with neighbours, friends and family to see if any volunteers available. It was explained that although a committee is required, non-committee members would be helpful for tasks. It was suggested that if the hall were to close, the Pre-school would need to find other accommodation.

A resident asked Cllr Hill for clarification re the funding of road maintenance from central government and reported dissatisfaction with recent repairs. Poor repairs should be reported to Cllr Hill.

The smell from the drains on Swinstead Road reported at the last meeting had been investigated. A resident reported their contacts with Anglian Water. The problem stems from inadequate odour control in the new developments (Modus Partnerships and possibly Allison Homes). Anglian Water are dealing with the situation.

Contributions to main body of the meeting was continued to be made by residents.

  1. Apologies for absence: Cllr Lamming. Reasons given and accepted.
  2. District and County Councillors’ Reports:

Cllr Hill reported that High Street, Moreleys’s Lane and the Market Place are now all scheduled for resurfacing in April 2024. It is therefore vital that any work to the Market Place is completed beforehand.

He explained that flooding continues to be an issue across the county with 400 properties flooded recently. Extra funding has been made available and new equipment purchased to enable speedier response to problems. (see agenda item 77/23).

Cllr Hill raised the proposed devolution for Lincolnshire and distributed cards to councillors. To be added to January agenda. He is happy to answer questions.

Cllr Robins reported on the condition of 22 High Street. The property is to be sold.

Cllr Robins had identified a current representative of the contractor responsible for the cable laying along St John’s drive, and during a site visit to the St John’s grass area it was agreed that significant improvement is required. A programme has been started which will continue as the seasons progress.

Cllr Robins to provide other items in writing.

  1. The minutes of the meeting of the Council held on Wednesday November 8th were approved by a majority
    (5 for, 2 abstentions – councillors not in attendance).
  2. Councillors’ Declarations of Interest:
  3. Review of Action Log:

Litter Bin: Allison Homes accept their responsibility & were arranging for it to be emptied.

  1. Clerk’s & Chairman’s reports on matters outstanding:

75/20 Superfast Broadband: Now deployed. No further reporting required.

57/22 Community Congress: Deferred until Cllr Lamming present.

52/23 CSW: No report. Clerk to purchase new plastic 30mph signs from LRSP as agreed at previous meeting.

51/23 Trees – new / maintenance – update: Clerk has arranged with an experienced resident to cut back the epicormic growth. The clerk reported that the Kett’s Oak sapling had been due to be planted that day on the Allison Homes site; DWH site deferred til later. Cllr Walsingham suggested that more trees might become available. It was noted that if the PC gets more trees they need watering in dry times.

53/23 Christmas / Tree: Tree now erected in the Market Place. Many thanks to all who helped, especially in view of the snow. There have been problems with the lights with the high wind. A resident will investigate & fix. However, new lights will be needed next year. Clerk to add to January agenda.

Christmas expenses were discussed and agreed unanimously as per clerk’s list.

28/23 War Memorial Lettering: Clerk has applied for a grant. Awaiting outcome.

09/16 Neighbourhood Planning: Aal councillors were emailed information. Cllrs are requested to consider the content. The date of the referendum is Jan 18th 2024. It is vital that as many residents as possible vote. Homes are to be leafleted. Cllr Robins is planning to support the meetings, and all Cllrs were requested to support and help at the meetings if available.

Cllr Robins reported that SKDC is working on a new Local Plan, to run til 2041. This involves a Call for Sites to identify sufficient development land for the period. To that end, some SKDC representatives have been examining sites in Corby Glen. Their presence has worried some residents. Prior warning of this would have been appreciated so that residents could have been reassured.

  1. Matters to be resolved:

70/23 Agree Clerk’s pay increase in line with national agreement: The national pay increase for 2023-24 has now been agreed. The clerk presented the figures involved. The council agreed unanimously to increase the clerk’s wages in line with the national agreement.

68/23 Consider draft budget and approve or agree changes: A revised draft budget had been circulated to councillors. The original budget proposed a precept increased by 7%. However, this would not cover proposed council spending and would over time deplete reserves to an unacceptable level. Cllr Harwood had reviewed budgeted expenditure and reduced it by removing funding for new swing uprights and reducing the election contingency. All other expenditure was believed to be reasonable and essential. He proposed a year-on-year increase over 5 years to recognise the additional housing in the village. This would enable the council to break even and avoid depleting reserves. After further discussion, the revised draft budget was agreed unanimously.

76/23 Approve precept amount for 2024-25: It was agreed unanimously to apply for a precept of £17,000 in line with the agreed budget.

77/23 Agree way forward regarding electricity supply to Market Place: Cllrs had met an engineer from National Grid, who explained the requirements and had provided a revised quote. The supply cannot be installed close to the Butter Cross as it is a historic monument; a structure 1m x 1m x 1.2 m would be required to house the supply + distributor board + meter.  As a minimum, costs would thus be significantly more than had been anticipated, involving the construction of a structure (drawing kindly provided by a resident), National Grid’s installing supply, a supplier installing a distributor board & meter. Cllr Ellam queried what the supply was required for – to avoid running a cable across the car parking area for the Christmas Tree lights. He suggested that there were alternatives.

Cllr Harty reported that the funding deadline has already been missed due to the new requirement to obtain an alternative quote. And there is now the deadline of April for the work to be completed.

It was agreed unanimously not to proceed.

69/23 Consider becoming a National Grid Priority Services Register (PSR) Partner: Discussed. Agreed unanimously to promote the PRS locally by adding links to the web site and including in the proposed leaflet.

  1. Reports from:

Planning: to consider planning applications received prior to & after publication of the agenda:

S23/1091 Nottingham Housing association / Modus Partnerships:
S22/1809 Nott’m Housing Assoc’n, Swinstead Rd – Remove Condition of planning permission.
The clerk had eventually received clarification, namely removing the requirement for a footpath on Swinstead Road. The application had been approved by SKDC before CGPC had had an opportunity to comment. This was considered unacceptable. It was agreed unanimously to instruct the clerk to make a formal complaint to SKDC.

S23/1958 Mrs Waumsley, Ferndale House, Swinstead Road – Amend permission conditions
The applicants explained the background: SKDC had imposed clauses they considered unworkable – namely that the workshop to be removed if they were to leave the property, and the noise level, which had been misunderstood. The expected noise level from the outside of the building is no louder than a domestic fridge. The council voted unanimously to make no objection.

S23/2092 Mr Simmons, Cedars Barn, Church Street – Change of use – residential to office. No objection.

S23/2064 Mr Sanderson, 3A Irnham Road – Solar Panels (conservation area): No objection.

S23/2075 Mr& Mrs Lamming, Market Place – Alterations to listed building cf S22/2232: No objection.

Speed Limit Swinstead Road – extend 30mph: Drivers continue to ignore the existing speed limit, speeds sometimes reaching 60mph including near the school. A resident believed that the footpath which was originally required but for which permission not to build has been granted, would have slowed traffic down (see S22/1809). The possibility of speed calming measures and / or ANPR speed cameras was discussed.

The council voted unanimously to raise no objection to the extension of the speed limit.

Greens Working Group:

07/21 Playground Equipment Maintenance

Cllrs reported tyre marks on The Green after the fair, and the road sign near the war memorial is down. The rusty pole is a danger to the public, especially near a children’s playground. Clerk to report on Fix my Street.
Cllr Shepperson offered to provide photos.

  1. Payments and Accounts

(i) Bank balances – monthly update approved unanimously as set out below.

(ii) Invoices for payment – Councillors resolved unanimously to approve payments as set out in schedule below.

Opening Bank balance from 1st November 2023


Income received on bank statement:
Neighbourhood Plan Grant


Invoices cleared on bank statement:
S. Woodman – clerk’s wages
S. Woodman – clerk’s expenses
HMRC – clerk’s PAYE
CDPC – Community cleaner
MCS – Grass Cutting
M Sanderson – Web site maintenance
LALC Training – ATS Subscription
S Woodman – PBL Donation (re wreath)


Closing Bank Balance 30th November 2023


Payments to be authorised/cleared:
S. Woodman – clerk’s wages (including back pay)
S. Woodman – clerk’s expenses
HMRC – clerk’s PAYE
CDPC – Community cleaner
MCS – Grass Cutting
M Sanderson – Web site maintenance
M Sanderson – Domain Transfer Fee
LALC – Training refreshments
Mrs Woodman – Stationery


Estimated remaining NatWest bank balance
(excluding all Funds)




Neighbourhood Plan Costs
Previous costs
Grant received
New costs against grant
Grant remaining:




Community Support Fund (Allison Homes)
Donation received
Previous costs
New costs (PA System)
Remaining: (Note: VAT Refund of £101.24 to be claimed)





Phone Box Area Fund (NISA)
Donation received + VAT Refunds
Previous costs
New costs



  1. Matters to be further discussed at this meeting:

19/22 Use of S106 funds from DWH development / Process for application for S106 Funds: The council thanked
Cllr Robins for the clarification regarding S106 funding.

56/22 Emergency Planning: Deferred. However, given the recent weather problems and accident following criminal activity causing power cuts in Birkholme and other areas, this should be considered seriously.

29/23 Leaflet with useful contacts (Anglian Water, Electric board etc.): Cllr Shepperosn is due to meet Cllrs Lamming & Mardling to progress.

38/23 Issues associated with the new housing estates and how to minimise any disruption: Contractors working on the footpath by the doctors’ surgery have damaged the verge at the corner of St John’s Drive by parking their vehicles on it. A resident slipped on the mud and fell. Clerk to contact DWH & LCC Highways re rectifying. Cllr Shepperson to email photos.

61/23 Benches: Survey / Updated list; Procedure for recording dedications for benches & trees: Cllr Ellam has listed & photographed. 16 benches, 1 picnic table: 2 metal; 9 plastic; 5 steel frame / wood slats – need attention – wood rotted. Cllr Ellam could replace rotten slats. Cllr Walsingham suggested that the clerk keep records of dedications and which benches are and are not PC responsibility.

63/23 Land ownership investigation: If the council needs to establish land ownership in future, it can use the land registry. Remove from agenda.

66/23 Consider issues with current Insurance Policy and agree actions: Deferred

70/23 Consider the petition from residents to arrange for waste skip/s and agree budget / appropriate action: Clerk contacted 3 local skip suppliers. All maintain their waste is now recycled. The clerk quoted costs from 1 local supplier for information and noted that there is no budget for skips for 2024-25. The council considered that most people are able to take their recycling to the recycling centre, but it would consider a scheme to help those who can’t. To be considered at the next meeting, in the vein of a good neighbours’ scheme  or maybe come under the remit of Community Congress.

71/23 Consider a resident’s request to add the St John’s grass area to the grass cutting schedule: The clerk has established a cost from the CGPC contractor. She contacted SKDC twice to enquire how much money would be available to CGPC if it were to arrange for this land to be mowed by its own contractor, but so far, no response.
Cllr Robins to chase.

72/23 Agree funding for repairs to flagpole: Deferred.

73/23 Agree response to request for involvement from Bourne Festival of Wheels: Deferred after discussion.

74/23 Consider and authorise appropriate action regarding lights Barleycroft / Pridmore footpath: Although the lights were working first thing this morning, they no longer are. An alternative solution to be sought. Cllr Walsingham suggested that District and County Councils should work together to come up with a fix for both lighting and surfaces. Cllr Robins agreed to investigate options and attempt to establish responsibility as this is a public right of way.

75/23 Consider appropriate action re the state of village footpaths, especially Moreley’s Lane & Church St: Deferred after discussion.

76/23 Consider process for layout changes to Market Place parking: Cllr Walsingham suggested deferral or that Market Place and nearby residents should be consulted initially. It was agreed on the basis of timings that help should be requested as soon as possible from DWH, Allison Homes & a skilled resident in establishing an improved parking layout for the Market Place prior to resurfacing. The objective is to maximise capacity and enhance appearance. The options can then be communicated to residents whose properties surround he Market Place. Cllr Walsingham explained that a new layout would likely need the sign-off of Lincolnshire County Council as highways authority and that the PC should be prepared for possibility of being advised that capacity could not be improved due to traffic engineering elements.

77/23 Consider what action can be taken regarding the persistent flooding of Tanner’s Lane / Irnham Rd: The Parish Council had received letters & emails from residents about this recently, and many complaints in the past. Councillors & residents described and discussed the specific issues in the village, locations, possible causes & solutions. Cllr Hill is to arrange for all drains, dykes and gullies in the area and along Bourne Road to be cleared, and investigate what LCC powers and resources are at hand to deal with run-off from private land onto public highway. In the meantime, Cllrs to collect and assemble evidence over the coming weeks, to be presented to LCC to promote need for preventative action. Cllr Walsingham explained that there are several fields in different ownership either side of Irnham Road. It was noted that 3 poles had fallen.

  1. Next meeting:

The next regular meeting will take place on Wed 10th January 2024 at 7.00pm in the Willoughby Gallery, Corby Glen.

Meeting closed at 9.35pm.                                                                                                            Mrs. Sue Woodman – Parish Clerk


Action Log 14th December 2023




Date by


Barleycroft – Pridmore footpath: Follow up trip hazard (ledge) at Pridmore end;

Cllr Hill



Ron Dawson Memorial Hall: Discuss with Cllr Lamming

Cllrs Walsingham & Lamming


CC Rep

Devolution for Lincolnshire – Add to January Agenda



CC Rep

EV consultation: Add to January agenda




Playground Equipment Maintenance: Investigate the insurance position.
Report road sign down (near the war memorial) on Fix my Street – & a danger to the public, especially near a children’s playground.
Provide photos.

Cllrs Ellam

Cllr Shepperson




Phone box Area: Remove weeds
Benches: Remove old fixings for the bench by the war memorial

Cllr Evans
Cllr Ellam



Use of S106 funds:
Investigate and cost options
Provide details of traffic calming measures used elsewhere
Determine how long the funds remain available

Cllr Shepperson
& Cook
Cllr Robins
Cllrs Shepperson



Community Congress: Investigate additional funding
Arrange re-cementing of village pump

Cllr Lamming
Cllr Lamming



Leaflet with map of village with street names:
Obtain 3 quotes for A4 sheet with all the village street names on

Cllr Shepperson



War Memorial, replace missing letters: Progress funding application




Issues associated with the new housing estates and how to minimise any disruption: contact DWH & LCC Highways re rectifying damage the verge at the corner of St John’s Drive caused by contractors working on the footpath by the doctors’ surgery parking on the verge.

Provide photos


Cllr Shepperson




CSW: Purchase signs – budget £50.




Christmas Tree – Risk Assessment & procurement: Chase Risk Assessments
Add new lights to January Agenda
Christmas expenses

Cllr Cook



Walkabout with LCC Highways – report: Post report on web site. Consider ideas for an alternative configuration of the Market Place parking layout.




Parking / car maintenance on pavement: Discuss with Cllr Robins

Cllr Lamming



Procedure for recording dedications for benches & trees: Review benches against list, confirm condition and record any dedication; add memorial benches not owned by CGPC + tree in memory of Sam Smith.

Cllr Ellam



Christmas Tree Lights: Add Christmas Lights to next year Agenda
Investigate options for new Christmas Tree Lights

Cllr Ellam



Consider a resident’s request to add the St John’s grass area to the grass cutting schedule: Chase SKDC to determine funds available if CGPC were to take on responsibility.

Cllr Robins



Consider and authorise appropriate action regarding lights Barleycroft / Pridmore footpath: Investigate options and attempt to establish responsibility.

Cllr Robins



Consider process for layout changes to Market Place parking:Request help from DWH, Allison Homes & a skilled resident in establishing an improved parking layout for the Market Place prior to resurfacing.
Provide contact details / draft request


Clerk /
Cllr Shepperson




Consider what action can be taken regarding the persistent flooding of Tanner’s Lane / Irnham Rd:
Arrange for all drains, dykes and gullies in the area & Bourne Road to be cleared
Acknowledge receipt of letters
Collect and assemble evidence

Cllr Hill



Allison Homes – Variation of Planning Permission S21/1841:
Clarify changes

Cllr Robins



Nott’m Housing Assoc’n, Swinstead Rd – Remove Condition of planning permission. Make formal complaint to SKDC that CGPC had not been able to comment.




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