Parish Council Minutes|

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Draft Minutes of the Extraordinary Meeting held on Tuesday October 22nd 2024 at 7.30pm at the Willoughby Gallery, Corby Glen.

Present: Cllrs Walsingham (Chair), Ellam, Harty, Harwood, Mardling, Shepperson & Waumsley

In attendance: Mrs S Woodman (Parish Clerk) & 1 resident (part time).


  1. Election of Chair of Corby Glen Parish Council and signing the Declaration of Acceptance of Office.

Cllr Walsingham was nominated as Chair and duly seconded. The nomination was approved and agreed unanimously. Cllr Walsingham signed the acceptance of office, which was countersigned by the clerk.

  1. Election of Vice Chair/s of Corby Glen Parish Council:

It was agreed unanimously that only 1 Vice Chair was required.

Cllr Shepperson as nominated as Vice Chair and duly seconded. The nomination was approved and agreed unanimously. Cllr Shepperson signed the acceptance of office, which was countersigned by the clerk.

  1. Apologies for absence: None
  2. Councillors Declarations of Interest: None noted.
  3. Agree signatories to the Parish Council’s bank account:

It was agreed unanimously that Cllrs Walsingham and Ellam would be added as signatories to the council’s bank account. All persons no longer councillors would be removed as signatories.

  1. Consider matters relating to the Toddler Tower:

It was agreed unanimously that the old toddler tower should be destructed without damage if possible, and stored in Cllr Harwood’s paddock temporarily whilst prospective purchasers are sought. Cllr Waumsley has photos of the equipment. Should no resale be possible, the tower will be dismantled and recycled.

A notice will be displayed on the webs site, in the playground and elsewhere to the explain its removal and the anticipated installation of new play equipment, scheduled for November 18th.

Cllr Shepperson will consult Cllr Robins re the use of a Telehandler to assist.

Removal is scheduled for Friday October 25th at 10.00am by Cllrs Ellam & Waumsley.

  1. Consider the regular meeting schedule going forward:

It was agreed unanimously that the next 3 meetings will be on the following dates: Tuesday 19th November (as agreed at previous meeting), Tuesday 10th December, Tuesday 14th January.

The clerk will confirm the availability of the meeting room. (confirmed)

Future dates will be reviewed after January.

The meeting closed at 8.14pm.

Mrs. S. Woodman – Parish Clerk


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