Parish Council Minutes|

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Draft Minutes of the meeting held on Wed Sept 11th 2024 at 7.00pm in the Willoughby Memorial Gallery, Corby Glen.

Present: Cllrs Lamming (Chair), Ellam, Evans, Harty, Harwood, Mardling, & Shepperson.

In attendance: 2 residents, 2 members of the public, Cllr Hill, Mrs. S. Woodman (Parish Clerk).

Open Forum:

Councillor Resignation: Cllr Cook has resigned because of pressure of work. The Clerk will notify SKDC. The council thanks him for his hard work in the past. He will continue to manage the Christmas Tree Lights arrangements.

Church Street Rooms (CSR) – Submission for S106 funds: The chairman of the CSR Trustees outlined their request to apply for S106 funds for 2 projects – repair / replacement of the conservatory roof, and re-painting of high-level exterior woodwork. He responded to questions from cllrs. (see item 6/04)

S24/1303 Land adjoining Cumberland House – Erection of Dwelling: The agent of the land owner outlined the background to the proposal and responded to questions from cllrs, reassuring cllrs that drainage was into a beck which flows ultimately into the Grimsthorpe lake.

  1. Apologies for absence: Cllrs Cook & Walsingham. Reasons given and accepted.
  2. District and County Councillors’ Reports:
    Cllr Hill reported that more housing development is anticipated as a result of new government policy. This may result in the reinstatement of the additional housing in the village.

More off shore wind farms and solar installations are also anticipated, again as a result of government policy. Cllr Hill stressed the importance of striking a balance between the need for energy and the need to maintain countryside.

LCC is in discussions with partners, including Anglian Water, concerning investment, especially the halted pipeline through Lincolnshire. Work is planned to recommence.

The independent report on the recent flooding is expected next month. LCC hopes to complete as many as possible of the recommendations, although it is unlikely that it will be feasible to complete all.

The next budget is due soon. Although Cllr Hill is not optimistic, he hoped that major projects will continue.

There is likely to be an election in May for the Mayor of the Greater Lincolnshire Combined Authority. The structure of District & Local Councils will remain as now.

A resident of the new DWH development had expressed their concern regarding speeding on the A151. CGPC’s plans to alleviate this using S106 money were discussed with Cllr Hill. Unfortunately, the CSW has paused owing to lack of volunteers. (see also item 6/04)

  1. The minutes of the meeting of the Council both held on Wed July 10th 2024 were approved by a majority
    (5 for, 2 abstentions, cllrs not present)
  2. Councillors’ Declarations of Interest:
  3. Review of Action Log:

O/F Road Sweeping: The road sweeper has been out.

O/F Swinstead Road Traffic: CSW has been paused because of lack of volunteers.

24/06/11 Dog poo around the village: Spray purchased. To be applied.

  1. Clerk’s & Chairman’s reports on matters outstanding:

01 Christmas Tree Lights: Cllr Cook has resigned from the council but is happy to progress this project. He has circulated the final design & costs – total £730.75 including VAT (£608.96 ex VAT). Although a ‘real’ tree would be potentially more attractive and acceptable to residents, the on-going expense and difficulties of erection, plus risk from adverse weather, make the ‘artificial’ option preferable. The electricity supply will be as previous years.

It was agreed unanimously to ask Mr Cook to proceed with the purchase, initially using council reserves. It is intended subsequently to submit an application for funding from the S106 money. Clerk to add to the list.

02 Neighbourhood Planning: No update.

03 War Memorial renovation: Work now complete. Awaiting invoice in order to claim the grant from the War Memorial Trust.

The conservators were unable to give a valuation of the war memorial & the Butter Cross. A quote has been received from a professional valuer of £600 for a valuation of the 2 memorials. A local stonemason has also been consulted and will do a valuation for no charge when they are in the area. The result of this is to be awaited before deciding how to proceed. It was suggested that advice could be sought from the conservation officer at SKDC.

The conservator had suggested a lock on the gates to the railings to deter vandals. Cllr Ellam agreed to fit a combination lock and circulate the combination to all.

04 S106 funds from new developments:

NCHA (S18/0452): The new play equipment is on order ordered but lead time has been extended until November. Clerk to determine from SKDC how the funds for maintenance will be paid.

Allison Homes (S19/2235 – RDMH): The Ron Dawson Hall is still considering whether to bid for this money.

DWH (S21/1841):

  1. CSR Roof: The council agreed unanimously to approve this application. The form is being completed by CSR Trustees and will be submitted to SKDC by the clerk.
  2. CSR Exterior Paintwork: The council agreed unanimously to approve this application. The form is being completed by CSR Trustees and will be submitted to SKDC by the clerk.
  3. Road Safety: Cllr Shepperson is arranging the purchase & installation of SIDs for Bourne Road & Swinstead Road. It was agreed unanimously to extend the maintenance agreement to a total of 6 years in line with the LRSP SIDs.

30mph repeater signs were discussed. It was agreed unanimously to purchase 4 ‘enhanced’ signs & 4 ‘basic’ signs. (see also 10/15 &16)

Clllr Mardling enquired whether a triangular ‘Children Crossing’ sign could be erected near the school. Cllr Shepperson agreed to make enquiries.

A meeting of the working party was arranged for Wed Oct 2nd at 7.00pm at Cllr Harwood’s house.

05 Emergency Planning: Cllrs are awaiting confirmation of acceptance of the plan from LCC’s Emergency Planning Group.

06 Leaflet with useful contacts etc: In progress. Contents being finalised. Clerk to check Allison Homes agreement to cover printing cost.

07 Issues associated with the new housing estates – sewerage issues: Cllr Ellam has recently put an update onto the web site. He is still in communication with SKDC. Odour loggers have been installed by Anglian Water. It is also believed that some chemical treatment may have started. It is hoped that this will not be discontinued when the Odour Loggers have been removed.

Allison Homes’ retrospective planning application for the routing of the sewers is to be heard in Open Session, as informed by Cllr Robins. Cllr Ellam will represent the council and speak at the meeting.

Our MP has circulated a questionnaire seeking details of the problem from residents – although residents of the Market Place have not received one. Clerk to email a copy to Cllrs Mardling & Lamming. Cllrs were disappointed that Ms Kearns had not kept the PC informed – clerk to request Ms Kearns to keep the PC informed in future.

Cllr Hill offered to contact Anglian Water direct if necessary.

08 Progress on tree tags: Cllr Walsingham not present

09 Crown lift of tree where basal growth occurs: Done. Check with Cllr Walsingham if further work needed.

10 Barleycroft – Pridmore Footpath Lights: Now installed & operational. Thanks to Cllr Ellam.

11 State of Trees – Standing item. No action.

  1. Matters to be resolved:

11 Consider a resident’s request to add the St John’s grass area to the grass cutting schedule: Cllr Robins has contacted Kier re state of the ground but still response. The issue of grass cutting to be reconsidered when the contract is renewed and when CGPC budget is reset. (see also 10/17)

12 Consider the need for additional warning signs on the bend at Corby Birkholme: Accident statistics do not demonstrate the need for further signage.

  1. Reports from:

Planning: to consider planning applications received prior to & after publication of the agenda:

S22/0731 Allison Homes / S21/1841 David Wilson Homes / S22/1808 Nott’m Housing Assoc’n)

S24/1174 R Lynch – Wheelwright’s 10-12 Hight St – 3 bedroom Dwelling, Garage & Swimming pool: No comments

S24/1303 J Benton Jones – Land adjoining Cumberland House (NG33 4NE) – Erection of Dwelling: See open Forum. Confirm no drainage issues. No further comments

S24/1364 R Love – The Larches, Tanners Lane – Erection of Dwelling: Concern was expressed that run off might adversely affect the already problematic flooding on Tanner’s Lane

S24/1470 Dr Ray – St John’s Drive Surgery – Tarmac lawned area for parking: No Comments.

S24//1530 J Thompson – Church St – Remove dead tree: No objection.

Greens Working Group:

13 Playground Equipment Maintenance: Recycled plastic post replaced. Thanks to Cllr Ellam. The final post in the sequence is missing, but as its absence does not seem to affect children’s enjoyment, it was agreed not to replace it.

Cllr Harwood had accompanied the Annual Inspection. He informed the inspector of the council’s intention to replace the toddler tower & the swing uprights. There were no other major issues, but the inspector recommended that the equipment be painted with preservative more frequently.


  1. Payments and Accounts

(i) Bank balances – monthly update approved unanimously as set out below.

(ii) Invoices for payment – Councillors resolved unanimously to approve payments as set out in schedule below.

Opening Bank balance from 1st July 2024


Income received on bank statement:


Invoices cleared on bank statement:
S. Woodman – clerk’s wages
S. Woodman – clerk’s expenses
HMRC – clerk’s PAYE
CDPC – Community cleaner
M Sanderson – Web site maintenance
MCS – Grass Cutting
Kingfisher – Waste Bin

S. Woodman – clerk’s wages
S. Woodman – clerk’s expenses
HMRC – clerk’s PAYE
CDPC – Community cleaner
M Sanderson – Web site maintenance
MCS – Grass Cutting
Cllr Ellam – Barleycroft Lights
Cllr Ellam – Stepping Post



Closing Bank Balance 31st August 2024


Payments to be authorised/cleared:
TSO Host – 1 year Web Hosting
S. Woodman – clerk’s wages
S. Woodman – clerk’s expenses
HMRC – clerk’s PAYE
CDPC – Community cleaner
MCS – Grass Cutting
M Sanderson – Web site maintenance
RoSPA Play Safety – Playground Inspection


Estimated remaining NatWest bank balance
(excluding all Funds)




Community Support Fund (Allison Homes)
Donation received
Previous costs




Phone Box Area Fund (NISA)
Donation received + VAT Refunds
Previous costs
New costs



  1. Matters to be further discussed at the meeting:

14 Consider the request for a bench / dedication re Mr & Mrs Marsh: It was agreed unanimously to accept Mr & Mrs Marsh’s request for a bench with a dedication. Clerk to communicate, with an example of a suitable bench, similar dedications & anticipated cost.

(15 Consider purchasing additional 30mph signs for Swinstead Road:
(16 Consider replacing 2 missing 30mph signs from the High St / Tanners Ln / Irnham Rd junction
: Missing signs on Tanners Lane to be replaced with simple metal signs; broken / missing plastic signs on Swinstead Road to be replaced with simple metal signs. It was agreed unanimously that Cllr Shepperson should purchase a total of 4 ‘enhanced’ signs (with speed camera image) & 4 ‘simple’ signs. Budget £80.

The 30mph sign on Swinstead Rd is obscured by trees. Clerk to request Charles Read School to cut back.

17 Agree appropriate action re poor cutting of St John’s grass area: The area was left in a poor state after Kier used during cable laying. Cllr Robins has been in touch with Kier but so far to no avail. Suggest that the Community Group undertake some Gorilla Gardening in the Spring to remove weeds & level the ground. A £500 ‘donation’ to be requested from Kier.

Review future arrangements when budget revised.

18 Consider SKDC’s proposed Minerals and Waste Local Plan: No comments.

19 Consider replacement options for the defibrillator, now model discontinued: To be added to S106 list.

20 Consider the Irnham Estates Woodland Management Plan & agree comments to be fed back: Clerk to thank Irnham Estates for the consultation and have no comments to feed back.

21 Consider including Cyber protection with the insurance: Clerk to consult LALC re potential risks and proportionate cover.

22 Consider registering to light the beacon May 2025 in remembrance of VE Day 80-year anniversary: Agreed unanimously.

23 Arrange to clean bird poo off benches: Cllr Evans agreed to clean the bench near his tree; Cllr Shepperson & Cllr Shepperson agreed to clean the bench near Tanner’s Lane triangle.

24 Discuss Corby Glen Community Group: Cllr Lamming updated Cllrs on the activities of the group:

A donation of £100 had been received from Cllr Harwood. The Community Group is very grateful.

A Family Event is planned for Saturday Sept 14th to encourage new residents to become acquainted with the village. To be run at the CSR as Ron Dawson not available. Any help from cllrs would be welcome.

  1. Next meeting:

The next regular meeting will take place on Wed 9th October 2024 at7.00pm in the Willoughby Gallery, Corby Glen.

Meeting closed at 8.53pm.                                                                                                            Mrs. Sue Woodman – Parish Clerk


Action Log 11th September 2024




Date by


Barleycroft – Pridmore footpath: Monitor for repair




Swinstead Road Traffic: Request LCC Highways to move ‘New Road Layout’ sign to nearer new location of 30mpn on A151 near DWH development




Village pump: Arrange re-cementing

Cllr Lamming



Leaflet with map of village with street names:
Agree content
Send draft to clerk
Share draft with Cllrs

Cllr Lamming /
Cllr Shepperson




Consider a resident’s request to add the St John’s grass area to the grass cutting schedule:
Review when budget revised.
Community Group to undertake Gorilla Gardening in the Spring to remove weeds & level the ground.
Request a £500 ‘donation’ from Kier

Cllr Lamming

Clerk / Cllr Robins




Consider layout changes to Market Place parking:
Add to agenda for next meeting.




Tree Tags: Map trees & purchase new tags (budget £60)

Cllr Walsingham



Dog poo around the village:  Spray affected areas with dog poo spray

Cllr Shepperson



S106 Toddler Tower: Advertise old equipment for sale when delivery date for new tower close

Cllr Shepperson



Revised Dpi: Complete and email to clerk for forwarding to SKDC

Cllr Shepperson



War Memorial Valuation: Seek advice from SKDC Conservation officer.

Add combination padlock to gates in railing & circulate code


Cllr Ellam





Play Equipment: Clerk to determine from SKDC how the funds for maintenance will be paid.

CSR Roof: Receive completed application form & supporting documents & submit to SKDC

CSR Exterior Paintwork: Receive completed application form & supporting documents & submit to SKDC

Road Safety: Arrange purchase & installation of SIDs

Enquire whether a triangular ‘Children Crossing’ sign could be erected near the school

Items to be added to the list: Replacement defibrillator; Christmas Tree





Cllr Shepperson

Cllr Shepperson










Leaflet: Finalise content

Confirm Allison Homes agreement to cover printing cost.

Cllrs Shepperson & Lamming




Swinstead Road Stink: Represent the council and speak at planning meeting.

Forward MP’s letter to Cllrs Mardling & Lamming
Complete Questionnaire

Request MP to keep PC informed

Cllr Ellam



As nec




Playground: Forward copy of the inspector’s report to Cllr Harwood




Bench / dedication (Marsh): Communicate, with an example of a suitable bench, similar dedications & anticipated cost




30mph signs for Swinstead Road Request Charles Read School to cut back trees obscuring 30mph sign




Replacement options for the defibrillator: Add to S106 list




Irnham Estates Woodland Management Plan:  Thank Irnham Estates for the consultation




Consider including Cyber protection with the insurance: Consult LALC re potential risks and proportionate cover.




Consider registering to light the beacon May 2025 in remembrance of VE Day 80 year anniversary: Complete registration




Clean bird poo off benches: Clean bench near his house;
Clean bench near Tanner’s Lane triangle.

Cllr Evans
Cllr Shepperson



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