Parish Council Minutes|

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Draft Minutes of the meeting held on Tuesday Jan 14th 2025 at 7.30pm in the Willoughby Memorial Gallery, Corby Glen.

Present: Cllrs Walsingham (Chair), Baker, Green, Harty, Mardling & Shepperson

In attendance: 5 residents; Mrs. S. Woodman (Parish Clerk).

Open Forum:

Cllr Walsingham welcomed all attendees.

A resident raised issues relating to flooding near the Glen & on Tanners Lane, parking / driving vehicles on The Green, including potentially contractors working on a new development, speeding in the village and rubbish on a private property, all of which were discussed and noted.

Another resident raised the issue of rubbish bins, especially on the new estate/s. Cllr Green will follow up.

The chair explained that on certain issues, residents reporting issues should contact the organisations that are responsible.

Mindful of time constraints, another resident will email issues.

  1. Apologies for absence: Cllrs Ellam, Harwood & Waumsley. Reasons given & apologies accepted.
  2. District and County Councillors’ Reports: None received.
  3. The Draft Minutes of the meeting held on Dec 10th 2024 were approved unanimously.
  4. Councillors’ Declarations of Interest:
  5. Review of Action Log:

O/F: Cllr Baker has emailed re chevron signs. He is awaiting a response & will follow up.

24/07/04: Pre-school declined the offer of the slide. Cllr Harty will offer to others.

24/11/11: Memorial bench in place. Thanks received from donors.

24/12/02: Christmas arrangements to be added to the March agenda.

24/12/15: Cllr Mardling reported that BHF charge a fee for their course, but attendance provides an accreditation; Lincs Ambulance Service do not charge, but do not provide accreditation. Cllr Mardling to clarify content to ensure use of defib is covered and explore whether other residents would be interested.

  1. Clerk’s & Chairman’s reports on matters outstanding:

01 Neighbourhood Planning: The clerk shared the update from the working group with the meeting – posted on the web site.

02 S106 funds from new developments: The clerk summarised the position:

Applications have been submitted for a mower for the Bowls Club, SIDs for A151 & Swinstead Road & replacement swing uprights. There is still a balance in the DWH fund.

SKDC have declined the application for a mower for the Bowls Club as it is not “in accordance with the terms of the agreement”. Clerk to clarify.

03 Emergency Planning: No progress.

04 Leaflet with useful contacts etc: Draft with Chairman for review. To be forwarded to all cllrs.

05 Issues associated with the new housing estates – sewerage issues: Cllr Green reported on contacts with Anglian Water – another update is due shortly. See also Open Forum re waste bins. It was noted that 55 /66 Allison Homes properties were occupied.

06 Progress on tree tags: Deferred.

07 Trees: Deferred.

08 Purchase of 30mph signs – update: Ordered.

09 Consider opening an interest-bearing account for reserves: Clerk had looked at offerings from major banks. Nat West was the best offering so far. Clerk to discuss further with Cllr Green.

  1. Matters to be resolved:

10 Consider suitable recognition of past service: Cllr Baker had received a quote. It was agreed unanimously to accept the quote and to proceed.

11 Consider the condition of flags / replacement? Cllr Shepperson is obtaining quotes for flags which need replacing.

12 Agree Roles & Responsibilities: Cllrs reviewed the list and agreed future responsibilities. The Staffing Committee are to agree their Terms of Reference – LALC suggested TOR available.

13 Agree action re Parking on the Green

Residents’ concerns were discussed & noted. Cllr Walsingham will put up notices as agreed at previous meeting and investigate further. It was agreed unanimously to allocate the clerk a budget of £100 to investigate via the Land Registry.

14 Agree responsibility for Community Speed Watch (CSW): Cllr Mardling will liaise further with Mrs Lamming. It was noted that the new SIDs collecting data does not obviate the need for CSW as CSW can capture VRNs which enable the police to contact motorists direct, which SIDs cannot. Cllr Shepperson to present data from current SIDs at the next meeting.

15 Re-wilding: It was agreed unanimously that the grass area near the river bank on the Horsepool and an area at west of St John’s Drive should be marked off and left for growth. Cllr Walsingham was unanimously allocated a budget of £50 to purchase suitable marking posts.

16 Consider matters concerning social media: The council was in favour of an increased presence on social media and discussed how this might be best achieved. Cllr Green offered to lead on this, as steered by the full council. Cllr Shepperson to arrange for a CGPC Facebook identity. In the interests of transparency within the community, Cllr Mardling offered to discuss the use of their S106 funds with the Charles Read School.

17 Agree action regarding cementing of village pump: Deferred.

  1. Reports from:

Planning: to consider planning applications received prior to & after publication of the agenda:

S22/0731 Allison Homes / S21/1841 David Wilson Homes / S22/1808 Nott’m Housing Assoc’n)

S24/2076 Mr & Mrs Fowler – 26 Walsingham Drive – Replace garage with gym/home office: No comments.

S24/2119 Mr & Mrs Huxtable – 55 Pridmore Rd – Lawful development consultation re small extension. No comments.

S24/2193 Mr Tom Wire – The Sawmill – Station Rd – Retrospective change of use to work units:
The council welcomes more employment opportunities in the village but is mindful of the potential impact on local residents. Clerk to request an extension to allow full discussion at the next meeting.

Greens Working Group:

18 Playground Equipment Maintenance: No reported problems.

  1. Payments and Accounts

(i) Bank balances – monthly update approved unanimously as set out below.

(ii) Invoices for payment – Councillors resolved unanimously to approve payments as set out in schedule below.

Opening Bank balance from 1st December 2024


Income received on bank statement:
SKDC re S106 Toddler Tower


Invoices cleared on bank statement:
S. Woodman – clerk’s wages, including back pay
S. Woodman – clerk’s expenses
HMRC – clerk’s PAYE
CDPC – Community cleaner
MCS – Grass Cutting
M Sanderson – Web site maintenance
Cllr Ellam – Barleycroft Lights
Wicksteed – Toddler Tower
BHF re Christmas Expenses


Closing Bank Balance 31st December 2024


Payments to be authorised/cleared:
S. Woodman – clerk’s wages, including back pay
S. Woodman – clerk’s expenses
HMRC – clerk’s PAYE
CDPC – Community cleaner
M Sanderson – Web site maintenance
S Woodman – Christmas Expenses
LCC – 30mph signs


Estimated remaining NatWest bank balance
(excluding all Funds)




Phone Box Area Fund (NISA)
Donation received + VAT Refunds
Previous costs
New costs



  1. Matters to be further discussed at the meeting:

19 Consider whether to continue to subscribe to LALC / ATS Training Scheme: It was agreed unanimously to continue to subscribe to LALC & the ATS.

20 Consider location of Dawson brothers’ memorial tree: The Ron Dawson Hall Committee is happy for the tree to be planted on their land. Clerk to communicate to interested parties.

21 Consider new contract for grass maintenance – including area/s to be covered: It was agreed unanimously not to add more areas into the schedule. Current contractor + 2 to be asked to tender. Cllrs to email clerk with additional organisations to be contacted.

22 Agee process for obtaining / distributing sandbags: Availability to be publicised. A publicly accessible place for the location of sandbags is needed. All to consider.

23 Agree dates for future meetings after February: Agreed unanimously to revert to 2nd Wednesday at 7.30pm from March onwards, subject to agreement with Gallery curators.

24 Consider response to incidents and possible purchase of related equipment: Recent incident with lorry causing ruts on The Green & using blocks from nearby property. To be reported to Police as Road Traffic Accident. A budget of £100 was agreed unanimously for Cllr Shepperson to purchase 6 road cones & striped tape for use in future. Cllrs will meet to repair damage – see Action Log.

  1. Next meeting:

The next regular meeting will take place on Tuesday Feb 11th 2025 at 7.30pm in the Willoughby Gallery, Corby Glen.

Meeting closed at 9.13pm.                                                                                                            Mrs. Sue Woodman – Parish Clerk




Action Log 14th January 2024 – TO BE UPDATED PRIOR TO NEXT MEETING going forward.




Date by


Bend Signage: Investigate the possibility of chevrons / barriers

Cllr Baker



Footpaths to Swayfield Road: Query weed spraying / further action with Cllr Hill




Rubbish Bins (especially on new estate/s): Follow up emptying / dog poo issues; add to agenda for next meeting

Cllr Green



Village pump: Investigate and propose solution

Cllr Waumsley



Leaflet with map of village with street names:
Agree content
Send draft to clerk
Share draft with Cllrs




Tree Tags: Map trees & purchase new tags (budget £60)

Cllr Walsingham



Old Toddler tower: Offer slide to anyone interested.

Cllr Harty



Interest-bearing Account: Research options
Discuss further

Cllr Green & Clerk



Christmas Matters: Add to March agenda.




S106 Funds:
Funds general: Investigate newspaper article claims
Prepare a piece for the web site & bring to the next meeting

Clarify refusal of Bowls Club mower with SKDC

Cllr Waumsley
Cllrs Mardling & Shepperson




Emergency Planning: Investigate First Aid course – check that Lincs Ambulance course covers defib – explore interest outside cllrs

Cllr Mardling



Recognition for past service: Progress as agreed

Cllr Baker



Flags: Get quotes for replacements

Cllr Shepperson



Responsibilities: Agree Terms of Reference for Staffing Committee

Circulate revised Roles & Responsibilities list
Add Remembrance Day as an agenda item for September meeting

Cllrs Shepperson, Green & Harty


Sept 2025


Parking on the Green: Arrange for polite ‘No Parking’ notices;
Investigate further
Address concerns re potential for contractors working on the new development to park their vehicles on The Green
Investigate via Land Registry (budget £100)

Cllr Walsingham





CSW: Liaise with Mr Lamming; provide contact details for Facebook
Present data from SIDs at next meeting

Cllr Mardling
Cllr Shepperson



Location of Dawson brothers’ memorial tree: Communicate agreement for tree to be planted on RD Hall land to interested parties.




New contract for grass maintenance Request Contact current contractor for quote. Email clerk with additional organisations to be contacted.




Sandbags: Consider a publicly accessible place for the location of sandbags




Response to incidents and purchase of related equipment:
Report recent incident to police as RTA.

Purchase 6 road cones & striped tape (Budget £100)
Meet at Triangle Sunday Jan 19 to repair surface of The Green

Cllr Walsingham
Cllr Shepperson
All available



Planning – Sawmill Station Rd: Request an extension to allow full discussion at the next meeting.




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