Parish Council Minutes|

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Draft Minutes of the meeting held on Tuesday Dec 10th 2024 at 7.30pm in the Willoughby Memorial Gallery, Corby Glen.

Present: Cllrs Walsingham (Chair), Ellam, Harty, Harwood, Mardling & Waumsley. Subsequently, Cllrs Baker & Green

In attendance: 5 residents, two of which were subsequently co-opted as Cllrs, Mrs. S. Woodman (Parish Clerk).

Open Forum:

Welcome: Cllr Walsingham welcomed all attendees

A resident’s comments about the war memorial repair grant, the budget, and the absence of reference to the Neighbourhood plan in recent planning applications were noted.

A resident raised the issue of signage on bend/s on the A151. Cllr Baker will investigate.

Footpaths to Swayfield Road: LCC has sprayed the edges of the path with weed killer, but more action is needed. Clerk to follow up with Cllr Hill.

Christmas Lights: Residents commented favourably on the Christmas Lights. Comment was made about the use of social media and local press regarding this issue. Cllr Mardling thought the ‘real’ tree looked very pretty.

  1. Apologies for absence:
  2. District and County Councillors’ Reports:

The clerk read out email comments from Cllr Hill: He has requested that the footway on the A151 be cleared back as discussed last month; following his site visit, LCC Highways report that a solution has been agreed regarding the SIDs on the main road; the road safety partnership is investigating different 30mph signs for Swinstead Rd which would be more resilient.

Cllr Hill would like to thank the parish council past and present for the public service it performs which is appreciated.

  1. The Draft Minutes of the meetings held on Wed 9th October & Tuesday 19th November 2024 were approved unanimously.
  2. Councillors’ Declarations of Interest:
  3. Review of Action Log:
  4. Clerk’s & Chairman’s reports on matters outstanding:

01 Co-option of new councillor/s: It was agreed unanimously to co-opt Mr Baker & Ms Green, the 2 remaining candidates for the 2 vacancies, onto the council. They signed the ‘Acceptance of Office’, which was countersigned by the clerk, and were welcomed by the chairman.

02 Christmas matters – Confirm arrangements: It was agreed unanimously that the clerk would email details of previous arrangements to Cllrs for their comments / approval.

Road Closure signs will be given to Christmas Tree Fund Committee (CTF) before Christmas Eve.

Potential ‘barriers’ to protect Christmas tree / lights were discussed – Cllr Walsingham will discuss with Christmas Tree Fund Committee (CTF).

Cllr Shepperson & a resident will take down the Christmas Lights & store in No. 10.

It is hoped to meet members of the Sheep Fair Committee (SFC) & Christmas Tree Fund Committee (CTF) after Christmas to discuss 2025 arrangements.

03 Neighbourhood Planning: Update supplied post meeting. Cllr Walsingham and the chair of the NHP group had attended a constructive Design Code workshop on one date; Cllrs Ellam & Waumsley attended on another date.

04 S106 funds from new developments: Cllr Harwood summarised the position:

He clarified the newspaper article which outlined the money DWH have allocated to the village – the £110,000 quoted is actually paid out in 4 tranches, depending on occupancy. The council currently has access to c£29,000; the next tranche will not become available until 40% occupancy is reached – estimated to be towards the end of 2026.

The funds currently available would cover the projects agreed at the last meeting, namely the swing uprights, a new mower for the bowls club & the ‘Lest we Forget’ bench.

Councillors queried the other sums/recipients mentioned in a recent press article. Cllr Waumsley will investigate; Cllrs Shepperson & Mardling agreed to prepare a piece for the web site & bring to the next meeting.

A resident agreed to include a link to council minutes & agenda on the village Facebook page.

DWH (S21/1841):

  1. CSR Roof: Approval received from SKDC. CSR Committee notified.
  2. CSR Exterior Paintwork: Approval received from SKDC. CSR Committee notified.
  3. Road Safety: SIDs – sites agreed with LCC Highways & LRSP. Paperwork prepared. Cllr Shepperson to email to clerk.
  4. New uprights for swings: Quote received; comparative quotes being sought; application to be submitted.
    Clerk to investigate using funds remaining in the Allison Homes (Playground) allocation.

Allison Homes (S19/2235 – RDMH): Cllr Shepperson to provide clerk with information to submit application re SIDs for Swinstead Road.

The council agreed unanimously that all the above applications should be submitted when the supporting paperwork is available.

05 Emergency Planning: In the light of recent incidents, Cllr Mardling believes that Severe Weather should be included in the Emergency Plan. She will investigate compiling a list of residents who are happy to help out. Once finalised, the existence of the plan needs to be publicised.

The council thanked all residents who had helped out in clearing fallen trees & debris during and after the recent storm.

It was noted that grit bins are available for all to use during icy conditions.

06 Leaflet with useful contacts etc: As a minimum, the leaflet should contain a map of the village; and the parish council website details the location of defibrillators. Cllr Shepperson to submit a draft at the next meeting.

07 Issues associated with the new housing estates – sewerage issues: The clerk had sent letters /emails to interested parties requesting an update and, in the case of Anglian Water, where there is now a new contact, suggesting further investigation.

Although the smell has now abated, this may be because of chemical dosing (no further work has been undertaken), and it may return if dosing is discontinued. Ongoing costs / responsibility for this could be an issue. As the vast majority of Allison Homes are now occupied the ‘excuse’ that limited occupancy was a factor in causing the smell is no longer valid.

Cllr Ellam has complained to Allison Homes about their use of the public road as part of the building site and dangerously blocking the public highway for long periods with no traffic control or warning.

SKDC has no known date for the retrospective planning application for Allison Homes re drainage location.

08 Progress on tree tags: Deferred.

09 Trees: Deferred.

10 Request for a bench / dedication re Mr & Mrs M – update: The bench is now in situ. The council expressed its thanks to Cllrs Ellam & Waumsley and team. A photo will be sent to the donor. The bench which was moved could be re-purposed as a ‘Lest we Forget’ bench as it now faces the war memorial.

11 Purchase of 30mph signs – update: Metal signs (with picture of speed camera) cost £80 each; plastic ones cost £20 each. It was agreed unanimously that the clerk should purchase 10 signs from LRSP @ £20 each. These would be backed by plywood for added strength against vandalism and vehicle damage

12 Consider opening an interest-bearing account for reserves: Deferred.

  1. Matters to be resolved:

13 Consider suitable recognition of past service: Cllr Baker to investigate & report back.

14 Consider the condition of flags / replacement? Cllr Shepperson to prepare a proposal for the next meeting.

15 Agree Roles & Responsibilities: Cllrs were requested to review the list and consider which activities they could undertake.

The possibility of a first aid course, including the use of the defibrillator, was discussed. Cllr Mardling will investigate.

16 Agree action re Parking on the Green

It was agreed unanimously that polite notices should be posted in areas of concern.

17 Agree action re Barleycroft Footpath Lights: Cllr Ellam has switched one of the lights back on (it had been switched off) & replaced another. Monitoring to be added to Roles & Responsibilities.

18 Agree responsibility for Community Speed Watch (CSW): Cllr Mardling agreed to liaise with Mrs Lamming. Clllr Walsingham suggested that when residents contact the council or cllrs about speeding they are encouraged to join CSW.

19 Re-wilding: parts of grass cutting areas to be left for growth Revisit when Grass Cutting Contract discussed.

20 Consider matters concerning social media: The council is happy to accept a resident’s offer to put a link to the PC web site onto the village Facebook page. Cllr Mardling will provide the resident with details of a contact for CSW.

21 Agree clerk’s pay in line with agreed national pay scales: It was unanimously agreed to increase the clerk’s wages in line with national pay scales.

  1. Reports from:

Planning: to consider planning applications received prior to & after publication of the agenda:

S22/0731 Allison Homes / S21/1841 David Wilson Homes / S22/1808 Nott’m Housing Assoc’n)

S24/1848 Mr Y Boyfield – 14, High St – Extension (amendment): The amendment was to update plans in line with conservation officer’s comments. As before, it was agreed unanimously to raise no objection, subject to the work complying with conservation area criteria.

S24/1973 Mr J Gibbison – Land adjacent 29 The Green – Variation of condition (plans)

S24/2000 Mr J Gibbison – Land adjacent 29 The Green – Variation of condition (drainage, sustainability, materials). It was noted that the flood report takes no account of the effect of building on the flooding of the A151, which could be exacerbated by replacing agricultural land with a build environment.The council re-iterated its concern about contractors potentially parking on the Horsepool.

Greens Working Group:

17 Playground Equipment Maintenance: Replacement of swing uprights was raised by the inspection and is critical. See S106. Connectors need to be monitored. No other problems anticipated.

  1. Payments and Accounts

(i) Bank balances – monthly update approved unanimously as set out below.

(ii) Invoices for payment – Councillors resolved unanimously to approve payments as set out in schedule below.

Opening Bank balance from 1st November 2024


Income received on bank statement:
HMRC – VAT Refund
pp Mr Marsh – Donation re bench 


Invoices cleared on bank statement:
S. Woodman – clerk’s wages
S. Woodman – clerk’s expenses
HMRC – clerk’s PAYE
CDPC – Community cleaner
MCS – Grass Cutting
M Sanderson – Web site maintenance
Mrs Woodman stationery
Mrs Woodman – RBLI donation
J&P Metal Technologies (Christmas tree)
J Cook re Christmas Tree
CSR Room Hire (Ms Kearns Meeting)
LALC Training
Memorial Bench Plaque
Marmax – Memorial Bench


Closing Bank Balance 30th November 2024


Payments to be authorised/cleared:
S. Woodman – clerk’s wages, including back pay
S. Woodman – clerk’s expenses
HMRC – clerk’s PAYE
CDPC – Community cleaner
MCS – Grass Cutting
M Sanderson – Web site maintenance
Cllr Ellam – Barleycroft Lights


Estimated remaining NatWest bank balance
(excluding all Funds)




Phone Box Area Fund (NISA)
Donation received + VAT Refunds
Previous costs
New costs



  1. Matters to be further discussed at the meeting:

22 Agree action regarding cementing of village pump: Cllr Waumsley to investigate & consult the conservation officer if necessary.

  1. Next meeting:

The next regular meeting will take place on Tuesday January 14th 2025 at 7.30pm in the Willoughby Gallery, Corby Glen.

Meeting closed at 9.29pm.                                                                                                            Mrs. Sue Woodman – Parish Clerk


Action Log 10th December 2024 – TO BE UPDATED PRIOR TO NEXT MEETING going forward




Date by


Bend Signage: Investigate the possibility of chevrons / barriers

Cllr Baker



Footpaths to Swayfield Road: Query weed spraying / further action with Cllr Hill




Village pump: Investigate and propose solution

Cllr Waumsley



Leaflet with map of village with street names:
Agree content
Send draft to clerk
Share draft with Cllrs

Cllr Shepperson



Tree Tags: Map trees & purchase new tags (budget £60)

Cllr Walsingham



Old Toddler tower: Offer slide to Pre-school.

Cllr Harty



Leaflet: Finalise content

Cllr Shepperson



Memorial Bench: Send photo of memorial bench to donor




Interest-bearing Account: Research options




Christmas Matters: Clerk to email details of previous arrangements to cllrs for their comments / approval.

Discuss ‘barriers’ to protect Christmas tree / light

Take down the Christmas Lights


Cllr Walsingham
Cllr Shepperson



S106 Funds: DWH (S21/1841):
Road Safety: SIDs – Cllr Shepperson to email application paperwork to clerk
Submit application
New uprights for swings: Obtain comparative quotes;
Check use of Allison Homes funds
Prepare & submit application
Funds general: Investigate newspaper article claims
Prepare a piece for the web site & bring to the next meeting

Cllr Shepperson
Cllr Waumsley
Cllrs Mardling & Shepperson



Emergency Planning: Investigate list of useful contact to be included in plan
Post ‘Thanks to residents’ on web site

Cllr Mardling



Leaflet: Provide draft to next meeting

Cllr Shepperson



30mph signs: Purchase 10 signs (£200) from LRSP




Recognition for past service: Investigate options

Cllr Baker



Flags: Prepare a proposal for the next meeting

Cllr Shepperson



Responsibilities: Consider which activities you could take on
Investigate First Aid course
Add ‘Monitor Barleycroft footpath lights’ & re-issue

Cllr Mardling



Parking on the Green: Arrange for polite ‘No Parking’ notices

Cllr Walsingham



CSW: Liaise with Mr Lamming; provide contact details for Facebook

Cllr Mardling



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