Parish Council News|

The Smell continues to bother the residents of Corby Glen.

Since the last update a meeting on the 18th September 2024 arranged by Alicia Kearns, and attended by the 3 developers, the sewage pump installation contractor, Anglian Water and the Corby Glen Smell action group was held in Swinstead village hall.

The pump contractor stated that he thought the problem was caused by low usage and as a short-term measure he had installed chemical injection at the site of the David Wilson homes pumping station but suggested that when the 199 homes on the Pastures Place estate were occupied the increased flow would remove the problem. The Corby Glen Smell action group felt that this may not solve the problem and chemical injection would just mask the smell so unless Anglian water was undertaking to maintain the chemical injection this was not the permeant solution.

The pump contractor also stated that his telemetry logged the pump start and stop times and enabled remote start and stop actuation. The Corby Glen Smell action group requested that the start and stop times of all the developments be compared with the instances of smell reaching the village but the pump contractor said it was privileged information and up to the developers.

The Corby Glen Smell action group asked if the drains could be sealed as suggested previously by a long-term resident of Corby Glen. Anglian Water took this issue away to investigate the feasibility. An update of actions taken and progress made will be collected by Alicia Kearns a month from this meeting.

A second meeting also was arranged by Alicia Kearns on 4th October 2024. Between South Kesteven District Council and Corby Glen Parish Council. The draft minutes are shown below:

Organisation name

Meeting Minutes

Date of meeting

Alicia Kearns MP for Rutland and Stamford (Chair)

Heleana Ballard Assistant to Alicia Kearns

Councillor Ashley Baxter – Leader of the Council

Councillor Paul Stokes – Deputy Leader

Councillor Phil Dilks – Cabinet member for Planning.

Phil Jordan – Senior Planning Manager

Tom Amblin Lightowler – Environmental Health Manager.

Councillor Tracy lamming,

Councillor James Walsingham

Councillor Sally Mardling

Councillor Kelly Hart

Councillor Richard Harwood

Local Resident Mike Waumsley

Councillor John Ellam



The was around the table introduction given by each of the attendees



To ask SKDC for assistance with combating the smell of sewage that has been experienced in Corby Glen since the occupation of the new developments in summer 2023


CGPC stated that it was disappointed that SKDC had not got involved with the problem in Corby Glen as the development was approved by SKDC.

SKDC stated that they were unaware of any problem until very recently and only one official complaint was received.

CGPC enquired why the developers had been allowed to deviate from their original sewage system design which was fully engineered and change to what appeared to be a cheaper less well documented solution

SKDC planning responded that was a matter between the developers and Anglian Water (the local water authority). Anglian water had granted permission for NCHA (Nottingham Community Housing Association) and Alison Homes to connect their redesigned systems to the water main. But SKDC were currently holding planning application S24/1296 the rerouting of Alison Homes sewage from Barn Owl Close to Swinstead road while the smell issue is ongoing.

SKDC environmental explained that until Anglian Water adopted the sewage systems installed by the developers it was not a matter for the water ombudsman OFWAT. Tom Amblin Lightowler suggested that if the smell was getting into houses, gardens and businesses he would be able to serve an abatement notice on the developers.



CGPC to give a list of properties affected by the smell and times when the smell is being experienced.

SKDC to confirm the issue and when appropriate serve the developers with abatement notices

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