Parish Council News|

The following update has been supplied to Corby Glen Parish Council by Alisia Kearns .

Good afternoon,

I write with a further update. As per my last email, Data Loggers were installed in strategic (separate) manholes on the public sewer system between 10/09/24 and 19/09/24 where the David Wilson Homes and Allison Homes eventually discharge to, including the Nottingham Community Housing Association (NCHA) site. The loggers have provided very useful data which as I updated you before, proved that hydrogen sulphide spikes were taking place hence why you have been suffering from awful smells.

Chemical Dosing Units have now been installed at both David Wilson Homes and Allison Homes systems, one earlier and the second yesterday, 20th November. We are hopeful this will prevent septicity occurring further at discharge manholes. To monitor the impact, there will be further monitoring by Anglian Water in the coming weeks. 

In slightly more detail for each of the areas and developers:

The David Wilson Homes site is now being chemically dosed on a daily basis and monitored for chemical replenishment. 
Moving on to the Allison Homes site, the lower occupancy continues to cause issues with the sewage retention periods which should not exceed six hours, this is mainly affecting the early mornings in terms of spikes of hydrogen sulphide. However, as of Wednesday this site now also has a chemical dosing unit and I am awaiting further details following its installation but we should see similar improvements. Monitoring will of course take place to assess the impact of the dosing unit.
On to the NCHA site. There is monitoring taking place of the pumping frequency, and more work will take place this week to complete some additional remedial and servicing works to check the ongoing performance. As you can imagine, the extended period of time where regular servicing and monitoring was not taking place due to MODUS going into administration had a lasting impact. 

The next step is for odour loggers once again to be installed (they have a limited lifetime) and then to assess the impact of this work. There are a few outstanding commitments from different partners which I am chasing updates on, but I hope this is a helpful update.

Alicia Kearns MP
Member of Parliament for Rutland and Stamford

The Corby Glen Parish Council Smell team would like to thank Alicia for her continued focus on this issue.

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