Parish Council News, Village News|



Thank you for contacting us regarding the recent discussions surrounding the Christmas tree in Corby Glen’s marketplace. We appreciate the opportunity to address the community’s concerns and provide clarity on this matter.

Firstly, we recognise that the Christmas tree has long been a cherished part of our village’s festive tradition, and we deeply value the input and sentiments of our residents. This year, the decision to move away from a traditional tree was driven by practical challenges. In previous years, the tree’s installation relied on the support of a dedicated volunteer who supplied and operated the telehandler. As this support is no longer available, the Parish Council agreed to explore options that didn’t require mechanical equipment.

Residents may also recall that last year the traditional tree was unlit on Christmas Eve due to damage caused by Storm Gerrit. To prevent a similar situation and ensure a bright, festive display for the village, the Parish Council invested in new lights, which accounted for the largest portion of the project cost.

The decision to move away from a traditional tree was made following discussions at Parish Council meetings, where the Christmas tree was a recurring agenda item for several months. Residents had opportunities to comment and share their views during these meetings. The idea for the new display originated from a suggestion made by a resident during an open forum, in which they presented drawings of a metal tree. This led to further discussions at subsequent public meetings, which are open to all.

Regarding the term “metal monstrosity,” we are unsure where this description has originated. The new display consists of illuminated string lights, with the only metal components being the star and a plate to support the lights. If there are specific concerns or misunderstandings about the design, we would be happy to provide additional clarification or details.

We would also like to emphasise that the Parish Council is composed entirely of unpaid volunteers who work tirelessly to serve the village. Every decision we make is guided by what we believe to be in the best interests of the community, and we strive to balance tradition with practicality and available resources. We acknowledge that we may not always get it right, and some decisions may not fully align with everyone’s expectations. When this happens, we value constructive feedback from residents, as it helps us reflect and refine our approach moving forward.

We understand the strong advocacy expressed by many residents for reinstating a traditional tree. We are carefully reviewing the feedback shared, including the results of the poll, and will discuss the matter further at the upcoming Parish Council meeting. We warmly invite village residents to attend our next meeting on Tuesday, 10th December at 19:30, where this and other village matters will be discussed.

Thank you once again for bringing these concerns to our attention. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you require further information.

Chair on behalf on Corby Glen Parish Council

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